Victory through Prayer # 6
We’re going to pick up where we left off last time in teaching on the subject of VICTORY THROUGH PRAYER. Last time we ended on the subject of effective prayer. And as we said last time, we just can’t pray anyway we want to and see results.
I) The Word of God has given us some very explicit rules for prayer and I just want touch on a couple of them. The 1ST RULE for having a victorious prayer life is to KNOW WHAT YOU WANT from the Lord. You have to have a certain amount of decisiveness in your prayers.
A) James said in (James 1:6-8) “But let him ask in faith, NOTHING WAVERING. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. (7) For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. (8) A double minded man {is} unstable in all his ways.”
1) You can’t be asking in faith by wavering or unsure what you want.
2) We have to be specific as possible without putting limitations on God or the Will of God.
B) The 2ND POINT that we brought out on the subject of prayer is that “You need to FIND SCRIPTURES that PROMISE the ANSWER.”
1) In (JOSHUA 1:8) it says; “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
a) The only way that you’re going to have good success in your prayer life is to fine a scripture that promises the answer.
(i) But not only do you have to find it in the Bible but that scripture also has to be found in your heart.
2) Turn with me to MARK 11:23.
a) In the middle of this verse it says, “And shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe.”
(i) True faith is not believing with your head, but believing with your heart.
b) The “HEART” refers to the “Spirit of man.” Peter refers to the human spirit as “The hidden man of the heart.”
(i) How do we get faith in our heart? (Romans 10:17) says, “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”
(ii) Strong faith doesn’t come by just hearing the Word once. It comes by continuously hearing the Word of God and meditating on God’s Word.
c) Joshua said when you’re meditating on God’s Word (which produces faith in the heart) it will produce good success in all that you to.
(i) When you find, a scripture that promises the answer to your need and you meditate on it, you’re prayers are going to have good success.
(ii) WHY? Because faith is in your heart and your prayers are based on the Word of God.
3) (PRO 4:20-22) Says, “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. (21) Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. (22) For they {are} life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.”
a) Keep the promises of God’s Word in your heart and meditate on them.
II) For us to have the type of success in our prayer life we need to BELIEVE THAT WE RECEIVE.
A) MARK 11:24.
1) The Amplified translation says, “When you pray, trust and be confident that it is granted you, and you’ll get it.”
a) The NIV translation says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED IT, and it will be yours.”
2) You have to believe you have it before you get it.
B) Let me just touch on one thing before we go on.
1) Many people have the idea that TRUTH AND REALITY pertains to things they can SEE with their physical eye, or TOUCH with their hands.
a) But we can’t see the things of the Spirit.
b) (2nd Corinthians 4:18) says, “For the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
(i) The things that are of the Spirit are eternal and will last forever.
2) In (EPH 1:3) it says, “Blessed {be} the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly {places} in Christ.”
a) Many times people have the idea that if they can’t see it or feel it, it doesn’t exist or it’s not true.
3) That’s walking by SENSE KNOWLEDGE: not believing until you see it.
a) What that really is, is being led by your senses.
C) In (JOHN chapter 20) the resurrected Jesus appeared to the disciples but Thomas was not there with them.
1) When the other disciples told him “We have seen the Lord,” Thomas said, “Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
a) But eight days later Jesus again appeared to the disciples but this time Thomas was with them.
2) Jesus said to Thomas “Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”
D) True faith is based on God’s Word and not what can be SEEN, FELT or TOUCH.
1) (2nd Corinthians 5:7) says “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
a) We are not to be ruled by what our senses tell us, but by the Word of God.
III) Back in (MARK 11:23) where Jesus said, “Shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe.”
A) In that portion of scripture Jesus is saying, “Don’t doubt,” or you could say, “refuse to let yourself doubt.”
1) He says, “Shall not doubt in his heart.” How does DOUBT get into your HEART?
a) It starts by DOUBTING in your HEAD.
B) (James 4:7) Says, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
1) Really, doubt is of the Devil.
a) “DOUBT” is FAITH IN THE DEVIL that he will bring about the worst and you can resist anything that is from the Devil and it has to flee.
C) A very important part of faith and prayer is to “Give God PRAISE “
1) Philippians 4:6
a) The words, “Be careful for nothing” means don’t worry.
b) That goes along with what we were just talking about.
2) Worry is really doubt. Paul’s telling us not to worry or doubt.
D) Then he says, “But in every thing by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God.”
1) Notice that He’s saying; “With thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” (KJV)
a) When you’re making a request from God, do it with thanksgiving.
b) Thank Him for the answer before you even see it.
(i) Don’t wait until you have it.
(ii) Thank Him and Praise him when you’re asking Him.
IV) Turn with me to Romans 4:20.
A) In this story here, Abraham was promised a son when he was a hundred years old but Abraham did not stagger or waiver at God’s promise.
1) He stayed strong in faith believing that if God said it, it was his.
2) But look at what Paul said about Abraham at the end of verse 20, “Giving glory to God.”
a) The word “GLORY” refers to “PRAISE.”
B) Abraham gave GLORY OR PRAISE to God for his son before Sarah ever conceived.
1) Giving God praise THAT HE HAS ALREADY GIVEN YOU THE ANSWER BEFORE YOU SEE IT is one of the highest forms of faith and one of the highest forms of prayer.
C) Do you remember when Paul and Silas were thrown into prison?
1) They began to praise God that the already had the answer and that God has set them free when they were thrown into the deepest darkest dungeons.
a) There is power in praise. All of a sudden God began to shake the place. Their chains fell on and the prison doors opened wide.
b) Praise is going to set you free from any area that the Devil has you TRAPPED OR IN PRISON. Praise will set you free from BONDAGE AND THE ATTACKS of the enemy.
2) There is great power in FAITH. There is great power in PRAYER and PRAISE is the highest form of prayer.
D) When you’re going through a battle put on that garment of praise, it will bring you through those heavy times and it will bring you into victory.
January 7, 1990 TFC & WOLCC 5/24/92 and Sunday, “Prevailing Prayer to Peace” by Kenneth E. Hagin, pages 11–16 discernment was taken mostly from prayer#2.doc with some changes. Sunday, August 16, 1998 some of this message is from prayer#2.doc, but much of it has been changed.