Redeeming the Time During a Pandemic
We need to be wise and understand the Lord's will during this pandemic.
I. Guard Your Time (vv. 15-16)
The Greek word for “redeeming” is a market term meaning “to buy out” or “purchase completely.” “Time” is the translation of a Greek word that came to mean something rather like “opportunity.” To “buy out the opportunity” is to make the most of one’s time, to pay the price in effort and exertion that is necessary in using it. TEV has “make good use of every opportunity.”
The verb exagorazō can mean to ‘redeem’ or ‘buy back’, and if used in this way here, the appeal is to ‘ransom the time from its evil bondage’. But probably it means rather to ‘buy up’, in which case RSV is right to translate making the most of the time, ‘time’ (kairos) referring to every passing opportunity.
Jonathan Edwards, the philosopher-theologian who became God’s instrument in the ‘Great Awakening’ in America in 1734–5, wrote in the seventieth of his famous Resolutions just before his twentieth birthday: ‘Resolved: Never to lose one moment of time, but to improve it in the most profitable way I possibly can.’
The coronavirus is God’s thunderclap call for all of us to repent and realign our lives with the infinite worth of Christ.