Do Not Be Deceived
Turn to Matt. 24 - just an intro this morning. I pulled out a sermon from Aug 2018. I normally do not repeat sermons, but I believe this one needs repeated. I adjusted a few things - but I think this is very timely. When I first shared this sermon, I was greatly concerned about the political and cultural climate of our country. I was concerned about the increase of anti-Christian and anti-Jewish sentiment, policies, laws etc. In less than two years, that concern has grown. The number of people in our government and citizens in general who openly dislike and hate Christians and Jews has increased exponentially. There is a rise in blatant discrimination, mockery, blasphemy, lawsuits and protests against Christians. It is open season on God’s people.
I could give you a massive list, but you can do your own research - here’s a recent example. Samaritan’s Purse, an International Crisis Response organization headed by Franklin Graham, has helped thousands of people in crisis around the world for over 50 years. When there is a war, a famine, a catastrophe, a disease - Samaritan’s Purse has been there to provide relief and help for all people, regardless of religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation - whatever it might be. When it comes to providing aid, they do not discriminate. But recently, there was a protest against Samaritan’s Purse in New York. Why? Samaritan’s Purse joined forces with a hospital in New York city to provide a makeshift hospital and assistance to battle the virus, but anti-Christians did not want them there. Even though Samaritan’s Purse was there to offer much needed assistance, this group said we do not want your help because you are Christian. Again, that’s just one example of countless cases of discrimination and animosity toward Christianity.
With this increase of hatred coupled with this global pandemic, there’s a question floating around - is this the end of the world as we know it. Don’t know. But, I do know what Jesus said in Matthew 24. Jesus was talking to His disciples about the End Times, the time before His return. He said you’ll hear about wars, famines, disasters - but these are birth pains. In verse
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake.
It’s interesting in End Times discussion - people often look for signs like the mark of the beast, the anti-Christ etc. A lot of that is ambiguous, but there is nothing ambiguous about what Jesus said here regarding hatred of His people. The surest sign that the End is near is a mass hatred toward Christians. Not talking about ignoring or discounting Christianity - talking about hatred - enough to kill and destroy. When people start protesting organizations like Samaritan’s Purse or when people want to destroy Christian businesses and take away a person’s livelihood and bring them to ruin … we have a problem.
Am I saying we’re in final stages of the End Times? I can neither confirm nor deny. Personal opinion - we’re entering a new phase of birth pains …. Even so, there are two things I think we should keep in mind when it comes to the End Times. I believe these are imperatives.
1) The Bible says very little about the End Times.
The main theme in Scripture from beginning to end is the redemption of humanity. So, when we look at what we call apocalyptic literature in Scripture (Biblical literature that deals specifically with Christ’s return), it makes up just a small fraction of the Bible. It’s not as much about the oohs and ahs of the mysteries as it is about redemption and justice. God’s people will be saved and justice will be served.
So, we should not inflate the End Times to be bigger than what God intended, but we should not ignore it either. We are exhorted to be aware of the seasons, to keep watch, to be like the men of Issachar in
Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and all their kinsmen under their command.
Likewise, we should know the times and we should know how to live in them. However, don’t get so caught up that you forget about the main theme - redemption and justice.
The second thing to keep in mind is this: 2) The Bible says much about deception - especially as the End approaches . Says little about the End, but says a lot about deception.
I’m going to give you two statements, and you put them in order of importance. Both are important, but which is most important?
Knowing times, and dates and signs of Christ’s return. Or,
Knowing the truth of who Jesus Christ is and remaining steadfast to that truth.
See, we can know all about the End without knowing Christ, and consequently miss eternal life. The opposite is true, we can know His truth, we can know Christ without knowing all about the End. Again, which is more important? I think the Bible is clear - knowing Christ, and His truth is paramount. I will argue that even though we have apocalyptic literature for a reason, and it gives us events and signs to look for, God’s primary concern is that we know His truth, that we know Him personally, that we resist deception and endure the persecution that is about to come.
Let’s look at Matthew 24 for a moment and pick it back up next week in greater detail. In Matthew 24, Jesus and His disciples are in Jerusalem for Passover. This is about three before His crucifixion.
Jesus left the temple and was going away, when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple.
But he answered them, “You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”
As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
This is important – the disciples wanted information (even asked after Jesus resurrection). They wanted knowledge about future events – a lot of us are the same way. The End is intriguing, fascinating and we want to solve the mysteries. Is Bill Gates really the anti-Christ? If we could just know all the secrets – decipher all the mysteries to the End Times ….
But notice how Jesus responded. Verse 4 -
And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray.
For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.
Jesus’ main concern is that His followers through all generations would not succumb to deception.
We’re going to get into all that later, but for now, and especially in light of our current situation, I want us to think about this. Many of us have the tendency and the arrogance to think we are beyond being deceived. We’re too smart. We’re too advanced. We go to church. We’re Christian. We’re safe. Nothing to worry about. That is arrogant and foolish, and it ignores the warnings of God in His written Word. Think about it. Yahweh warned Adam and Eve, yet they were deceived. Then Yahweh told Moses to warn Israel - do not be deceived. Then God raised up judges and prophets to warn Israel, do not be deceived. Then Jesus told His disciples - do not be deceived. Then the apostles told the churches - do not be deceived.
Look, deception is possible - to think otherwise is arrogant and foolish. That’s why God over and over again tells His people to watch out, pay attention, be alert, know the truth and hold steadfast to the truth.
As we close for today, here’s something to think about this week - as far as I know, there are only two ways to avoid being deceived: 1) to know the Truth and 2) to hold on for dear life to the Truth.
So, here’s the question - how well do you and I know God’s truth?
If you do not know Christ, you need Him …