Game Changer
Crossing Paths With Jesus • Sermon • Submitted
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Passage: John 1:35-42
35 The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples,
36 and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!”
37 The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus.
38 Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?” And they said to him, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?”
39 He said to them, “Come and you will see.” So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.
40 One of the two who heard John speak and followed Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.
41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which means Christ).
42 He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John. You shall be called Cephas” (which means Peter).
Title: Game Changer
Title: Game Changer
Have you ever given much thought to your First Name?
I looked up my name’s origin .....
RODNEY is from a surname, originally derived from a place name, which meant "Hroda's island" in Old English (where Hroda is a Germen given name meaning "fame").
It was first used as a given name in honour of the British admiral Lord Rodney (1719-1792).
I have not always liked the name “Rodney”
Mainly because of the “nick names” associated with it .....
Didn’t like HOTROD
I haven’t always like the nicknames as well ..... some are given to you.
High School “Bone Crusher.”
I was embarrassed about my Grand fathers “Lamb-Chops”
But I would love to hear him call me it now.
Transition Statement: Do you know how you got your name?
Was you named after someone?
..... A family member? A Famous Person? Someone of significance?
There has been some interesting studies done when it comes to “PEOPLE’S NAMES.”
Albert Mehrabian, an emeritus professor at UCLA who is behind the work, says he's identified 20 names--10 specific first names that are traditionally for boys, and 10 for girls--that carry with them connotations of success.
The highest-rated names for girls, in terms of success, were:
1. Jacqueline, 2. Morgan, 3. Elizabeth, 4. Katherine, 5. Victoria, 6. Lauraine, 7. Susan,
8. Catherine, 9. Kate, 10. Madeleine
And, for boys, the highest rated names in terms of success were:
1. Steven, 2. Ross, 3. Christopher, 4. James, 5. Robert, 6. David, 7. Kenneth, 8. Parker, 9. Thomas, 10. Madison
There are other studies out there by Universities such as .....
Shippensburg University (PA) - Uncommon names are associated with juvenile delinquency.
Have you ever looked up the meaning of your name?
Let me ask another question, If you could give yourself a new name what would it be?
Transition Statement: What if I told you God was in the business of giving out NEW NAMES? Interested?
What if I told you God has new names for all of us and it will change everything about you.
Its a “Game Changer.”
Look at the O.T.
Abram to Abraham - No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations. (Gen. 17:5). (Proclaiming over Him his Future.)
Jacob to Israel - Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.” (Gen. 32:28)
Israel means “He strives with God” (Proclaiming this over HIM)
Each of these 2 became Game Changers right?
Let’s look at another person in scripture whose name was changed ..... Simon, son of John!
We have been looking at Peters 4 encounters with Jesus before his conversation.
Last week ..... “Andrew TOLD Peter about Jesus.” (He Hears)
This week ..... “Andrew BRINGS Peter to meet Jesus.” (He Sees)
The phrase “He brought” helps us to understand this.
Greek Word: AGO
Def. ...... Being brought to someone in order to have an encounter.
Not being brought along as a tag along.
(Your younger siblings being brought along on a date or to the store).
Being brought to someone to have A GAME CHANGING MOMENT
Peter is getting ready to have a GAME CHANGING moment in his life.
Here it is .... (42)
Jesus says, “You are Simon the son of John ....”
Last names were not used in biblical times like they are today.
You were known by your fathers name “Simon son of John” or by the town you live in “Jesus of Nazareth.”
Jesus then continues by saying, “You shall be called”
Root - KALEO
Def. ..... The giving of a name (FUTURE TENSE)
Example: Matt. 1:21 “You shall call him Jesus.” (Future)
He Specifically tell Simon, “You shall be called Cephas.”
This is a surname like “Alexander the Great”
It means “Rock” Simon the Rock (Matthew 16:18)
This is not unusual - We saw this in the OT and we know Rabbi’s gave their disciples new names.
(Biblical as well as Rabbinic)
Transition Statement: What’s really significant about this encounter for you and me?
Jesus identifies Who Simon is, but ....
But he then proclaims “WHO HE SHALL BECOME!”
He is Simon son of John ..... But he will become THE ROCK!
Going back and look at this statement from Jesus, ..... here is what we learn .....
Christ knew who Simon was “Simon, son of John!” (The Position given in this world)
But he knew who he was to become (Proclaiming it over Simon).... “You shall be called Cephas” (The ROCK)
(The Position given by Jesus)
What is this saying to YOU and ME today?
Christ knows who we are (Amen?) ..... but He also knows who we are to become (in Him)....
He proclaims this over us.
I was Rod (A sinner/lost/broken) ..... but Christ proclaimed what I was TO BECOME A (SON OF GOD) (Child of the King) (The Forgiven).
Once I am forgiven .... I’m a child of the King! (Scripture tell us we are called SAINTS (Romans 1:7 To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: ))
I have been given a new name “ROD, THE SON OF GOD (CHILD OF GOD)!”
Once we have asked Jesus to forgive us, (a GAME CHANGING moment ) this act literally gives birth to us becoming GAME CHANGERS.
Bible tells us we become new creations with a purpose .....
Ephesians 4:11-12 (NIV) 11 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up ...
This is ALL BELIEVERS (sons and daughters of God)
(BIG MOMENT......)
The phrase I want you to remember ....
Your GAME CHANGING moment was to bring about a GAME CHANGER (You).
This is who Christ is calling us to be “GAME CHANGERS.”
When Simon meets Jesus His Future is revealed .... (THE ROCK)
When Simon meets Jesus His Future is Changed. (He is to become a GAME CHANGER.)
When Simon meets Jesus His Future is Proclaimed. (By the NAME CHANGER)
When Simon meets Jesus he becomes a GAME CHANGER to the world.
Transition Statement: So what does this do for us today?
As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ (Your a GAME CHANGER) .....
God has proclaimed over you ..... God is producing in you
...... to be a GAME CHANGER.
Remember, it didn’t happen right away with Simon the Rock.
We read about this GAME CHANGING MOMENT (for the world) in the BOOK of Acts Chapter 2.
As A follower of Christ ....
You are forgiven and you now have a new name given ...... SON of God! (You are a GAME CHANGER)
A Game Changer who will be a part of GAME CHANGING moments for God!
You might have forgotten this idea ..... You have had that GAME CHANGING moment (Forgiveness) AMEN?????
....... AND we have asked people to go onto their FACEBOOK page and share this moment (Testimony)
You might have forgotten you are a Saint
You might have forgotten you have been called to help bring about GAME CHANGING moments for the Kingdom.
Let’s get back into the GAME!
For those who have not asked Christ to forgive you of all your sin’s. (Received Christ as your Lord and savior) .....
(You have not experienced that GAME CHANGING moment ....)
Let me tell you something this morning, God has orchestrated that “GAME CHANGING MOMENT” for right now.
So that you can become a “GAME CHANGER.”
God has a NEW NAME for you today
He is calling you to be a (Child of the KING) a (SON OF GOD) (Forgiven)
Apostle / Prophet / Evangelist / Pastor / Teacher
He desires you to be a part of GAME CHANGING moments in the future as well. (He has a plan and purpose for you.)
So what do you say?
Won’t you allow the NAME CHANGER (JESUS) to give you a NEW NAME this morning so that you might become a GAME CHANGER.
Say the sinners prayer.