Divine sovereignty
Hello, welcome to the Daily Grind podcast a Ministry of Faith Baptist Church the daily podcast Monday through Friday on our daily walk of Christ pose to buy Steven and Andy bits go myself. They were going to be using a Bibles as well as the 365 days of Spurgeon devotional. If you don't have a Bible readily available, you can download the Logos Bible Software at logos.com can also download that 365 days of Spurgeon devotional logos.com. However, it does cost money and we have the slides on the screen as well as the notes in the podcast notes.
There is Charles Spurgeon on the slide and today's on May 4th the title. The message is divine sovereignty Divine sovereignty. And the first reading for today is going to be the Book of Luke in chapter 19 verses 11 through 18 11 through 27 take Mom and find that in your Bibles. Feel free to pause the podcast and Luke chapter 19 verses 11 through 27. We see in as they heard these things he added and spake Parables because he was nine to Jerusalem and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear he said there for a certain normal then went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return and he called his ten servants and delivered them 10 lbs and Said unto them come set under them occupied till I come but its citizens hated them and send a message after him saying we will not have this man to rain over us and it came to pass that when he was returned having received the kingdom. Then he commanded the servants to be called on to him to whom he had given the money that he might know how much every man had gained by trading then came the first sang Lord. I pound has gained 10 lb, he said unto him. Well. Good and safe scuse me, and he said unto him. Well thou good and faithful without good servant because Val has been faced with a very little have that authority over 10 cities and the second came saying Lord, I pound has gained five pounds and he said likewise to him be the Dallas over five cities in another came saying Lord behold here is the town which I have kept laid up in a napkin for I fear thee because Thou Art knit a steer man. What that last not down and repurpose that without did snot so and he saith unto him out of thine own mouth. Will I judge thee that Wicked servant down newest. I was going to steer man taking up what I laid not down and reaping what I did not sell where 4 then gave us not Val my money into the bank that at my coming. I might have required mine own with ussery and he said unto them that stood by take from him the pound and give it to him that has 10 pounds and they said unto him Lord. He has 10 lb for I saying to you that under everyone which path shall be given in from him that hath not even that he has shall be taken away from them. But those mine enemies which would not that I should Reign Over them bring visitor and slay them before me.
so the message for today is like I mentioned earlier is divine sovereignty at the excerpt of the sermon that he delivered on May 4th 1856 at New Park Street Chapel on South work and this is going to be the excerpt
There is no attribute of God more comforting to his children than the doctrine of divine sovereignty under the most adverse circumstances in the most severe troubles. They've really that's already has ordained their afflictions. That's 17 overrules them in that Solomon teen will sanctify them. All there is nothing for which the children of God should more earnestly contend then the domain of their Master over all creation the kingship of God over all the works of his own hands the Throne of God and his right to sit upon that Throne on the other hand. There is no doctor and more hated by unbelievers. No truth, which they have kicked about so much as a great Tiffany list, but most certain doctrine of the song Richie of the infinite Jehovah men will allow God to be everywhere except on his throne. They'll allow him to In his Workshop to Fashion worlds and to make stars. They will allow him to be in his treasure to dispense his arms and bestow his bounties. They will allow him to sustain the Earth and bear up its pillars or light the lamps of heaven or rule the waves of the ever-moving ocean, but when God descends has thrown his creatures than gnash their teeth and when we Proclaim in Throne to God and his right to do as his as he Wills with his own to dispose of his creatures and he thinks well without consulting them in the matter. Images that we are ready killed and then it is that man turn a deaf ear to us for God on his own Throne is not the god they love they love him anywhere better than they do when when he sits with his scapular and hand in his crown upon his head. All right, and if so, we're just pulling this from Matthew chapter 20 verses 15 through 16. It is not lawful for me to do what I will with I'm with my known as dine. I evil because I am good. So the last shall be first and the first last for many be called but few are chosen. He specifically is concentrating on the first part is not is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own meaning that Would I do what I do is on my own is there any consequences to it? Who's in control over me? Is there a ruling body or ruling governing over that's covering over me and ultimately for everyone believer or unbeliever. That is God. That's a solvency of God if we take it by definition Biblical teaching that the god possesses all power in his the ruler of all things. We can draw this from Psalms chapter Psalms number 135 verse number 6 