The Coming Anarchy

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Text - 2 Thessalonians 2.1-10
Title - The Coming Anarchy


anarchy is a state of society without government or law
political and social disorder due to the absence of government control
lack of obedience to an authority; insubordination
confusion and disorder
Anarchism - is a political philosophy and movement that rejects all involuntary forms of authority, and calls for the abolition of the state, which it deems undesirable, unnecesary and harmful.
Christian anarchism - belief that the Bible promotes anarchy against
the saints in Thessalonica were bothered by rumors claiming the day of the Lord had come.
Paul said it comes only after the man of sin is revealed
Paul then focused on the man of sin and his identity
he is the man of sin
he is the son of perdition - going to perdition
he is the antichrist - claim to be God himself
he is the lawless one - anrchist
he comes according to the working of Satan
he will deceive people into rejecting the truth, by any means necessary

The Main Point

anarchy is rebellion against the authority of God
Satan is the instigator of anarchy
thus, the sinner is in a state of rebellion, anarchy, against God and His Word
the world is sliding into anarchy since the early time in history, and will take its full expression in the person of the antichrist.

Sermon Points

Early forms of (spiritual) anarchy

Anarchy is already at work in the apostolic era

2 Thessalonians 2:7 NKJV
7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
insubordinate to apostolic authority and dotrine
1 John 2.18-19
many antichrists
they went out doctrinally, in teaching and belief
2 Timothy 4.2-4
impatient to sound doctrine
turn away from the truth unto fables
in subordinate to church order
2 Thessalonians 3.6-7

Anarchy is already working in the church ages

the 4 horse riders - the spirit of antichrist working in the church ages
white horse rider - religious formation
red horse rider - persecution
black horse rider - spiritual famine
pale horse rider - social unrest

The foundations of modern anarchism

the doctrine of evolution
the doctrine of communism

Restraints are necessary to control anarchy

Lawlessness is held back by a form of restraint
2 Thessalonians 2:5–7 NKJV
5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
“something” is restraining him, the lawless one
the “restraint” is what holds back the situation so that the world does not slide into all-out anarchy!
who or what is restraining the lawless one?

First, the Sovereign God!

He does all things according to the good pleasure of His will!
can puts a leash on the demons
He holds the key of hades and death
he puts a “hedge” in certain

Second, systems of governance placed by God

the dispensation of human government
Genesis 9.1-6
God gives man authority to use and govern creation
God puts the principle of accountability
not all lives are for food
no murder
Judges 21.25
God demands respect to authority
Romans 13.1-7

Third, dispersion

God dispersed humans so that they will not form a centralied government
Genesis 11.1-9
the first attempt at one world government
the first human attempt to “be like God”

Fourth, the Law

The Law was appointed to control transgression and to restrain Israel from sliding into Gentile lifestyle
Galatians 3.19
1 Timothy 1.7-11 - the law is good
Galatians 3.22-25

Fifth, the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit was given to guide, direct, lead the people of God.
guide into all truth - John 16.13
lead the children of God - Romans 8.16

God will soon lift off the restraint!

2 Thessalonians 2.7-8

God, the Sovereign, put the restraints in place. Only God can remove them.

He can remove kings, and promote new leaders
He can remove the hedges that limit the devil’s movement
God will remove the church out of the way - the Rapture!
2 Thessalonians 2.1 - our gathering together to Christ
God will “secure” His people in that time
Revelation 7.1-3 - seal the servants of God

The lawless one is revealed in the right time (when?)

When the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place
Mark 13.14 - where it ought not
Matthew 24.15
When the 2 prophets finish their ministry
Revelation 11.7

The antichrist will complete the work of Satan

2 Thessalonians 2.8-10
his power is from Satan
his deceptions are from Satan
his hatred of the truth is from Satan
Revelation 13.6-10


The world has been sliding into total anarchy in the last 3 centuries.
19th century - God was “killed” by evolutionists, and philsophers like Sigmund Freud, Nietsche, Charles Darwin
20th century - the bloodiest time in human history
21st century - a new generation that refuses the rule of law
Satan is sowing “anarchism”, only so that he can deceive people and become their “god”!
he deceives men into the non-existence of God - but uses religion to build his antichrist
he deceives men into anarchy - but will force him to obey his rule
on the other hand - god’s people are surrending to the authority and power of God in their lives!
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