2020-04-26-LIVE OAKS - Jonah - Part 1

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Amen savior is there is there's no other God God you are you are the one and only the one who is Holy thank you God that that we can rest in you that we have our insurance in you. What a good and right and holy God you are we can't wait to explore your goodness even more in the scriptures this morning your name. I'm in take a moment to extend a hello or share a prayer request in the comment section on on YouTuber on Facebook while we are getting a couple things situated before we come together to hear from the word, but just take a moment. We'll see you back in a second. All right. Well Let's pray again. God is here written word. That's that's all we have. Those are the words that we have. There are no other words and I praise you for that. I thank you for that that we have something safe and secure to stand upon. This is not shifting sand. This is solid rock to thank you open up your word to us this morning in your name. We pray I'll min.

We're going to spend the next few weeks in the Book of Jonah. Now as I was praying for some direction on on on where to go what to explore in the next few weeks of this weird season that were in I was just I don't know just thumbing through the scriptures. I was praying about what to do and the story of Jonah jumped in my head. I thought where is the story of Jonah and I realized it's in the Book of Jonah now, I have known the story of Joan up my whole life. I can't I do not have a memory of not knowing the story of Jonah. It's like burned in felt like in my mind because of Sunday school, but it is I had to like You know lose the sword drill trying to find the Book of Jonah in my scriptures. And when I did I just read it cover-to-cover. It's not long sleeve for chapters and I was floored by it. And I said, yes, absolutely. This is where we're going to be it is a rich book is a very very rich book and I am so excited about spending time in it. There's probably a lot of us that only know Joan of you know, starring our favorite vegetables. That's not the story that I want us to take a look at a story at which I want us to take a look. I want us to look in the pages of scripture in the Book of Jonah and maybe later this afternoon. You'll read the entirety of Jonah if you would and when you do you'll see I find four main themes that jump off the page and end in v Are they? The God is absolutely Sovereign over all things God's sovereignty over all things just Rings true every sentence of the Book of Jonah his mighty compassion toward the dramatically undeserving. His compassion just radiates from it in and as we're going to talk about little bit later that might even surprise you coming from the Old Testament. We'll dive into that thought in a minute also the unwavering commitment that God has to his own plan. God has a plan and it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't Veer off course. He has an unwavering commitment to his own plan and also the purpose and power and promised result of repentance. What is God's purpose and plan in Repentance? And what does repentance bring about? What is God's perfect. What is God's u p a p word in there? What is God's perfect purpose and power and promise result of repentance. If I was a better and less rebellious preacher, I would have it all structured out for weeks and Jonah and each week is going to explore one of those themes and it would be great. But I'm I'm not that good what I'm going to tell you though. It's at those four themes are just going to be woven throughout however many weeks were in this. Every single week those four themes will shine through least. That is my my prayer. The Holy Spirit an apology the holy spirit being the author of the scriptures. The story of Jonah is not just a a felt shaped story about not running away from God. It's so much more than that. This book is a Masterwork.

