Graduation Day (Committing Ourselves To The Church's Call)
Jesus has given his followers the mandate wash and grow new followers
Transition To Body- Context To Text Today
Jesus Directed The Disciples To Meet Him In Galilee (Where Their Discipleship Began)
one who engages in learning through instruction from another, pupil, apprentice
one who is rather constantly associated with someone who has a pedagogical reputation or a particular set of views, disciple, adherent
a person who is a disciple or follower of someone—‘disciple, follower
give detailed instructions as to what must be done—‘to order, to instruct, to tell, to command
command, order, instruct
to give instructions as to what must be done, order, fix, determine, appoint
Angel of the LORD said “Go Quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen”
And Jesus said “Don’t be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee”
Galilee- The Place Where Jesus called the first disciples
Jesus having gone ahead to meet the disciples in Galilee after having been crucified and raised from the dead
Some disciples worship
to express by attitude and possibly by position one’s allegiance to and regard for deity
Some disciples doubted
Body- Committing Ourselves To The Church’s Call To Make Disciples Means We Know & Understand
The Church’s Call Comes From Heaven (Yet Implemented On Earth)
authority- ability to perform,
the power to do something, with or without an added implication of authority—‘power.’
the right to control or command, authority, absolute power, warrant
Kingdom of God Authority
Mission- what we do
Commission- authority we are given
Not only does
The Church’s Call Comes From Heaven (Yet Is Implemented On Earth)
The Church’s Call Is Outward Focused
Not only does
The Church’s Call Comes From Heaven (Yet Is Implemented On Earth)
The Church’s Call Is Outward Focused
The Church’s Call Has A Specific Purpose
Make Disciples Cross-culturally
36.37 μαθητεύωb: to cause someone to become a disciple or follower of—‘to make disciples, to cause people to become followers.’
Of All Nations
a body of persons united by kinship, culture, and common traditions, nation, people
Cleanse Disciples Thoroughly
to employ water in a religious ceremony designed to symbolize purification and initiation on the basis of repentance
to use water in a rite for purpose of renewing or establishing a relationship w. God, plunge, dip, wash, baptize.
Baptism in the name of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit
i.e. Wash them for God’s purposes
Instruct Disciples Comprehensively
to provide instruction in a formal or informal setting