Be Kind to One Another

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Be kind to one another.

Let’s review our theme verse for our series. Read it with me.
Romans 12:10 CSB
10 Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters. Outdo one another in showing honor.
We are in part three of a series on the “one another” sayings in the Scriptures. We are examining how we should be relating to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. The first week, we looked at Romans 12:10 and how we should love one another. Last week, we looked at Romans 15:14 and how we should be able to instruct one another. We should be competent to guide each other in the ways of the Lord. We should be known for having the goodness of Jesus pouring out of our lives.
Open your Bible to Ephesians 4:32.
Ephesians 4:32 CSB
32 And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.

Be kind to one another.

Jeff Bezos, the CEO of, was ten years old when he saw a commercial stating that every puff a smoker took on a cigarette shortened his or her life by two minutes. He was quite a math whiz, so he began adding up how many minutes a long-time smoker like his grandmother had lost to cigarettes. To his surprise, Jeff’s grandmother began to cry when he announced that she had lost sixteen years of her life to smoking. His grandfather took him aside for a talking to. To Jeff’s surprise, his grandfather was not angry, nor did he attempt to punish him. He simply said, “You’ll learn one day that it is much harder to be kind than to be clever.”
Kindness is hard to define. It tends to be one of those things you just know when you see it. The Greek and Hebrew languages have the same problem. Kindness tends to be a relational word and points toward our treatment of others who have less than we do. In other words, kindness tends to work from the higher toward the lower. I deal in kindness with my children. I deal in kindness towards the homeless. I deal in kindness with the weak and sick. We might summarize the concept of kindness by saying:

Kindness is a sincere desire for the well-being of others when they don’t deserve it.

“The Greeks defined this quality as the attitude of mind which thinks as much of its neighbor’s affairs as it does of its own. Kindness has learned the secret of looking outwards all the time, and not inwards.”
There is a difference between being kind and being nice. Nice is smiling at people and being warm and friendly. Kindness is caring for people and expecting nothing in return. Kindness is being inclined toward people who are undeserving. Kindness is seeing the needs of others and taking steps to meet those needs regardless of who they are or if they can or will do anything in return.
In Ephesians 4:32, the word kindness is chrestos.

χρηστος - (chrestos) useful, worthy, good, kind

Paul is using a play on words in the Greek language. We miss it in the translation. Paul is saying to be kind you should be like Christ. Christ is christos in the Greek.

Χριστός (Christos) χρηστος - (chrestos)

We might say it like this:

Be kind like Christ.

There is a time this word was used by Jesus.
Matthew 11:29–30 CSB
29 Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Here the word chrestos is translated “easy”, but it is a poor translation of what Jesus is saying. Jesus is saying his way of doing things is good. He is kind. His way is like wheels on a car. It is not a burden. It helps the way go forward. Someone once said, “Christ’s yoke is like feathers to a bird; not loads, but helps to motion.”
Be kind like Christ. Jesus helped those who wanted his help. Jesus taught those who would listen to his teachings. Jesus guided those who would obey his counsel. Jesus healed those who had faith in him. Jesus is kind. Jesus brings rest. We should be kind like Jesus is kind. We will talk more about what this might look like later in the message. For now, understand that kindness is rooted in the character of God.

Kindness is rooted in the character of God. (Luke 6:35)

Luke 6:35 CSB
35 But love your enemies, do what is good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High. For he is gracious to the ungrateful and evil.
God is kind to the undeserving. Perhaps you are only truly kind when you act without expecting to get anything back. If you expect a return on your deeds, then perhaps you are not being kind. You are still thinking about you, but when you serve those who can’t possibly do anything for you, perhaps that is genuine kindness.
God is always kind because God doesn’t need anything from us. He didn’t need to save us. Yet, in his love and kindness, he expressed his kindness through Jesus.
Titus 3:4–5 CSB
4 But when the kindness of God our Savior and his love for mankind appeared, 5 he saved us—not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy—through the washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
We couldn’t do anything. He did it all. It is only because of God’s kindness, his mercy and grace, anyone is saved. He regenerates us. He did everything for us. It was his kindness and love that moved him to action. God’s kindness stands in stark contrast to man’s depravity and sinfulness. It is kindness because we didn’t deserve it.
Likewise, we are to be kind because people don’t deserve it. God is kind to everyone and if we are going to become Christ-like, then we must be kind to everyone as well. It starts in the family, so to speak. It starts with being kind to one another. If we can’t be kind to other brothers and sisters in Christ, we will not be kind to those outside of the faith.

Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22–23 CSB
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things.
Kindness is the inner disposition, created by the Holy Spirit, that causes us to be sensitive to the needs of others, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Naturally, we are more concerned about our selves. We have our own problems. We have our own plans. We tend to be self-centered. Kindness is others-centered. Kindness looks out for the well-being of others, especially those of the household of faith.

Kindness is love in practical action.

I don’t think I need to tell any of you this, but the days are getting more evil and they are getting harder. We have a responsibility to care for one another in kindness. We have a responsibility to meet the needs of other brothers and sisters in Christ. We should be a blessing and never burden the family of God with unnecessary conflict or strife. These are days for we as believers to express our bond of unity in Spirit through being kind to one another. If need be, repent of pride and selfishness. Put on humility, love, and kindness.
Some of you are going to have needs in the future. It is going to be hard to be honest about your situation. Don’t allow your pride to prevent you from allowing other brothers and sisters to minister to you. One of the ministries of our deacons is to assess and care for the needs people have within the church. This is what the early church did and we follow their model. Kindness is love in practical action.