whatsoever the Lord pleased that he that did he in heaven and in Earth in the seas and all the Deep places. He owns everything. We even look at Daniel chapter 4 verses 34th and 35 and at the end of days. I never can never lifted up mine eyes unto heaven in mine understanding return done to me and I blessed the most high and I pray In honor of him that liveth forever who is Dominion is an everlasting dominion and his kingdom is from generation to generation and all the inhabitants of the earth refuted as nothing and he doeth according to his will in the army of Heaven in among the inhabitants of the earth and none can stay his hand or say unto him. What does it how you see God is in control of everything the land the Seas the the air every ruler that brings up a good question about every ruler. So if we look here God rules of Works according to his eternal purpose Even though events that seem to contradict or oppose his rule, even if there's a person that is against him God is still ruler over him and we'll win will it will eliminate that will eliminate that person so Dad is an ultimate control and we have to realize that that no matter what the money that flows through God's in control the weather that flows through God's in control is controlled climate control. He's in control of everything. He's in control of situations are happy in this world during the time or past or present or future he is he is in control and always will be in control and we take it to another part that people like the money people like the Earth people like the lie, but they will not Place him on that Throne. They won't give him that ultimate acknowledgement that he is. The king of king and the Lord of lords. He is the ultimate one in control because people do not want to give up that flesh. They don't want to give up that control knowing that they don't have the control that God ultimately has it. So what brings us to this point that's Burgess making a pond to us to think about this. Do you still have to think twice before addressing Jesus as Lord? Will Jesus I mean Judas could never bring himself to do it. The other disciples could say Lord and I started thinking about this. I looked at the different verses in Matthew chapter number 26 in verse number 22, and they were exceedingly sorrowful * * ofer. Oracle and began and began every one of them to say unto him Lord is it I they called him Lord the disciples did but we look here. The disciples had the acknowledgement of calling Jesus Christ Lord, but Judas on the other hand to the only say Rabbi master or teacher. We got Matthew chapter number 26 and verse number 25 then Judas which protrait betrayed him answered and said Master is a tie. He said unto him now has to bring the acknowledgement to call him Lord to call him Savior and that's the way the people are are today. They won't they will accept everything that God has for them, but they won't serve they won't accept Jesus Christ as their savior. They won't say Lord. They will not accept him. It's a struggle. It's a complete struggle, but there is a part of that flesh. That's right. There are part of that life that they don't or that Pride that they don't want to give up in a minute. It's a tough thing. It's a tough thing for us to dwell with Wii U stinky Andy.
If you're dressing the sovereignty of God as we've been addressing should also address why people deny the sovereignty of God. I think that's an interesting topic to kind of look into if you don't have to address or if you don't have to believe in the sovereignty of God that gives you two for the government. There's only really only two choices you or the governing body over you that could be your family XP, you know the head of government, you know, I was in Congress or the president over what is right and what is wrong I think about it this way if there is no God and there is no sovereignty in God, then you don't have to believe anything that the Bible says, you know, just take a little bit broader. You don't have to believe anything the Quran says the Book of Mormon. Rosary anything that any religious or holy book, you know has said or stated you don't have to believe any of that you make your own rules and you'll give yourself the power to judge. What is right and wrong know you might think okay. That's that's not necessarily a bad idea for the most part people are good, you know, you know those that aren't good or readily dealt with it for the most part but I would say you need to step back and think about that because if there's no sovereignty to direct what is right and wrong then who's to say that if I myself sick while rates right? Incest write murders right robberies, right corruption is right. I'm saying that I choose right and wrong for myself and I say all those things are right will then you can take while the government says what's right and wrong. Okay. Well, let's take you know, let's take the Hitler at stake World War. He claimed to be a Christian for the 1930s. 5 to 1939 is when he claimed to be a Christian after that. He mysteriously talked about it last a month. That's because he was but he was following from what I've read and what I've been studying useful in the Nordic gods of the ancient Nordic God which essentially was a cool pic teaching that believe that there was no sovereignty that you felt things and then you pursue them. He believed he was as a God. Okay, Sophie determine what was determined what was right and wrong and he determined that Jews were wrong that anyone who is not a very