Your Calling to Spiritual Battle in the Wilderness
IN the night my hope lives on … bleak times, Nova Scotia, neighbour on ventilator, as antion economy; perosnally each of us wake up - wilderness experience - with relationships, brokenness - book how responding like first genreation - God set up - with holiness in camp to deal with uncleanness, brokennes sdeath, first generation tested -
Go into Promise Land - Lords’ provision remember how Moses said begin Arise, O LORD, and let your enemies be scattered. And end the day: “Return O LORD, to the ten thousand thousands of Israel. The Lord said do not fear - but the first gen refused to enter, went against Lord will - defeat , 40 years, didn’t learn still fail test at end - with grumbling ; This spread from people to leaders, and the end Miriam dies, Leaders Moses and Aaron - strike at flock they are to shepherd and at the Lord - Moses even tries short cut through Edom - like false attempt of first generation repulsed, retreat have to go around. No victory. The tests in the wilderness when failed lead to this despair, this fear, this disobedience with seemingly no good coming and failure, from top to bottom effects us all. But look now.
We are at the part of the book, where light shines into the darkness, and darkness doesn’t overcome it. NT, Jesus says he was the rock leading them, he says He was the rock from which they drank. And now the second generation repent - saw that with the Bronze Serpent, , and now instead of grumbling, and death - their is singing for the first time since Red Sea Crossing.
Look at 22 most famous part of the book Balaam and Donkey - most known but not understood that those words of blessing are the centre of the book we’ll look at next week . The Balaam story is where the Angel of the Lord appears - pre-incarnate Christ - God acting in our darkness. And this week - see Israel not wandering in the desert, in circles, but on a march, 4 or 5x They set out… In a hurry - on a conquest - by faith experiencing victory and progress, marching through wilderness to the Promised Land.
Now wouldn’t you want that sense, that is what Jesus is about in the midst of pandemic, in the midst of evil still breaking out like Nova Scotia, of death of neighbours, of governments that restrict and fight against the gospel and church of Jesus Christ? Wouldn't you like the confidence that Christ not only meets you as the Rock of Living Water, as the Messenger of the Covenant, but that He leads us on a victory march, not physical war like Israel in OT, but spiritual conquest, of light over darkness, and you and I are enlisted in that?
Key Truth: Marching to the promised land, we must fight a spiritual battles for Christ to have His conquest of grace!
The Trouble in our Text: The Lord’s Holy War is not about our personal welfare and victories.
A. Engage in Holy War to Devote All Life to the LORD
i. the nations engaged in total destruction but seizing kingdoms for themselves - Israel was forbidden to do this, and this idea of total dedication to Lord, only used by Israel in OT for conquest of the Promised Land.
Notice Arad, a kingdom north of the Negev in the promised land attacks, they take some of God’s people prisoner in this pre-preemptive strike. in this broken world and parituclarly spiritual world of the OT - attack against God’s people - but not like NRA Charleston Heston - right to defend myself; I’ll get you. NO look at
Numbers 21:2 And Israel vowed a vow to the Lord and said, “If you will indeed give this people into my hand, then I will devote their cities to destruction.”
And Israel vowed a vow to the Lord and said, “If you will indeed give this people into my hand, then I will devote their cities to destruction.”
Sometimes in what psycholgict call a lfight of faiht - we will get in a desperate situation and bargain with the Lord. If you give me this, if only heal me get rid of this saddness then God I will go to church twice on Sunday, I’ll sto pthis sin, and I will join this ministry. Ultimately doesn’t usually last, and not the relationship God has with His people.
That’s not the vow God desires from you and me. What was the vow in the Book of Numbers, that the NT says - Jesus fulfilled for us. Nazarite vow. Not for kings or priest,s, but anyone- all us commoners - neter into it - God wants all of us in this vow - Comes with burnt offering - not just cover our sin, but offer ourselves compeltely in devotion to the LORD - Need to see Christ offered up hismelf like that for us - so that our lives can be a living sacrafice to Him.