It is a

It's an easily dismissible story. I eating r

I don't know. I think Noah's Ark is similar it if you can if you can weave it into a nursery theme, I think we kind of lose. The the goose is that expression. Do we lose geese? Can we lose the goose? It is now we can we can we can lose sight of its purpose when it's such a small and succinct story about a guy that didn't want to listen to Gaudin and try to do it his own way in a big giant fish was involved. It is so much more than that. I'm I'm floored by this history. Its poetry. It's actually revelation of Christ. Just getting to some bronze tax here in second Kings chapter 14 starting a verse 23, we hear this and the 15th year of Amazon the son of joash King of Judah. Jeroboam the son of Josiah king of Israel begin to rain in Samaria, and he reigned 41 years and he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He did not repent from all the sins of jeroboam the son of nebat, which he made is real to send He restored the border of Israel from Lebo, as far as the sea of arabah according to the word of the Lord the god of Israel, which he spoke by his servant Jonah The son of amittai the Prophet who was from gath hepher. For the Lord saw that the Affliction of Israel was very bitter for there was none left Bond or free and there was none to help Israel. But the Lord had not said that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven. So he saved them by the hand of jeroboam the son of joash. All right. Now don't miss this. This this is part of the big significance of Jonas time in his ministry as profit. So Israel and Judah they're divided nations of Israel divided into Solomon's Sons were like a giant waste of space. I think they had some father issues. I wonder why there is such a terrible children. I don't know maybe there's some scripture we could explore about why that happened with the nation was divided. They're both Wicked. I mean sometimes Judah would be a bit more faithful and Israel would slack and then the scales with tip a little bit, but they were both pretty much disasters. But look what happened. Under this King. Jeroboam. What is it? Looks like that jeroboam II. Israel the northern kingdom experience sometime of of Safety and Security even some Prosperity. How did that safety security and prosperity come about it came about through the proclaimed word that the prophet Jonah spoke if you look back in. Verse 25 about 2nd Kings 14 passage He restored the border of Israel from Lebo hamath as far as the sea of Arab off according to the word of the Lord the god of Israel, which he spoke by or through his servant Jonah. So Jonah says look at this is what's going to happen. Part of Israel is going to be restored. The enemies of Israel are going to be pushed back why it is not because you deserve it is real it's because God is faithful. God made a promise and he's going to keep it as a Bible teacher with 5th 6th 7th and 8th graders challenge them every year. I like stump the Bible teacher kind of thing and inevitably every year the question is asked can God make a rock so big even he can't move it got me, right the answer is yes. God can make a rock so big he can't move it. It's called his promise. It's called his company makes a covenant with Israel cuz I will not wipe you from the face of the Earth where they deserve to be wiped from the face of the Earth. What is God going to do preserve them? Save them? Sometime bye-bye by pushing back the enemies and giving them a breath of air. Sometimes he saves them through just a remnant. Where Israel and Judah are ransacked that's going to happen in there. They're carried off into Exile. But the name Remains the coming it remains through a Remnant and then Israel is restored. God keeps his promises and he declares his promises through His prophets and Jonah is a powerful and important one. Jonah serves as a prophet while God was giving Israel a reluctant respite through some victories by jeroboam II because God said he wouldn't wipe away Israel. This is in spite of Israel not Because of them it's for the sake of God's promise. God says I'm not going to let the inhabitants of Earth. Call me a liar. I know what I've said, and I will keep my word.

anytime I hear someone say got so the Old Testament is the Angry God and the New Testament. Is that the nice guy. I kind of I kind of want to I kind of want to fight somebody which I guess is a bit ironic. Because that is not the truth, you're not seeing that you're not maybe you're not even really reading it. Look what God is doing for Israel. What do they deserve to be wiped off the face of Earth? But God in his grace in his kindness in his patient in his love and his commitment to that the sake and in reputation of his name he maintains. Secures lovingly graciously preserves his people if you don't see the grace of God working in the Old Testament, you're not reading the Old Testament. One time I heard it it broken down this way and they said look Tommy in the Old Testament. God led by fear in the New Testament. God leads in love.

Cool not now that were just, you know canonizing our own opinions. I have a few books that I'd like to add to the Bible. Bass Charlie in my own imagination be great 1st 2nd 3rd 4th books of tummy.

Baby, really long? I'm sorry.

Jonah chapter 1 verse 1

now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of amittai saying arise go to Nineveh. That great City. I think the reason God had to say is that great city is cuz I I think he knew that in Jonas imagination because never Yes, that one this is this is a little outside of the normal parameters like that. That's a that's a bit out of the beaten path. It's not even in Israel. What? Why would I why would I go there to buy the saying? Yes that great City Nineveh call out against it for their evil has come up before me. That's that phrase. The word of the Lord came to Jonah. It's a powerful and we're going to have to take a few minutes talking about just that phrase the word of the Lord came to Jonah Jonah the name Jonah the name Jonah. You think it would mean, you know, I was like a prophet or one who Treads water well, but not long, you know, he was going to loaded language. You can probably know that it actually beans Dove nice the name Jonah means Dove. I mean, I'm just I feel all a flutter inside already Jonah means Dove until you find out what gov means. in Hosea chapter 7 verse 11 Ephraim is another word for Israel. So it's just read it. Israel. Israel is like a dove silly and without sense. Calling to Egypt going to Assyria. So the word Dove the name Dove is a synonymous with silly and without since I mean watch a dub it makes perfect sense. Once you imagine it like that again, take it off the nursery wall. I'll put it in reality. You'll see that that God knows what he's doing Jonah means Silly and without sense but son of amittai take his that's that's Jonah. So Jonah Dove, son of amittai. What is son of amittai mean some Son of amittai means son of my faithfulness. So Jonas full name is Silly senseless son of my faithfulness.

