1 Corinthians 3 - The Danger of Destroying God's Church
I. Pursue Unity
II. Preaching Christ Crucified.
II. Protection Against Deception 3:1-23
A. Proper Understanding of God’s Field (3:1-9)
B. Proper Understanding of God’s Building. (3:9-15)
C. Proper Understanding of God’s Temple. (3:16-23)
The Spirit is God as he dwells in his church. The words are sometimes applied to the individual believer, but the thought is rather that the whole community of believers is God’s shrine. Temple is singular, but you is plural; the reference is to the church (the individual is also God’s temple, as we see from 6:19, but that is not the thought here)
Here Paul adds a very serious threat that should strongly motivate us to guard against disrupting the church with our scandals and disputes. If anyone, in his wickedness, were to harm violently the palace of a great prince or emperor, he would be punished with the severest of punishments. In a similar fashion, know that God will punish most severely those who profane the most holy temple of the eternal God. Human beings can only kill the body; they cannot kill the soul. But God, when he has decided to damn a human being, hurls both body and soul into the eternal fire. This most serious punishment of all should motivate all pious people not to disturb the church. EXPLICATION OF 1 CORINTHIANS 3:17.