You have opportunity in this time when God has stripped so many of activities of our lives to bare minimal. Clutter is gone. Habits good and bad changed. Soon we hope restrictions lift, a new normal, you have an opportunity - out every night, do I continue chekcing in on … We all have an opprotuhnity to evaluate is my life - given not getting more spoils, but to devotion to the Lord!
That’s what the generation of faiht now does, not like first generation - enemy comes -grumble lets go back. This is the new spirit - they immediately turn to the LORD, seek his add and covenant with him. 38 years before they suffered defeat at Hormah, because they didn't trust the Lord. But a new attitude can make a difference. There are hardships along the way, but rather than being discouraged and complaining as the first generation would have, Israel now composes a song celebrating these events, a song later incorporated into its ancient Look a this courage - here is a challenge - With every obstacle we face, to turn in dedication to the Lord - say pursuing your kingdom in this
Not retaliate, not seeking the spoils of the battles I face, to take for myself; you your plan, your kingdom, though in Israel case involves physical warfare - devote all to the kingdom of peace, bless the nations!
When we have a response like that - when we seek His kingdom above our kingdom and by faith seek Him and Hi kingdom above all - look a the promised way God answers:
Numbers 21:3a
And the Lord heeded the voice of Israel and gave over the Canaanites, and they devoted them and their cities to destruction. So the name of the place was called Hormah.
But now the troublesome part of our text:What does this means devoted those cities to destruction, so that the name of the place is Destruction, Hormah?
And here you must understand God is making a horroific sketch of the wrath and punishment that awaits evil in this world, and ultiamtely in the end! Israel did not initate this, only carried out by God as a picture through Irael, using Israel as he did the flood waters, as he used fire and brimstone that fellon Sodom and Gommorah. Pictureo f the ulitmate judgment day - Christ returns not only a Saviuor, but as Judge who deliver those who find the forgiveness he came to bring, but he will destory all evil and evil doers outsdie of grace!
Listen to why Israel was to have conquest of the land, not a case of genocide, like when one nation wants the others land Rwanda, not justificiation for wars of aggression
Genesis 15:16 And hey shall come back here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.”
And they shall come back here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.”
We will see this as Israel gets into the land, this holy war by nation of Israel for this short time of history - is done only as the Lord supernaturally fights with Israel, directs them, and it is a picture of the Lord as the DSivine Warrior conquering evil as He will in the Last Day.
THis is not Israel wanting war, land, $$ and justifying it by religion. This is the living God himself, ordering and fighting to establish His kingdom: LIsten to how that wen twith David before all pwoerful Goliath: 1 Samuel 17:45-47
In the OT this HOly War, even directed against Israel when they won’t direct it all to the kgnodm of peace God was establishing, but become like warring nations around them, seeking only their own kingdom and security. The sins of the Canaanites were not to be left to put God’s people inslavery to sin, not to have dominoin ver them!
This part of the Final Judgment and of the OT is hard to understand, we all are in need of grace and deserving of wrath. But undertand that in the exile, because God’s people Israel had turned from his ways, became worse and theri sins -that this holy war was also turned against them by God!
The physical Holy War of the OT is never to be repeated by nations of this world, nor of Christains as Church of Christ. While nations may and indeed must make decisions regartding just wars and national defence, the church is no longer tha same thing as the stae, like in Israel. And this battle for the kingdom of God on earth - in a sense won by Jesus Christ. He took the punishment of that Holy war directed against the nations, and directed against Israel - into himself - on the Cross he defeated evil not with phyiscal violence, but divine forgivness and rises to establish an spiritual kingdom first, with Satan being definitelvly deafted though not yet decapitated once and for all. and at this resturn a literal and phycial ones.
Some have asked in this time of pandamic, #1 Is this God’s judgment #2 Is this the End Times - always dangerous without God’s clear revelation - that a calamity in this broken world is the reult of pesonal sin - Who sinned this or . But in a general everybody in the world sense - when we see calamity, when we see evil, broken loose - when we see death - Reminder that all of this is a result of sin - grace we yearn for, and ought ot yearn for even th emost wicked person on earth to experience -is not deserved, - See glory of God in grace . All of this tip of the iceberg in terms of horror and pain of eternal judgment on the Last Day if wee are outside of that grace, outside of the Kigndom of Peace taht Jesus brings and you and I must enter now!
