The Christian's Impact on the World
We have been studying how GOD’s grace sustains us amidst suffering or trying circumstances. We have reviewed the blessings GOD’s grace has brought on our lives, and who we’ve become due to his grace. These blessings of hope are the foundation of our encouragement when we’re experiencing trying times. We’ve also looked at the resulting relationship with GOD, Jesus, and the family of believers. But what about this world of unbelievers that surround believers. What role does GOD’s grace play in my interactions with people in the world? What is my purpose through GOD’s grace in everyday life in the midst of such a grave pandemic, COVID-19? Peter will transition to giving instructions for us (heirs, children of GOD, priests, etc) to answer those questions. What I want everyone to learn is how we as GOD’s children are to impact a world of unbelievers even when we’re troubled on every side. “The Christian’s Influence on the World”.
Before we can rightly impact or influence the world around us, it is first important to know that we don’t belong to the world. Peter’s encouragement begins with a comparison to aliens and strangers. Peter’s use of these two words is to get one point across, that children of the heavenly Father are not citizens of the earth in a spiritual sense. An alien is one who lives in a place without the right of citizenship and a stranger/sojourner is one who comes from a foreign country into a land to live there with natives temporarily. Since we are children of GOD, with an inheritance in heaven, that makes us non-citizens of this earth. Because that’s the case, the nature and culture of the world should not shape our behavior. Peter emphasizes that saying to abstain from fleshly lusts, or desires which originate from human nature and go against the nature of GOD. The character of such lusts is that they start war with our soul, which is the part of us that’s purified and will receive salvation (1 Peter 1:9, 1:22).
Application: Due to this COVID-19, stay at home orders and social distancing has been enforced across the world. It’s interesting that abstain means to distance oneself far enough away from something that we can’t contact or touch it!! In essence, GOD’s children should be practicing social distancing all the time. From what? Desires which are characteristic of human nature and the world. Practicing social distancing from people helps prevent the spread of this infectious virus, but distancing from our human desires prevents our souls from being in a fight all the time. It’s not desirable to be around someone who’s always starting fights, because we know trouble surrounds them often. We should have the same mind about desires of the human nature. Be careful, because it become easy to fall into many of them being in our homes.
Now Peter addresses our interaction with this world of unbelievers. That interaction should be full of good behavior, not solely because of them, because I need to first personally recognize I’m a citizen of heaven in the first place. Then that should translate in how I deal with folk around me. This good behavior means that it is attractive. The purpose is so that the world can observe that behavior, and although Christians are brutally criticized for faith and practices, their minds will change and they will praise GOD when he visits them with the same grace. In other words, Christian behavior is an object of testimony for unbelievers when they are converted to GOD!!
Application: This means while I’m personally striving to demonstrate my heavenly citizenship, I’m also showing the world the impact GOD’s grace has on my life. Paul in Eph 2:8 and Titus 2:13-14 says GOD’s grace has saved me, and created and purified me to himself to be passionate about doing good. People may criticize who I am, and the activities that I’m engaged in as his child. But we stay steadfast in doing good, because there is a possibility for those same people to be so impacted that they will praise GOD when they accept his grace too. This reminds me of when Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi, when the jailer observed their good behavior of not leaving the prison, he inquired how to be saved. After he and his household obeyed the gospel, it says he rejoiced greatly believing in GOD!! That should be our nature of living among all unbelievers.
But then Peter gets more specific with our relationship to government. Our relation to them should be in submission. Regardless of what level of authority. Spiritually, we are citizens of heaven. However physically, since we’re still on this earth, we are citizens of some nation. This submission should be with the Lord on our minds. GOD has established authority for the punishment of evil and the commendation of what’s right. Of course there is only one limitation to this submission, and that’s when any human authority or law given by them opposes the command of GOD. Peter himself in Acts 5:29 stated “We must obey GOD rather than man”, because the rulers had commanded that they not preach in the name of Jesus. But in all other cases, as Peter is here explaining, Christians should submit to authorities. It is in GOD’s will that they do so, and by doing the right thing (watch the purpose), they will silence the mouths of those who don’t know about GOD, yet often throw ignorant opinions about his children.
Application: I know this is a difficult one for many of us because of the character of who’s in the white house. But remember, Nero was king when Peter wrote this letter and Nero was a treacherous king. So it was likely difficult for many of the recipients to digest these instructions. But when we understand our purpose is to shut up ignorant opinions by doing right, and it is the will of GOD, it should motivate us differently. COVID-19 has created much backlash toward governments. Even the stay at home and social distancing laws are being broken by many. There are some very ignorant opinions about Christians and GOD, saying that this rule goes against GOD’s command to assemble for worship. But this rule isn’t targeting Christianity, it’s a matter of public safety. Worldly people, even some Christians, are ignorant of the fact that worship is in Spirit, it is not all about the assembly. It is a vehicle for encouragement and worshipping together, absolutely. But faith is the essence. Even when it does target Christianity, faith is essential. John was exiled to the Island of Patmos, and was by himself on the Lord’s day. He was not violating scripture. We ourselves need to be informed by GOD’s grace so we can behave righteously and silence all ignorance. Consider Daniel, being maliciously accused because he prayed to GOD, thrown in the lion’s den, the next morning king Darius himself checked on him and he was alright. The result was that his accusers in their ignorance were silenced, even put to death. And king Darius gave a decree in praise of Daniel’s GOD!! GOD is the one who establishes authorities and removes them. It is our job to submit and do what’s right, despite the character of who is ruling.
Why? Because we are free in this world, but we use our freedom to show that we belong to GOD!!
Finally, Peter instructs how we relate to everyone, the brotherhood of believers, GOD, and whoever is ruling. Respect, love, and fear. - Chinese are being blamed and hated for this pandemic by many in the nation and world. But we as Christians do what, we respect them. We can speak up for injustice, but our behavior doesn’t move in vengeance on anyone. Vengeance belongs to GOD. And because I fear GOD, in reverent fear, I treat unbelievers around me with respect and good behavior.
How has your impact been? When people observe us, does it motivate them to praise GOD because of how his grace has impacted our lives? How are we behaving toward authorities during this time? Are we giving people a reason to slander our GOD, his word and grace? Or is our submission and righteous behavior putting a muzzle on their mouths? Are we demonstrating our spiritual citizenship, national citizenship, and world citizenship by our behavior? Doing so causes us to stand in the grace of GOD even during this crazy pandemic.