A Timeline of Events in the Book of Revelation, Part 3B
Title - Events After the Great Tribulation
Series - Understanding Biblical Timelines
Sub-Series - Timeline of Events in the Book of Revelation, Part 3B
Text - Revelation 1.1-3
Revelation 15-19
Events After the Great Tribulation
Events After the Great Tribulation
Revelation 19 - Marriage Supper of the Lamb; Armageddon
Revelation 19 - Marriage Supper of the Lamb; Armageddon
Rejoicing in heaven over the judgment of Babylon
Rejoicing in heaven over the judgment of Babylon
Revelation 19.1-5
God’s judgment was righteous
Marriage Supper of the Lamb is Announced
Marriage Supper of the Lamb is Announced
Revelation 19.6-10
the Bride is prepared for the marriage supper
the marriage supper takes place after the 7 years, the Last Week of Daniel
the marriage supper takes place on earth - in the millennium
The second coming of Christ
The second coming of Christ
Revelation 19.11-16
He comes to make war
not as a baby wrapped in swadlling cloth
He comes with the armies of heaven
He comes as King of Kings and Lord of Lords
not as the suffering Messiah
He comes to “tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God”
Rev. 14.17-20 - the vision of grape harvest
The Battle of Armageddon
The Battle of Armageddon
Revelation 19.17-21
the beast, the kings of the earth and their armies make way against Christ and His army
the beast and the false prophet is captured, and thrown into the lake of fire
the rest were killed with the Sword
Revelation 20 - Millennium; Gog and Magog; White Throne Judgment
Revelation 20 - Millennium; Gog and Magog; White Throne Judgment
Satan is Bound for 1000 years
Satan is Bound for 1000 years
Rev. 20.1-3
Satan is to be released for a little while after the 100 years
The saints reign with Christ for 1000 years
The saints reign with Christ for 1000 years
Revelation 20.4-6
John saw thrones were people (they) were seated to judge
John saw the souls of those who died during the great tribulation
they lived (in Rev. 15.1-3 they were in heaven)
they will reign with Christ
2 resurrections - John speaks exclusive of the 2 sets of resurrection that he saw in his visions
first resurrection takes place before the millennium
second resurrection takes place when the great white throne is set up
Post-Millennial rebellion
Post-Millennial rebellion
Revelation 20.7-10
Satan is released when the millennium expires
Satan deceives the nations and gathers them for another battle
God destroys them with fire
Satan is cast into th elake of fire
The White Throne Judgment
The White Throne Judgment
Revelation 20.11-15
John saw the dead stand before (second resurrection)
2 types of book were opened
the Book of Life
books - containing the works of men
Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire - the second death
anyone not found in the Book of Life were also cast into the lake of fire
Revelation 21 - New Heaven and New Earth; New Jerusalem
Revelation 21 - New Heaven and New Earth; New Jerusalem
New Heaven and New Earth
New Heaven and New Earth
Revelation 21.1-8
the first heaven and earth had passed away
in the great day of the Lord - 2 Peter 3.10-13
2 perspectives on new heaven and earth
Isaiah 65.17-25 - millennial kingdom; the natural man
Rev. 21.1-4 - the post-millennium perspective
New Jerusalem comes down, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband
Rev. 19.7-8
Revelation 21.5-8 is not part of the 1-4 vision, but message from God for readers and hearers of John
New Jerusalem vision
New Jerusalem vision
Revelation 21.9-27
introduced by one of the angels holding the 7 bowls of wrath
John sees a “city”
representing the Bride, the Lamb’s wife
Rev 21.10-21 - every part of the city represents something
Rev 21.22-27 -
Revelation 22 - River of Life; Final Words
Revelation 22 - River of Life; Final Words
The River of Life
The River of Life
Revelation 22.1-5
this vision is part of the vision of the New Jerusalem
river of life symbolizes the life that flows from God will sustain the new heaven and the new earth and all the nations that will live for all eternity
Final words
Final words
the time is near - Rev. 22.10
Jesus is coming soon - Rev 22.12
final warning - Rev 22.18-19