But what then does God want us to learn from Israel on the march to the proised land with this geneation of faith. Chapter 21 concludes with two of the most famous and celebrated victories of Isdrael in Scriptur. Celebrated in Psalms, Deut, mentioned in Song Book of Israel called the Book of Wars, and quoted by later prophets. What do battles and victories of God’s people against the upcomiong expanding proud trans-Jordan King Sihon of the Amorites, and King Og older declining power of Moab have to teach us?
Victory over Sihon Teaches Us
B. Seek Total Conquest Over the Idols of our Land
This battle becomes such a celebrated one because Sihon King of the new upstart expanding rising kingdom of the Ammonites, is a symbol of the most proud idol worshippers and idols of the land of Canaan. The Ammonites had pushed south into Moab, who had been the super powers territory, and holy scripture takes a few of the lyrics of Amorites own victory song and include it in God’s word to us: Look at Sihon, he is a flame devouring his neighbour, his gods undo the Moab idol god Chemosh and his people. Do you seense what Sihon is - evil bully!
Israel seeks permission to pass through to the promised land, not fight - he attacks much smaller nation in the wilderness. In Deuteronomy 2 we see, that this isn’t just Israel - psuing and attacking, but God commanded this. God identifies Sihon as a Pharoah, hardened heart, and God visits with hardening of his heart. And God grants victory as Israel, not only defends themselves but establishes this Amorite capital city as one now devoted to the Lord and His ways.
Need to understand the holy war, directed by the Lord, commanded total destruction of the aggressor. Why? So that there would be no alliance, no inter mixing - by marriage that believer in THE LORD in covenant for all of life devoted to the vision of the kingdom of peace, and the way of life of the LORD< , would marry another ; That pursuit would be for prosperity, peace, that mirrors the beauty and harmony, the order of the LORD as expressed in His Word, and not pursue the idols of the nations - and their way of fertility through petty warring gods, and selfish pursuit of power and heaping up wealth! This was not an Israelite quest for racial superiority, only marry ethnic people like us. And in fact nations were allowed to stay in the land, but required to come under the God of Isreal, the LORD! The commitment to the Lord and His ways - was the type of society and culture we pursued.
In the same way, after Christ comes, as he will win the spiritual battle on the Cross, he said, now the meek shall inherit not just a land. No he says, now you go into all the world - preach this gospel of victory of true peace of the way of the Lord, establish colonies of grace in this dark world. And so when we read
Numbers 21:25 And Israel took all these cities, and Israel settled in all the cities of the Amorites, in Heshbon, and in all its villages.
And Israel took all these cities, and Israel settled in all the cities of the Amorites, in Heshbon, and in all its villages.
We are to hear echoes of how Jesus commands us to enter the land we live in, every sphere of life, every job, every neighbourhood. In fact Jesus won the victory and then says, As the Father sent me, so now I send You! but not with violence, but with weapons Christ used in His battle suffering love , of righteousness example , of costly engagement - we with loyalty to the King of Kings are to bring Christ’ covenant way to all our villages and cities.
But the point of the Conquest was that God’s people learn an abiding spiritual lesson that does apply in all ages. Israel was to learn that the Canaanites not just a apolitical problem.
The Problem is Heathenism - worship of our own distorted gods, idols, that push out the Real and living and Speaking God. There can be no alliance between the Kingdom of God and this heathenism! Eedershiem. we can never make peace with that! This was the lesson which, on the eve of entering Palestine, Israel was to learn by painful experience in connection with the history of Balaam.
Where do you to see the idols of our land? Where do you see the SPIRITUAL BATTLE in our land, chemosh child sacrifice… It is so interesting that it is this very idol god Chemosh of Moab that shows up again in Scripture. Amorite, Ammnonite:
Numbers 21:29 Woe to you, O Moab! You are undone, O people of Chemosh! He has made his sons fugitives, and his daughters captives, to an Amorite king, Sihon.
