KBM Revelation Chapter 7
Kids Bible Minute • Sermon • Submitted
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Hello and welcome to another episode, our 193rd episode, of Kids Bible Minute. I’m your host Landon Rowell and the preacher for the church of Christ in Ramona, OK. Thank you for deciding to study God’s Word with me this blessed day and I want to encourage you to have your Bible with you so that when I mention a Bible verse you can pause this podcast and read that passage for yourself. I want you to see God’s Word and not just take my word for it. Now after you have read that passage unpause the podcast, and then if I read the verse out loud read along with me. If you are new to our study, first I want to say thank you for studying with us and secondly I want to let you know that you can reach all archived or past episodes easily at ramonacofc.com in the podcast section where there is a direct link to Kids Bible Minute past episodes. So, as most of you know we have been studying through the book of Revelation and find ourselves examining Revelation chapter seven today. This is indeed a very interesting chapter for several reasons, three of which we will discuss today. First, let’s talk about the timing of this chapter. The angels are told to hold back the destructive wind until the God’s servants are sealed, however if you remember back to Revelation 6:8 we see that destruction of the earth had started already with the pale horse and his rider. This tells us that this chapter is actually dealing with events that take place right before chapter six. Why, would God have this written here then? Because any Christian at that time would naturally wonder what would happen to them, after reading chapter six and this is God’s response, He will protect them, for more on this idea read Matthew 6:25-34. The second thing I want us to consider from this chapter are those being sealed. There is a lot of confusion on this in the world yet there doesn’t have to be if we remember two things (1) this is figurative language and (2) numerology. First the 12,000 from each tribe is figurative language for “all the righteous in the church at that time.” Remember, even Christians today are considered spiritual Israel i.e. God’s children (Romans 11:11-26; Romans 2:25-29). So the tribes are symbolic of “God’s children” not the actual tribes. Secondly the number 144,000 gives us the answer as well. Remember 12 represents organized religion, 10 represents human completeness, and the doubling or multiplying of things represents emphasis. “Remember when I said you would need your introductory notes.” Okay, so 144,000 is 12 emphasized and 10 emphasized together. So you have organized religion and human completeness being emphasized and thus you get all of God’s righteous children in the church. To bolster this, in Revelation 14:1-4, we also know these 144,000 have the “Father’s name” written on their foreheads i.e. God’s children (Romans 8:16) and are virgins i.e. pure before God (2 Corinthians 11:2). The third and last thing I want us to remember from this chapter is that of verse 9 through the end of the chapter. Many hold to the idea that this is dealing with heaven. As we will see in chapter 20-21 this doesn’t seem to be the case rather what we are seeing is the church. Why would I say this, two reason, first these are coming out of “the great tribulation” (Revelation 7:14) thus this is the end of Roman persecution, specifically Domitian. Secondly Jesus is still “guiding” these people to the living water. Read Revelation 7:17.
17 For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
There is no reason for Jesus to guide anyone “in heaven” because they are already “in heaven.” Jesus is going to guide us to heaven and then hand His kingdom to the Father (1 Corinthians 15:24). So, what about the figurative language about no hunger, thirst, or tears? Jesus said these would be characteristics of those in the church (John 6:35) and this symbolic language has been used in the past for the Israelites as well (Isaiah 30:19; Isaiah 65:19; Isaiah 35:10) to list a few. The point is, God is going to punish Rome but God’s children will be taken care of by Him. The same is true for us today. No matter the persecution God will deliver us either in this life or the next.
Well, that concludes this Bible study for today. As always, I want to thank you for studying God's precious Word with me and I want to encourage you to continue to study God's Word every day. Be sure to use the wonderful material and other podcasts made available through the BWM App or website at biblewaymedia.org. I also personally have a website at gospel-preacher.com. Of course, make sure you ask your parents if it is ok by them before you download the app or go to those websites. I also encourage you to contact me personally with question about the Bible at the Ramona church of Christ email address ramonacofc@gmail.com or through our Facebook Page. Make sure you message the Ramona church of Christ in OK not California. Until we have an opportunity to meet again, peace be with you in Christ Jesus our Lord.