innocent. Okay, that would be Hispanic. That would be Africans. That would be Does anyone in Alaska just about anyone in America just about anyone not born in Germany? We're bad people in should be destroy. Okay? So she was the government essentially Adolf Hitler was the government and he said that the Jews were bad that the Jews should be killed that the Jews should be exterminated that they should be driven out of Germany and then you know when driving them out of Germany wasn't enough that killing them all over the world should be what happened on his deathbed. His daughter said it as a witness. He said the last act he had in life was to raise his hand towards God and with a Grimace of anger raise his hand towards God and died. Okay, Joseph Stalin killed millions of people his own people not necessarily for religion just because they were there personally signed the death warrant personally his personal signature signed the death warrant of hundreds of thousands of Russians. Tell Me OK or tell anyone after looking at that that the government is not capable of doing something that is morally wrong to a higher power. So we have to come to the conclusion that if a man can't choose what is right and wrong a collective of men and women or women can't choose what is right wrong. They are morally infallible that they are not morally consistent one with each other. Then that means that there is some higher power and if you choose to believe that it's a whole Eli and that we should believe in a holy life for the sake of cultural consistency in choosing. What is right and wrong. Okay, we can have a discussion about that later. But now that you're now you're at least admitting the fact that there is some semblance of Holiness that there is some semblance of sovereignty and if there is some semblance of sovereignty then there must be some semblance of right and wrong for everyone. Okay, and we can discuss, you know, whether right and wrong for everyone in Moral Moral consistency. And you know, what is right one we can discuss whether you know, that's Jesus and you know the Bible make a Christian perspective on what is right and wrong because it's plenty of other perspectives Muslims are Mormons are Catholics to you know to name a few of what is right and wrong. Okay, that's a discussion. We cannot believe it. But now we're into the discussion of there is some Sovereign tea somewhere in that sovereignty is what we should be a bank. That is Jesus Christ. So and you brought up a good point. Why would someone put all their faith into a government? We're Collective group of people because you just Illustrated a span of 60 at 80 years of the changing. I promise you this listeners that our God the god of Jesus Christ has not changed from the beginning of the because he created the world to now till the end till the end. He is ultimately at the throne. in heaven ultimately and it doesn't change the amazing thing is I can show you the Bible a thousand 1500 2000 years ago, and it's still the same.
I can show you 6500 years ago. endurance during Moses time I even know it's time for Adam and Eve's time. God was still in control.
all throughout time God has ruled an event in control but like you Illustrated just last 60 at 80 years how much it's changed and when you know special when people put their focus in the face upon man, a collective group of men or women or a government to be more specific that changes. Why would I want to end it with sis? And I ask this as a as a question to the audience? Why would you want to put something that is not put your faith in the something not consist?
Because then your opinion changes. And therefore I could tell you you're not consistent. put your faith in God put your tray trust in God and A lot of things will be less inconsistent in your life. I mean, you're still going to wear black or white socks, but I mean besides that as long as you know that God's in control and so that's what we want to end with you today. And I want to say thank you for listening to the podcast. And if you have time, please share this podcast click the share button at the bottom and I sure the podcast has many friends and families and families that you know and strangers shirts down just start adding names in the Facebook and just start sending in the podcast. No big deal. And also we like you to visit the Faith Baptist El Paso. Org we have a lot of different tools are online for you to look at. We also have our online services. If you don't belong to a church always go to your church first, but you're looking for a church. We do stream online on Sunday 11 in the morning from Is 11 in the morning on Sunday, 6:30 on Sunday evening and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. All those times or mountain standard time, so, please coordinate your clocks to that and we're on Facebook at Faith El Paso. That's our Facebook and also our faith life. A lot of people ask me about the face life and faith life is basically a private online community. Basically, it's a virtual Church where we get the fellowship of all participate do prayer list of Bible studies edify in enrich each other. That's a faithlife.com faith. El Paso and mentioned the Facebook. We also do have a Bible study. Like I mentioned that that's in our faith Life Community. Also if you would like to give to this ministry go to Faith Baptist, El Paso. Org. Slash give that's Faith Baptist. El Paso. Org forward slash give and to give to this ministry of a Faith Baptist Church. Have a good day.