The once wise Solomon, directly opposite t the temple -enters a political and marriage alliance - erects a a temple to Chemosh which becomes the snare that causes God’s people to compromise and slip into sin!
Woe to you, O Moab! You are undone, O people of Chemosh! He has made his sons fugitives, and his daughters captives, to an Amorite king, Sihon.
What idols pull on you?
Dreams of luxury, security in technology, pleasures of food entertainment, sexuality leave us gorging ourselves and yet enslaved and empty. The big issue back then was not whether their was a Jehovah, but whether He was the real and living true God more powerful the are just made made. And that is the same today. Many will let you be spiritual and have your God of the Bible, but the question is He the only true God, the Lord of Lord and King of King - that we need Him as the One Thing in our lives that all else revolves around, and from whom all real blessings flow. This is what it means that God is a jealous God, not petty envious, - but the God who changes not only rituals of worship - but all our habits ad manners and way of life. And consider the covenant ways of the Lord we need to uphold in the land!
Great illustration of a boat. The planks nailed together so that the boat will be in the water - the church is to be in the water. But the problem comes when instead of being in the water. Holes that we let the water into our lives, into Christs Church - Ask a question Do I love the world as God did, to save it, or Do I love the world the stuff of this world, the distorted sinful pleasures, the false comfort? Is it like that water seeping to the ship and it will sink it? Or with covenant-keeping and presence of hte Lord kept afloat real holiness, so sail in this world as hope and alternate
Yes salt and light, in our relationships and actions, but notice also - the death and grubmling stop and what replaces it?
C. Sing Life-Defining Songs of the LORD’s Victories
Victory over Sihon, Results in Life-Defining Songs of Zion
Numbers 21:27 Therefore the ballad singers say, “Come to Heshbon, let it be built; let the city of Sihon be established.
Therefore the ballad singers say, “Come to Heshbon, let it be built; let the city of Sihon be established.
Just like earlier in the chapter, they no longer compalin when way is hard no water - they call ot to God, worship and sing!
GOd prvoides aneough for this stoep fo the journey, and gues what they do they Sing Numbers 21:16-17 Spring Up O Well. And now they sing as Christ’s victories being one.
God’s people are to be a signing people. We are to have songs in our life that make sense of the crazy battles in the world around us, we record truths in bright song, laments in sad notes - Ask you to keep singing in the darkness of this time. That’s what Christ did on the Cross as Psalms keep him going. It is what Christ does, in coming back alive, and now to lead us His people as we march further in His conquest of this globe with his grace. Fulling Psalm 22 the suffering Saviour return to us why?
Hebrews 2:12 “I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.”
saying, “I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.”
And Romans 15:9 tells us Christ job is to lead the Praise of Gods name among the Gentiles!
and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written, “Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles, and sing to your name.”
Christ’s church still growing andwill grown to the end. CHrist’s church is making a differenc in this world - pushing back darkness, piercing darkness with Christ’s light, winning over suffering by love! And we are to celebrate like the armies of the Lord did - put the singers at the front!
I challenge you to email me a song yo want us to sing that helps you makes sense of these times and gives you such hope in Christ’s victories! This WORSHIP was an element of all holy war in which God fought for Israel, they would come back, usually with the tabernacle like Psalm 24 and they would sing in worship to the Lord. Have you this Easter season? Do you each Lord’s Day celebrate the life defining victories of King Jesus! - Song of the Sea , Psalm 24 who is this king of glory The Lord strong in battle…
D. Emotionally, Do Not Fear the King Og’s of this World!
A gerneation of faith is portrayed as moving on, from one palce to the next, always pushing on to the vision of the Promised Land, even if battle is part of the way there. But the nations, with their gods and their evil … see the conquest of Israel beginning and get so defensive.
Og from the North pounces on this much smaller Israel. And like young David before Goliath, the Lord says here the question is whether with courage you will stand in faith against even the greatest powers on earth that would deny the God of Israel! Like Later David, stand with simple sling shot against the champions of this world that defy the LORD OF HOSTS, Look at
Numbers 21:34 But the Lord said to Moses, “Do not fear him, for I have given him into your hand, and all his people, and his land.