Silly senseless, son of my faithless say that 10 times fast. No, I won't silly since that would be silly silly senseless son of my faithfulness. What a beautiful truth that is just in the name Jonah let alone the book of Did you just the name of Jonah? Silly scents with son of my faithfulness. Let's explore that truth for a moment in Romans 9 verses 15 through 16 first in the English Standard Version to ESV for he says to Moses. I will have mercy on whom I have mercy I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. So then it depends not on human will or exertion. It depends not on human will or exertion but on God who has Mercy or the same passage from The New International Version Romans, 9:15 and 1640 says to Moses. I will have mercy on whom I have mercy I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. It does not therefore depend on human desire or effort. Put on God's mercy.

Another translation says it doesn't depend on one who Wills or runs but on God who has Mercy. The truth we see there is that people will be silly and senseless. God will be faithful.

Even if we set out to be as as rock solid and determined even if we set out to try as hard as we can or just do our own thing. That doesn't change that. It's God. Who has Mercy? It's God who will will and work through people? Either with us or in spite of us. He will work through us to accomplish his will and his purposes.

Tom can you just make sure that were in Focus real quick?

People will be silly and senseless. God will be faithful and also this God purposely chooses to use silly and senseless people for his faithful purposes. If you really study The Narrative of scripture you will find without difference with without without exception is what I meant to say God purposely chooses, silly and senseless. He purposely chooses week. He purposely chooses ill-equipped. Look at Moses and his jibber-jabber talk back to the will of God that took to be sent in and rescue. His people Moses is like a but I stutter. Who am I? And God says who made you a stutterer dummy? I said go. I was raised by truthout hear from my mom all the time. God doesn't call the equipped he equips the called but check it out. He does it on purpose for an awesome reason look in 1st Corinthians 1 verses 27 to 31, but God shoes what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose? What is weak in the world to shame the strong God chose? What is low and despised in the world even things that are not to bring to nothing things that are I think that on your wall and look at it every day and you'll start to wrap your mind around what the what that means to gravity with. That means so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. There it is. That's so that no human being might boast in the presence of God and because of him not because of you not because your willingness to Bow your knee or your Brilliance to see the truth or your faithfulness. Listen because of Kim you are in Christ Jesus.

Why were you willing? Why were you Faithful? Why did you dedicate your life to walking with him because of him? Because of him you are in Christ Jesus who became to us wisdom from God righteousness and sanctification and Redemption. That doesn't leave a whole lot. else so that as it is written let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.

If Jonah was self-aware and God's call his word went to Jonah and gave him that direction if if Jonah was really self aware, he'd say, yeah, but I'm silly and senseless.

Calvin say yes, but you're also the son of my faithfulness go.

I didn't tell you to go because I just know that you're just going to be a lights-out fantastic. I called you and sent you because I know I'm going to be faithful.

Whether you are in the Old Testament or the New Testament, the testimony you will find is that of a faithful God working through silly and senseless people for his glory and for our joy, that is what you will find.

He is so unchanging.

He is not silly and senseless. He is steadfast and unchanging. I just want us to soak in that for a moment. It's going to mean something profound for some of you all listening this morning. God does not change.

from Exodus 34 Verse 6

the Lord passed before him in proclaimed the Lord the Lord a god merciful and gracious slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

or from Hebrews 13 verse 8 to put it very plainly Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. He doesn't change. You change I change. This changes out there with no changes. But he does not. He is the same yesterday and today and forever. the word of the Lord came to Jonah now that doesn't mean just digging deeper into this one phrase that doesn't mean just simply the words of the Lord came to Jonah. Jonah wasn't just sent a telegram. Just say these words. It's so much more than that is the holy spirit of God going to give Jonah the word stutter. Yes. But it's not just that it's so much more loaded than that. It doesn't just mean the words of the Lord the Hebrew word from wets from from where we we get the word word from is I hate want me to butcher it. Sorry juice Dhaba. Daba, daba, sounds like you call your grandpa going to go to double and Memaw's. The Hebrew word Abba Dabba Dabba, here's all the different translations of this one word. And actually I left a lot out but here's a substantial list that you'll get Board of Trade Up account access advice Affairs agreement amount answer business case cause charge Chronicles claims command commandant concerning conclusion conditions conduct conferred consultation conversation Council custom dealings decreed deed desires doing Duty edict eloquence for film idea instructions matters message with obligations Order Plan plot portion promised proposal purpose question reason report request rule saying songs speech speech talk task theme thought verdict words. and work required

That's a lot.

the word of the Lord came to Jonah profits aren't just puppets or or fax machines. It's not just the words that throw that it's not just the words that will flow through a prophet. It's the word that will flow through a prophet.

