Pivot! (Week Three)
Hey, welcome to week 3 of pivots and I'm doing horrible. I'm just like touching my face itch in my face and stuff. But anyways, it is been beautiful outside. I hope you guys are taking advantage of these days with your family and your friends around you social distancing, of course, but taking advantage of these nice days outside and at least it is in Northern California here. We are in week 3 of pivots the series of dedicated to the encounters with Jesus in his resurrection from his resurrection day to his Ascension does 40 days and we are still on the Resurrection Day day one we talked about the Mary Magdalene in one week and Jesus. To her at the tomb we've talked about the two of the road on the road to Emmaus Jesus appear to them. If you're Peter for short time during that time, but today we're going to get into a passage in Luke and also and John that talks about Jesus appearing to the disciples. So as Jesus is busy with these men these on the road to Emmaus. He goes to their house cuz we talked about last week. He's sitting with them and he breaks bread with with them and their eyes were open. They remember who Jesus is and they're just filled with joy any of any fear that they had was was gone. And so Jesus disappears at that time and he goes in your peers to his disciples and that's kind of where we are. We're at right now in the passage. We're going to just jump right into it and we're going to look at Luke 24 vs. If you want to fall Longview vs 36 and we're going to read 249. But it says right here while they were still talking about this Jesus himself himself stood among them and said to them peace be with you. So they're talking about it. Mary Magdalene is is most likely there. But but with the disciples and those closest to Jesus Jesus followers there behind locked doors at this point for fear of the of the Jewish leaders and what they might do. So this sharing about Jesus's resurrection the rumors I might be going around about it. But there is there an inferior and one way because the leaders but they're it in excitement in a way to sew their emotions just like all over the place and but while they're still talking about this Jesus himself stood among them and said them peace be with you and if you recall back in back in John earlier and John Jesus gives them a piece that it's in talks about this piece that's going to be comforting them. And so he's reassuring them of Pete's right off the bat and chorus and verse 37 says they were startled and frightened thinking this song a ghost. And so Jesus does to Denver's 38. Why are you troubled and why do you why do doubts rise in your mind's look at my hands and my feet it is I myself touch me and see a ghost does not have Flesh and Bones as you see I have been so what Jesus is doing here is acknowledging of the fears of that data people thought that taught that when the the in folklore Jewish folklore when the dead would appear they thought it was for bad intentions. They didn't think it was for good. And that was just the the what was going around in that day and said Jesus is appealing to their humanistic culture at that time and just saying, you know as much as you do as people around you see it and in the folklore a ghost wouldn't mess we have flesh and blood and so he said see you can see everything on me. And so He jumps and he assures them at with peace. He didn't just entering, you know, he didn't open the door and just walk in he appear to them. So I would say yes, that was a little bit startled, but I'm he he offers them keys and he's like, hey, look at my hands and my feet and then see that it's me myself touch me and see that a ghost does not have Flesh and Bones as you see that I have and so Jesus is assuring them now physically about them. And so sorry, I'm adjusting the camera right now. But Jesus is reassuring them physically who he is and that he's he's among them and in the end he is in fact resurrected and so verse 40 When he said thus he showed them his hands in his feet and while they still did not believe it because of join amazement. He asked them so he appears to them, you know, it's like doesn't he doesn't walk through the door. He appears to them. So first while it's like a miracle scary, yes, but it's miracle and then he you know, he shows them the hands and feet and they still are just kind of like what's going on and then he's like, okay alright have anything to eat around here. You know, he's he's showing them another proof case. So if that didn't work at first showing them physically that he just entered not through a door, but just appeared out. He's like, okay. Well this they might have something to eat. I can show you so he says do you have anything here to eat verse 41 that's 42 then they gave him a piece of broiled fish and he took it and he ate it in a present and I'm sure they're just like amazed that okay, you know, if according to Jewish folklore in people around that believe in ghosts, whatever ghost wouldn't eat, you know food And if you ever seen the movie the show Casper whatever but like food just goes through him because obviously he's a Friendly Ghost but it just you know cartoon so he eats it and obviously doesn't fall through him. He's he's physically there and so 44 he said of them. This is what I told you while he was while I was still with you. So he shows him the physical in his hands in his feet. He eats the fish showing physical proof tangible proof, and then he goes into the scriptures and saying okay now that you're beginning to see this this is exactly what I told you I was with you. Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms. And so it's as he gets into this. He he then threw the scripture says then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures. He was obviously he's Jesus. He was skilled enough to explain the scriptures enough that they could they can open their minds and begin to understand what it really meant. So he says here specifically in verse 46. He told them this is what is written the Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and repentance for forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to All Nations beginning at Jerusalem your Witnesses of these things. I'm going to send you what my father has promised but stay in the city until you have been closed with power from on high. Insta, Jesus not only a goes back to the scriptures. And if you recall last week, he went through the Old Testament scriptures in the prophecies with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. And so here he is explaining the scriptures again after he is show them physically his hands in his feet and then he's he's he's a piece of fish broiled fish. So he gets into the scriptures which they would have been well familiar with and he's explaining the scriptures to them and it says that the point of the suffering of the Messiah that that that he was the savior he is Christ and the point of him rising from the dead on third day is to make way for repentance for the Forgiveness of sins that will be preached in his name. And so Jesus died on the cross he shed his blood in order that it might pay the atonement to forgive sins completely and once and for all in his resurrection, Was the the the proof of the this eternal hope that we have in him Beyond this life that we can have the resurrection power inside of us. But what is more than that earlier in John 14 as his with his disciples and those around him keep promises the holy spirit that is to come that's that's what he's talking about here in verse 49. I'm going to send you what my father has promised for the promise was the Holy Spirit, but stay in the city until you've been clothed with power from on high. So if we look at John 14 be kind of skip ahead here. It says here that Jesus promises the Holy Spirit if you talk about you love me, you keep my commands and I will ask the father and John 14:15 right now and I will ask the father and he will give you another Advocate to help you and be with you forever. The spirit of Truth the world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him because I only Believers will possess the Holy Spirit but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you and saying he will be in so not yet. The holy spirit is in them, but he will be in in the in the Believers. I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you before long the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me because I live you also will live on that day. You will realize that I am in my father and you are in me and I am in you whoever hasn't my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me the one who loves me Will Be Loved by my father and I chew love them and show them. Myself to them and so he goes talking about this promised. Holy spirit that they will have one day and as we get into this and in the conversation happens as he goes through and we read and Luke him again to John 20 in just a second, but he talks about a few different things and those things we could talk. I thought he talks about is that that she as the Messiah needed to suffer and be raised on the third day that's important. That's that's foundational for our faith. We must understand that he's he's talking in the Believers hear the disciples his closest followers and he's telling them reassuring them and if you still want to do is his closest followers and disciples it still applies to us today that we should know. This is foundational truth that he was and is the Messiah you needed to suffer and shed his blood to cover the sins of all Humanity including ourselves. And on the third day raised again. This is the gospel message that we have to share in the second is that repentance and forgiveness will be preached in this what he saying it will be preached. It is preach today, but it will be preached in his name to All Nations starting in Jerusalem. So he's saying it's starting with you guys. It's starting right here. You're going to have this message share the Forgiveness of sins with other people around and then people might be saved through that and you're all Witnesses of this and this is what he tells them that you're all Witnesses of this. Not only that he's going to send you what my father has promised. It's like but wait there's more and he keeps going on, you know, as he's gone explaining this stuff his disciples and could you imagine the joy and excitement that they have at this point? I mean just to happen in the presence, but let alone he's recommission them an innocence as his followers and his disciples to get out there and to preach this message to have the authority Preach this this message and didn't have the authority to Stave sins. But they have the authority to preach the message. We're going to talk about more than just a second 4th. Is that he's saying we'll stay in the city as you look at Luke 24 hear what we just what we just read. He's telling them to the first 49. I'm going to send you what my father is promised that stay in the city until you have been close with power from on high and so they're supposed to stay in the city and we assume a frame and it went back to normal life. And I assume they didn't just jump back into it. This the life is Norma like everybody else did around them at that time, you know after Jesus died. Nobody expected in resurrecting. So they all everybody you know, that was in the streets shouting Hosanna. I'm sure went right back to work the next day. It was like nothing ever happened but these disciples are worshipping they're sharing their behind a locked doors because they are still considered followers are still following Jesus. And so here they are. Just sitting in this what some believe might be the upper room with it. Would Jesus have the Last Supper but it was no doubt in in a rich person's house behind closed doors in the vicinity of where his his death in his resurrection happened and 50 days later. So they're supposed to stay in the city and 50 days later is when Pentecost happen is when the Holy Spirit came the promise and so it's interesting as we read Luke and we get into it and some of you might be, you know, reading this for the first time in and it's like just as amazing as somebody that might read this before in the past over and over and you might be getting new things out of it, but Luke has the sequel and it writes of ax and axe is the whole history of the church. The birth is the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and many many many people are saved and in the church was birth and just completely continue to grow. Is just the an amazing story of the church and so dilute year. He wrote Luke Luke Luke and Lulu through tax and so let's get to John John's perspective in John's side of it and John 20s. He's there he's there because he's first person in in a way where in verse 19 of chapter 20 in John and he says on the evening of that first day of the week. So it's the same day that Jesus had a resurrected from the grave the same day that he appeared to Mary Magdalene when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders. Jesus came and stood among them and said peace be with you and so he says the same thing that Luke tide, does he acknowledge the Jesus appeared but Jesus appeared saying peace be with you. So, can you imagine the fear that they had they were already behind locked doors and somebody appears right? So obviously some of them are pretty scared right now. But he offers the screening of peace with them Shalom and says to them to settle them down and he says after in verse 20 after he said this he showed them his hands and his side the disciples were Overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Could you imagine right in your sitting in this this room may be just a few of you. You know, you're you're you're sharing or whatever. Somebody appears