Blessed Assurance
Wednesday Bible Study
Testimony/Glory sightings
Apostle’s Creed
Scripture Reading
Chosen to be Exiles
Chosen to be Exiles
Being “exiles” is part of God’s plan
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for my sake”
Guarded by God
Guarded by God
Exiles, but exiles with an inheritance
Inheritance: greater than any earthly good
Inheritance guarded by God
WE are Guarded by God as well
Imagery of military camp
Even if we die, God still protects
Our bold faith is evidence of God’s protection
Perpetua and Felicitas
“Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine!”
Saved but Suffering
Saved but Suffering
Nevertheless, Peter writes this to a suffering Church
How can we be saved but still suffer?
“If it is necessary”: Not God’s desire, but also not outside of his power to redeem.
We have recieved a new birth through Christ
We also look forward to the coming revelation of Christ, when all things will be made new.
Therefore, Christian existence is defined by the past actions of Jesus Christ, but directed and guided by our hope for the future coming of Jesus.
v. 7: Suffering comes before glory. No crown of glory without the crown of thorns.
Yet, our present suffering does not lead to mourning, fear, or bitterness, but rejoicing, because we know who sits on the throne, and we know the future that is to come.
Christ endured the cross because he knew the resurrection was coming. Likewise, we endure all trials because we too know that the resurrection is coming
Called to be Holy
Called to be Holy
Our salvation is a gift from God. We cannot raise ourselves, only God can do that.
Salvation is by God’s grace, but grace does come with obligations. We are not passive, God expects us to participate in this salvation.
Peter has painted the picture of a new covenant between us and God. We are “sprinkled by Jesus’s blood” (i.e. Exodus 24:7-8). We have been “ransomed” from our futile ways (i.e. bought)
We are now children of God. That means we’re part of a family, but it also means we must be obedient to the Father of our family.
Holy = set apart = exile
Holiness is simply living out the faith we have. Living out our hope in the resurrection, and our confidence in the word of God
Is 40 (1 Peter 1:24-25)
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
O what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
A- Chosen to be Exiles
B- Guarded by God
C- Tension: Saved but Suffering
D- Called to be Holy