And the fact that God can pour so much through such a cracked and broken vessel just adds to God's Own Glory.

Jonah 1 1 through 2 making progress Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of amittai saying arise go to Nineveh that great City and call out against it for their evil has come up before me. Here just straight from the Bible knowledge commentary that I use in my studies Nineveh. The city of Nineveh of Nineveh was located to the east side of the Tigris River about 550 miles Northeast of Samaria that distance required a journey of more than a month. If Jonah travel the normal distance to 15 to 20 miles a day. That's better Book on a cheetah or something at the Bible knowledge commentary. Who mighta I would be a much slower profit than Jonah parent.

The great city was second in size only to Babylon. It was in modern-day Iraq opposite the modern town of Mosel. That's the city to which Jonah was called To Go. And what was he called to do once he got there?

against it for their evil has come up before me that sounds like the Old Testament God that we know and fear, right God is aware of the evil. I've never gotten away with anything God sees it he knows it there evil has come up before me call out against it. It's a frequent word that's given to the prophets to call out against and sometimes it's in really weird and profoundly strangeways like Ezekiel. I'm at a butcher. Some of the details were basically God told them. All right, here's the word. Yeah, so go to the city Square tie yourself down to the ground and preach against Jerusalem and then not turn your other side and and preach against Judith make a little model city right make a little Negril model catapults and stuff and go to war against the city and I do get hungry I make bread on a cow dung and eat that.

That's an odd word. Yahweh. Who are we to question? But this word is a frequent one call-out against the evil. Tell them show them Proclaim to them that God sees their evil PCS their wickedness. Their evil has come up before me don't go to Nineveh and tell them you always. Joey's not mad. He's just kind of disappointed with your choices. He's really just kind of makes you made him said he said that you he's not so he's not mad. I don't you think that you always mad.

Tell them that their evil has been seen it is known by God.

Show me the Hebrews chapter 4 12 and 13.

peed together you may know them Hebrews for starting a verse 12 for the word of God is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of Soul and Spirit of joints and Marrow and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart and no creature is hidden from its site, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give an account. Now we know verse 12. We ascribe it to the Bible all the time and we're not wrong the written word of God the written words of God.

Are this powerful? Is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of Soul and Spirit of joints and Marrow and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart and no creature is hidden from a site with no creature. I was unaware that starfish could read the Bible. I can't write. Enter in the comments below. Can starfish read? Hey Siri can starfish read no starfish can trout.

my phone

maybe later Siri when I'm not preaching. She's Steve Jobs. Leave me alone. Okay?

Has to be more than just words on a page. The word of God is and can be found in the written words, but it goes so beyond that. It is so much more powerful than that. It can't be it's in here, but it can't be held by it. No creature is hidden from his sight. Meaning the proclaimed word. The proclaimed intentions the proclaimed desires to proclaim the purpose the proclaimed wilda Proclaim designed proclaimed hearts. It can't be hidden from God. God sees all in will Express his opinion of all that he sees in one way or another.

Especially if you think of the word word to mean not just words in a Dusty book, but the da ba in the Hebrew or the with a logos in the Greek, they both mean declaration expression plan purpose conclusion. The word spoken to the mouths of prophets the word incarnate in Jesus. The word expressed through the church all recorded and sealed in the written word of the scriptures.

Jonah 1 verses 1 through 2. Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of amittai saying arise go to Nineveh that great City and call out against it for their evil has come up before me. I heard it very succinctly put once. He said good and evil exist. And God is Not impartial between them. Good and evil to exist in God is Not impartial between them.

God sees the evil of Nineveh and he's sending his Prophet to call out against it.

We have a predisposition to feel very strongly about being told that we are wrong.