But the Lord said to Moses, “Do not fear him, for I have given him into your hand, and all his people, and his land. And you shall do to him as you did to Sihon king of the Amorites, who lived at Heshbon.”
The promise in this holy war of the conquest of the land is not don’t fear him because I’ve given you so much talent, you have wisdom in yourself,. No like David, the promise for those who would stand against the God-defiers of this world: I am the one in this battle, I have given … . And now in this spiritual battle, Christ wins the victory of the Cross the resurrection - sends us out in this world;
But just like with David and Israel, though the victory is the Lord’s, we are still called to act! That Great Commission of conquest of grace - but he says I am with you. IN this world trouble, battle, be hated, at times persecuted for my sake, Jesus said, I send you like doves in the midst of snakes… But don’t fear, trust me to bring conquest by the means I’ve appointed.
Back then it was physical warfare against an aggressor. But now it is Father given all authority in to the hands of the one who conquers by suffering love. Now isn’t the time of the final reckoning, now the ark is sailing to families of nations and to those at war with God, but the door is open …
And the followers of Jesus establishing a spiritual conquest of all nations, how do they wage war: Oh yes, take kingdom by violence, but its a spiritual violence...
Destroy every argument,
2 Cor 10:3-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God
For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,
Words of Christ’ grace and truth have changed your life and they will change others. But actions too:
Romans 12:19-21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Christ who says My kingdom not of this world - or I would fight for it, says, spiritual kingdom - until he comes again in the world not of it; but real battle not against flesh and blood - but against the principalities. Eph 6:12
Listen TO THE PROPHET’S HOPE, THAT AFTER Israel experienced God’s holy war against them, in exile, that God would again appear like a warrior, but in His coming in Christ, not to bring judgment to us, but to set a guilty, oppressed, wilderness people free:
Hosea 11:8-9
How can I give you up, O Ephraim? How can I hand you over, O Israel? How can I make you like Admah? How can I treat you like Zeboiim? My heart recoils within me; my compassion grows warm and tender. I will not execute my burning anger; I will not again destroy Ephraim; for I am God and not a man, the Holy One in your midst, and I will not come in wrath.
Imagine the joy of those humble faithful imperfect Israelite believers - victory, pressing forward - they renewed their commitment. Imagine their joy, after seeing the gates of hell prevail for 40 years, after dismissal progress for so long - now the gates of hell can’t prevail. And we like 2nd generation moving through and out of the desert, like Israel returning from exile, we like them our hope is in Daniel 7 - Son of Man coming but he has forgiveness and he has salvation in his hand! He comes for his sinful but forgiven people, and he sets them free from the spiritual beast that keeps this world in bondage! The world wanted a Messiah that brought physical war and fertility and power and material victory, but when Jesus cones says - I come healing the sick, driving out the demons, spiritual war - reconcile, brought the fight to a higher plane!
Where the victory is most needed - Christ brings it: why he is called Lord Sabbaoth the Lord of the heavenly armies. The best abilities of God’s people and their best laid plans come to to nothing, - but God has sent us the Captain of our salvation - to save the un-savable, to help the helpful , to redeem the lost! This is the Cross and Resurrection Col 2:15
He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
Mystery of mysteries Christ defeated the powers and authority not by killing but by dying, and God’s people enter into a new era of spiritual warfare! We will see the blessing the Son of God promises, but for this week know - you are called to 1. covenant with the Lord for His kingdom and victory not your own safety and private booty. Your are promised a conquest that set you free from slavery to idols and ensnaring sins, and you are promised that as you engage in the spiritual warfare of the Christ - you have nothing to fear!
Ephesians 6 see a war not only out there in our culture and in our homes, but a war also waged within our own hearts and minds.
And this will make us a epoel who have a song to sing in the night of the struggle and suffering, wilderness, but we will be pressing on!
Jesus is coming again as the Rider on the White Horse eyes are blazing fire, and head with many crowns- gather and divide and judge . But do you see it, it isn’t he Canaanites the spiritual ware is against but against Saatan himself and his kingdom of darkness.