5/1/41 09/07/08 Titus 1 1-4
1. Entice: Not just kindly words from an old guy. Not mere pious platitudes. A program. A Reminder. The church is unified, despite differences, despite conflicts--around the things we share in Christ.
2. Engage: Old or young. Novice or veteran. Up front or in the background. Every Christian has a stake in the health, the mission and the direction of the church. Are you finding your place in the shared ministry of the church?
3. Excite: I am absolutely convinced that God is not done with this church. He will use us to make a difference in this community, in the places we work, shop, study, recreate and mingle. He is able to empower us and a key element of that work He can do in us is based upon the commonness of the faith. Not what divides Christians but what unites us. A common salvation and a common mission in Christ.
4. Expand: When he wrote to Titus Paul was transitioning. He knew that the reprieve from persecution which allowed further evangelistic activity after the events covered in the book of Acts was drawing to a close. He wants to remind one of his team, one of his protégée's that God's work was and is not finished and that the ministry Paul began would be continued. And so it is today in places as diverse as Farmer City IL. Paul would have us be unified, healthy and mission driven.
Explore: A healthy church begins with understanding what it is that we all share.
Explain: Paul reminds Titus of several common
1. A Shared Purpose v 1
1. Purpose means responsibility:
i. Bondslave
ii. Apostle
2. Purpose means Obligation:
i. For faith
ii. For the Knowledge of the truth
iii. Derived from and leading to Godliness.
2. A Shared Promise 2
1. Hope of Eternal Life
2. Based upon the Word of an un-lying God
3. Derived from His own Eternal Character.
3. A Shared Proclamation. 3,4
1. The timely word
2. The entrusted message of salvation.
3. Common Salvation.
Shut Down:
1. We have been called to a unified shared ministry in Christ. When we all understand our place as a spokesperson, when we recall how great is the promise of God and when we all bear our part of the purpose for which he called us then church will cease to be a building, and we will be the body of Christ.
2. That's why I'm here. What about you? Are you ready to share in the glories of the gospel?