I got a couple people lost in the light there. You got you guys have a predisposition. You do feel very strongly about being told you're wrong. I'm wondering if this is a universal thing our or are just just this guy the two thumbs guy. I do not like being told that I am wrong. I would like to believe that the Lord has made me somewhat of an equipped communicator. And guess what I can use that skill for my own evil purposes to work my way out of being wrong by well if you ended it, but that would

Maybe maybe you lash out in anger when you're told you're wrong. Maybe maybe go elementary school. Just Rebel we do not like being told that were wrong and Nineveh is going to be told that they are wrong. But we also have a predisposition.

to just knowing God's purpose in this God sending his Prophet to Nineveh to tell them their wicked and their evil and God's eyes still work and we just know why this is going to take place. We just absolutely know why God is going to declare Nineveh evil. We already know it right we might as well just not even finish the rest of the story. We know why God wants to tell them that they are evil. We we think we know why God wants to call out against Nineveh but to say the absolute least about God. He can surprise you. He can surprise you. Are we really sure we know why God is sending Jonah to call out against that City. And for that matter are we absolutely sure we know why Jonah responds to this call the way he does cuz you know the story you know it, you know the story you know, what Jonah does next. He says Yahweh. It would be my pleasure coming right up. I'm in I am telling you as a father there is nothing sweeter than hearing. All right, Daddy. Okay. Yes. Daddy. Yes, sir.

I've heard that sometimes it's hard by that I do I hear that in my house. I do I hear it so often and it is like a song right it is like us a slice of warm apple pie.

Dikir. Yes, daddy, of course dad right away, Daddy. What is the opposite of that? What it was like gargling your ears can't gargle. If your ears could gargle it be like be like your ear gargling poison fog God is working against my own Pride. I just claim to be a skilled communicator and then I just said ear gargling poison. you know what is just

Wait. Wait, just but Dad know I can't but no or maybe I just get flat-out ignored. Wow.

We know how Jonah responds. We think we know why we think we know why maybe the scriptures will surprise us. Jonah 1:3 now we're cooking with gas. Jonah 1:3 butt Write the butts in the Bible either lead to an amazing thing. Worst or facepalm right? But God being rich in Mercy, but Jonah Rose to flee to tarshish.

from the presence of the Lord He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to tarshish. So he paid the fare. He paid to be disobedient.

Maybe there's something there. Maybe this obedient to cost us. I don't know we can work shop that later. He paid the fare went down into it. I want I want go at Lynx about this but I do not know Hebrew, but I'm starting to scratch the surface at cebit. This expression he and just talked about going into the boat right in English would say and he went in Hebrew this turn of phrase went down into it is a phrase that means going down into the grave. Going down to death going to Shield the place of the dead now. That's a heavy and poetic way to say a dude stepped onto a boat.

So he paid the fare and went down to the Grave. I mean the boat. To go with them to tarshish away from the presence of the Lord now. I don't know if you ever won the Geography Bee. I did not my it to my father's Everlasting shame. My dad's he's like an almanac. Hey Dad. What's the what's the capital of Iowa? And what's its population? What's the tallest building? He could tell you okay. I don't know if you won the Geography Bee but okay, let's say if if if Nineveh is in this direction right tarshish is like a Mediterranean Seas difference distance in that direction. Nineveh tarshish Nineveh tarshish we do the same thing. No, I'm not saying that John is some the Book of Jonah some kind of analogy but I'm saying there's so much gold here to be mind that that might ring true for you today. This is the same thing we do right? We we hear direction from God maybe just clearly in black and white from the pages of scripture we read what we are to do or we are just prompted we urge weird lead and we go. Okay. I'll tell you what it's going to be a no for right now, but I tell you what, I am offering I will not go right to Nineveh, but I will go left a thousand and forty-seven miles. free

No, I won't do it precisely what you've asked me to do, but I will do what I think is right.


God has a plan. purpose and motive for sending Jonah to Nineveh Are we sure we know why Jonah has a plan a purpose and a motive for doing the opposite. Are we sure we know why cuz what we have here. Is a conflict of Wills? It is Prevail. Do you see it? God says Nineveh Jonah says tarshish. God says I've decided you're going to Nineveh. Yeah, but I decided I'm going to. Will be The Clash here between two competing Wills now I am I'm going to try to get used to this camera deal. I don't know it is weird. I am absolute sovereignty of God guy meaning I stand on the truth that absolutely every molecule of existence moves at the permission pleasure plan design of almighty God. And not one molecule atom or Clark can move outside of God's plan purpose design will plan. Ali people are like What about free will? What about free will? To which I usually really want to respond. What about God's free will. Does he not have a free will?