Kindness is giving one another the benefit of the doubt.

Ephesians 4:2 CSB
2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,
Paul said to bear with one another. We don’t assume the worst about our brothers and sisters. We think the best about them. If we don’t see someone, we don’t assume they don’t care about the things of God. We call them and check up on them. Maybe something is going on that we know nothing about. Don’t be judgmental. Be kind to one another.

Kindness is being generous with one another.

Acts 4:34–35 CSB
34 For there was not a needy person among them because all those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the proceeds of what was sold, 35 and laid them at the apostles’ feet. This was then distributed to each person as any had need.
This was not socialism or communism. This was not a top down system of controlling the means of production. This was voluntarily desiring to meet the needs of others. This is being kind to one another. The apostles didn’t tax people to get them to give. They wanted to give because they didn’t want any brother or sister to be without. The sharing of property was not legislated or commanded by leadership. They didn’t renounce the concept of private ownership. Rather, they recognized that all they had came from God. They were generous with one another. They were kind to one another.

Kindness is humbly serving one another.

Romans 12:3 CSB
3 For by the grace given to me, I tell everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he should think. Instead, think sensibly, as God has distributed a measure of faith to each one.
Paul spoke often about using our spiritual gifts to benefit the whole body. He emphasized that every brother and sister, no matter what their gifting, is essential to the Body of Christ. No member of the Body of Christ can say to another part, “I have no need of you.” We need each other. We should be humbly serving one another, just as Jesus humbled himself to serve us. He modeled for us the mindset of a servant. Literally, he washed the feet of his disciples. If the Son of God lowered himself to the role of a servant, how much more should we humble ourselves to serve one another?
We need to remember that kindness is gospel centered.

Kindness is gospel-centeredness.

To be unkind to one another is to deny the power of the gospel in our lives.
1 John 2:10–11 CSB
10 The one who loves his brother or sister remains in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. 11 But the one who hates his brother or sister is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and doesn’t know where he’s going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
The gospel of Jesus Christ always accompanies life-change. When we are born into the family of God, the Holy Spirit indwells us and unites us to one another. If we aren’t being kind to those within the family of God, then perhaps, God is not our Father. Perhaps you are still in darkness, walking in the darkness, and blind to the reality of our situation.
Are you being kind to other brothers and sisters in Christ? Are you looking for opportunities to serve one another? Are you humbling yourself? Are you bearing with one another?
One of the challenges we face in these days of physical distancing is allowing ourselves to grow apart from one another. We must work to maintain the unity we have in Christ. One of the ways we maintain our unity is through acts of kindness to one another.
Here is the awesome thing. I am hearing the stories and seeing people taking actions to express kindness to one another within our church family. Meals are being delivered. Phone calls are being made. People are reaching out to those in need. People are calling me asking for people to contact. Do this all the more. Keep it up. Don’t grow weary in well-doing.
Let me tell you a personal story. A couple of weeks ago, Karen’s mom fell and broke a vertebrae in her back as well as some ribs. Our church family expressed so much kindness to me and my family. Flowers were sent. We were given gift baskets for the children. Meals were provided. One church family even had pizza delivered to our family in College Station. When you see the Body of Christ in action, it is truly a remarkable and beautiful thing. It is the way it is supposed to be. Keep on being kind to one another. Let your love for one another shine. I believe this is where the blessing of God resides.
If you have a story of kindness you would like to share to inspire others, please email it to me.
We will post them during the week for others to read and see the body of Christ in action.
Before we close in prayer, I believe there are people listening and you know what the problem is in your life. You are not in a relationship with God. Let me tell you about who God is and the problem that we have. Our problem is our sin nature. We sin. We rebel against God’s ways. We do wrong things. Our sin separates us from God. This is amazing. God loved the world and he didn’t want us to remain dead in our sins. Sin leads to death. God doesn’t want anyone to die because he wants to be with us. The good news is that Jesus, who is God, came to earth and took on flesh. The Bible says that Jesus’ name would be Emmanuel, meaning God with us. Jesus who is perfect in every way because the sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus died in our place and rose from the grave. The Bible says that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. The Lord is Jesus. Anyone who calls on Jesus’ name will be saved. You will be forgiven of your sins and you will be transformed.
I believe there are people listening who need Jesus. You can’t work your way to him. You can’t be religious enough for him. You receive the free gift of eternal life through the grace of Jesus Christ. You call on his name and when you do, he will hear your prayer, forgive your sin, and make you clean. Your old life will be gone and you new life will begin. Come to Jesus.
Pray with me, “Heavenly Father, forgive me for my sins, make me clean. I ask Jesus to be my Savior and to be the Lord of my life, first in every way. My life is not my own, I give it to you. Thank you for new life. In Jesus’ name, I pray.”
If you just prayed that prayer for the first time, please contact me. You can contact us through the live chat on the side or you can email me. We want to help you grow and understand the decision you have made to follow Jesus.

Dr. Benjamin Karner -

Pastor Felipe Arias -

Also, if you need prayer or have another need, please contact me. We are praying for you and want to do our very best to stay connected with you, even during this time of physical separation.
Father God, work in our hearts and lives. Draw people to yourself. Put opportunities in front of us to demonstrate love and kindness to one another. We are undeserving of your grace and kindness, yet in great love, you reach down to us. You are kind. You are good. Thank you for blessing us. Protect us and grant us peace. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
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