Personal Goal Sheet
MAY 15,2005
- A Personal Mission Statement will help me serve the Lord more effectively by keeping me focused on my life goals.
- My passion(s) are ____________ ____________ _____________
- I have seen God use me in the past to ____________ _____________
- My greatest disappointment(s) in life have been _____________ ____________
- My greatest strengths are ___________ ____________ ____________
- My greatest weaknesses are ____________ ____________ _____________
- My greatest lifetime accomplishments have been ______________ ____________
- ______________________ has given me the most satisfaction.
- My two closest personal friends tell me I am most proficient in _______________________________________________________
- My talents are in the area of __________________ _________________
- My personality is _______________ _________________ ______________
- In the remaining years of my life I would like to accomplish:
q __________________________
q __________________________
q __________________________
Read your answers over carefully and see if you wish to change anything. Pray about it.
Repetition in your answers may be pointing you towards something.
The most exciting things above are __________________________________________
The least exciting things above are __________________________________________
From your thoughts above, you have the background to begin writing phrases that capture the most important ideas. Try writing a few phrases.
Next Steps: (Very important}
Using the phrases, begin to write a paragraph with no more than three or four sentences that captures the thoughts you wrote in the phrases. Remember, your first try will help you get the hang of writing a Mission Statement. It will take several tries to get your statement in the form you want it in. After you get that first draft done, try to look at your mission statement frequently. Revise it as necessary.