He does. Who wins? If the two are in disagreement.

Not only that, but he can we all agree that our Free Will is rather limited. I choose to fly put it to the test.

Do we have free will absolutely. Can we obey or disobey? I think Jonah had that choice and he chose to disobey. Can we confess Christ or deny him Peter had that choice. And what choice did he make you denied him three times. He denied him. Can we Embrace Christ or or stiff arm him? Yes, can we insist on our own way? Yes. But can God as well. Can God insist on having his way?

And what if they are in conflict?

Who wins that will wrestling match? who wins that shoot out their text who's going to win that stand off your free will or God's I got some Bible for us. I got some written word to speak about the word. Let's go. Psalm 115 3 our God is in the heavens. He does all that he pleases. Or Daniel 4:35 for his Dominion is an everlasting dominion and his kingdom indoors from generation to Generation. All of the inhabitants of Earth are accounted as nothing and he does according to his own will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and none can stay his hand or Shea. What have you done?

Psalm 135:6 whatever the Lord pleases he does in heaven and on Earth. in the seas and all the depths a Proverbs 16:9 the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

proverbs 16:33 Who have the abundantly clear? proverbs 16:33

the lot is cast into the lap, but it's every decision is from the Lord.

Proverbs 19:21 many are the plans in the mind of a man. But it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

Amos 3:6 Is a trumpet blown in a city and the people are not afraid does disaster come to his City unless the Lord has done it.

Lamentations 3:37 who has spoken and it came to pass unless the Lord has commanded it.

Or James for maybe nice. God will come to our rescue at New Testament.

Come now you who say today or tomorrow? We will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit.

Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? for you are

I missed. That appears for a little while and then vanishes instead you ought to say if the Lord Wills. If the Lord Wills we will live and do this or that.

In my household right now during these weirdo would it it's not confinement. What is the word with this is right and we were doing all of the home school at home. And and yeah, we're rocking the PJs and I'm making french toast at 1.

throwing rocks in Your Glass House my children wake up and they got ideas. And they got plans tonight and they're in their pajamas not in their school clothes. I can do whatever I want.

and then their teacher mrs. Shelton mom. Is all right. for outlines Let's do our Fix-It. Let's do your math fact sheet. Let's read history the Stewart Stewart narration.

children in their parents household make plans They desire things they attempt things. Who's Will wins? father mother Yes, we have a free will my children are free to say no. I want I am free to respond as I see best. To their Free Will choice to disobey who will win in the end.

Authority or opinion

sovereignty silliness

We know the rest of the Sunday School Story.

We have the will of God declaring you will go to Nineveh. We have the wheel of Jonah saying oh yeah make me. and you know, it's coming God's like

is that how we're going to do it?

But this is where I want to leave us today. Maybe maybe it's maybe Jonah maybe my time with Jonah. Maybe he's rubbed off on me. Maybe he's been a bad flip the bad influence on me and and he's a rebellious profit. So I'm going to be under break the rules of all sermonary going to leave you floating on a cloud of Hope. Right. I'm just going to leave you with this singular truth. God is in control.


this is your ship.

And you steer it.

Thank you. You're precious and holy name we pray. Amen.

Now we have an opportunity to give of our ties his ties and our offerings. I'll send you do get that backwards only.

Kids ties and our offerings. We also have an opportunity to continue Fellowship in with one another if you have things that you do you want to lift up in prayer need to lift up in prayer, please if there is a shareable, please share and we will all as as a body as a family lift up those para Quest together if it's something heavier and more important, please just email me directly. If you have my number you can text me directly you you can pick up the phone. You can call me. I got a letter from someone in the mail a few days ago and it was just so precious to this pastors eyes. It's just read the thoughts of one of our members in and prompting meter to reach out in and share. We had a beautiful conversation. Let us stay close as we keep our distance. We are God's people to his glory and our joy, let's be his people this week in his name Amon. God bless you.

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