Today we're going to continue on t subject of t VISION OF T CHURCH. Part of that vision is COMMITMENT to t Tabernacle Family Church. A COMMITMENT is a pledge or promise to do something. To COMMIT to do something means to do or practice something & it will become a continuous habit. PSA 37:5_
I don't have any doubt that God wants us committed to a church. I'm not saying that we have to give our lives to this local church, But what I am saying is that we have to give our lives to t Lord Jesus Christ & live for Him. We should commit to Him & to t things that He wants us to do!
DEUT 11:22‑23 In this V He says to, "diligently walk & cleave to His WAYS." Then we'll be blessed. That sounds like commitment to me.
DEUT 19:9 (T word "ever" means "always") Again that's commitment. There are many scriptures that say t same thing, we don't need to go over each of them.
There are 5 areas that we ask t people of t Tabernacle Family Church to be committed to; PRAYER, ATTENDANCE, INVOLVEMENT, FINANCES, & WITNESSING.
I. 1st of all PRAYER!
A. I'm not just talking about your own prayer life.
1. But make a commitment to pray for t church that t Lord has put in.
2. T church needs your prayers. ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ (nothing is going to happen unless someone prays)
B. Now what are t things that we need to pray for?
a. PSA 32:8 God said that He will INSTRUCT, TEACH, & GUIDE, but we need someone to ask.
b. (Pro 3:5‑6) Says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (6) In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
a. JAM 1:5
a. HEB 13:17‑18_
b. You need to pray for all t leaders in t church.
i. From t Pastor to Nursery workers. Everywhere
4. Pray for t people of t Tabernacle Family Church.
a. JAMES 5:16
II. So t 1st area of commitment is prayer for t Church, t 2nd is ATTENDANCE.
A. HEB 10:25
1. That doesn't just mean going to church once every few months.
a. To me that's forsaking the assembly.
b. How did they do it in t Bible?
2. ACTS 2:46
a. They were coming to church daily. Every day coming together to get fed on t God's Word, every day coming together to worship God, Every day coming together to pray.
b. Why do we have 3 services a weak?
c. Is a person out of God's will if they don't go to church?
i. Most definitely yes.
III. So far I am asking you & I know that t Lord is asking t same thing, for you to be committed to PRAYER, ATTENDANCE & INVOLVEMENT._
A. EPH 4:11‑12
1. T word "work" here means, "(to work); toil (as an effort) by implication, an act: ‑deed, doing, labour, work".
a. All of us need to be involved in some area. Every single one of us.
b. What have you committed to do for t Lord?
c. I have t hardest time w/ people who just want a free ride. (never having to do anything.)
i. But 1/2 of t Christians in t Body of Christ are looking for just that, a FREE RIDE.
2. JAMES 1:22‑25
a. T Lord has given us all something to do & some of us He's given us many things to do.
b. Just coming to church does not count as doing something.
c. If a person doesn't keep going on w/ t Lord they're backsliding.
d. I've heard people say, "I'm not going to church tonight, I'm going to stay home & watch T.V.
i. That's an offence to t Lord.
A. 2CO 9:6‑7_
1. It takes FINANCES to preach t Gospel.
2. T reason why we give is not only is it for t Gospel sake, it also for our sake & your brothers sake.
B. JOSH 7:1 "Accursed", means "Dedicated thing, devoted (thing)".
1. Achan took one of t things that was to go to God.
2. V. 2‑14, 20‑26_
a. Thank God we're under Grace now, we're not going to stone anyone.
b. But just because we're under Grace doesn't mean that we can disobey God.
A. ACT 1:8
1. Just by living a Godly life you will be a witness for t Lord Jesus Christ.
2. But there's even more than that, you need to go out & witness, tell people about Jesus.
B. MAT 28:19‑20
1. (Mark 16:15‑18) says, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (16) He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. (17) And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; (18) They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
2. We've been given t great commission, to preach Gospel to every creature.
CONCLUSION: Sure I'm asking you to commit to these things, but what is really important is that t Lord is asking you to commit to PRAYING for t CHURCH, ATTENDANCE w/ t CHURCH, INVOLVEMENT in t CHURCH , YOUR FINANCES to t CHURCH, & WITNESSING for t LORD.
JUNE 2, 1990