Prospering During Exile
Title "Prospering During Exile."
Passage: Jeremiah 29:4-14 (King James Version)
Main Point: God's desired outcome is that we PROSPER in SHALOM (Peace)
-Peace that come from a knowledge and sense of well-being.
-Peace that comes from a sense of soundness; strength, substance, sound in reason, competent, reliable.
-Peace that comes from completeness.
Shalom is peace that can only be found in God alone:
-Our welfare depends on Him.
-He is strong, His truth is sound, and He is utterly reliable.
-He is complete in holiness and lacks nothing.
- God not only wants us to know these facts, but wants us to experience the SHALOM that comes as we live into these facts.
God has a plan for us to Prosper in Shalom:
:4- Trust that God is in control.
:5-6 Seek Prosperity in God's Shalom in your home and family.
:7 Seek Prosperity in God's Shalom in your community.
:8-9 Seek to Prosper in GOD'S plan for, and definition of, prosperity and SHALOM.
:10-14 Prosper in God's SHALOM by being prepared to continue growing in SHALOM upon return from exile.