not expecting it. You'd be freaked out. Right? I mean, you know, but this is Jesus that appears to them and shows them his hands and his feet and so they began to understand the truth of who he was because it says the disciples were Overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Okay. Yeah, maybe they were Overjoyed realizing that wasn't a ghost coming back to like Aunt them or whatever or somebody come into just completely ruin their day, but they were Overjoyed when they saw the Lord they Overjoyed because it was the Lord it was the Messiah so they began to understand that it was Jesus came back in 21 verse 21, John 20. Again, so just repeated again. Jesus said peace be with you as the father has sent me. I am sending you and with that he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone since their sins are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven and it's interesting here as we have someone a similar theme of of Luke and John's perspective talking about the promised. Holy spirit that is to come and said receive the holy spirit in this and away is it is a foretaste of what's to come in the future with with the Holy Spirit. And so even the Holy Spirit didn't come right then he's staying received prepare your hearts for the holy spirit that is to come and that is the the holy spirit is what is going to empower them for their commission for their mission to go out and share the Gospel of Jesus. Christ Jesus comes and he appears to his disciples. He said he says a few things that that are worth noting. He assured them that that that they all had a message to share but it didn't get did they didn't yet possess the power to preach it in to carry out to his completion and that would only happen when they had the Holy Spirit residing residing inside of them which is which would be 50 days later at the day of Pentecost. The term witness is interesting because it means it's from the word marching which is where we get the English word martyr and when we look at the words when he says send forth is a pastello which is where we get the word apostle. And the promise of my father when he says the father of the promise of a father that is what to combine with the Holy Spirit. First of the Holy Spirit who would close in with power and this is the same term really as they would understand in their culture of when it when a Jewish when a leader would come to power they would close them with a with a cloak and the government official would receive that power on the day of their ceremony and so in a way it it's like they're the Christian the believer receives their their power through the Holy Spirit not through a worldly ceremony not through something that would be known to everybody in the world. But it's it's something that is known to Believers that has promised through Jesus Christ and John 14 into the holy spirit that clubs Austin Powers of that gives us the power to share this great message that we have of Jesus and from on high when he says that he's Play mean the source of their commissioning is proclaiming the power of their commissioning through God Almighty that nobody else could offer anything. So powerful is a holy spirit, but God himself. And Luke second letter in Acts explains. It said the the holy spirit in the commissioning of the church and that power in action and in your, you know, the Believers today, you know what I'm talking about. You know that that that power that we have to go sit on the holy spirit that just helps us not only to to preach and sharing the gospel messages. We pray for him to be to use us but but just did the discernment in the wisdom and the Insight that he gives us in our lives when we draw near to God when we when we really when we really abide in in the Lord and we access the Holy Spirit and our lives when we're living in light of the holy spirit. Will Walking In The Light we're walking in the truth of the opposite is is darkness and sin and in worldly things we want to be as Believers walking in the Holy Spirit the light of of what he offers and the truth that he brings that illuminates truth of scripture because there's a difference as you know when you get a Keyword and you just do one of these things like I've been in God's word for a long time. I'm just going to catch you one of these things and I'm just kidding, you know point right here and I'm going to read it and you know, what happens most of the time you read this verse eBay. That's the weirdest thing like why would that ever happen and we don't bother to read the context of the book. We don't bother to understand the rest of it. We just basically a shelf in a collect dust. If you are saved if your believer in you do that, you're not relying on the Holy Spirit to to illuminate God's word and bring truth into our hearts and our in our minds and our in our lives. What we're doing is just we're looking for a quick self-help book of the Bible is not a quick self-help book of the Bible has all the answers to life itself and Beyond and so as we get into God's word, we we looked at it as often like to stay with our youth kids when we read God's word. It's almost like putting on the way prescription glasses, right when we look at the world around us is completely construed. I'm farsighted or Nearsighted hard to see things far away think that's near said. Yes, so I wear these because at night when I'm driving this really hard to see I mean I can see things around me but it's blurry from from far away. And it's it's the same thing in the world and we're walking in this world. We're living Our Lives we can go and have you know a decent life, but we do not have life to the fullest unless we're reading God's word and using God's word as are prescription lenses to see the world around us. And so it's so important to being God's word and understand the truth of where we came from what are promises and what we have to offer those around us. It's like putting on prescription glasses that we can see everything around us. So clearly that's God's word. It gives us a bibile Biblical perspective a Biblical World perspective not just a worldly perspective and it's so important for us to have So these Believers they're sitting there in this room. And think about what happened Jesus died. Right? Most of the Cycles weren't even there. They left the women wear their Mary Magnum with their Jesus mother was there at the end John came and then Jesus said, you know, this is my mother take care of her at the end. But but most of the cycle scattered and then they they they went and locked doors. And most of these disciples did not see the resurrected Jesus until this time. It says the disciples were there. When is the when when he went into it is is on the evening the first day of the week when the disciples were together. So all the disciples were obviously Judas wasn't there but they were all together and sharing and most likely praying together. This is the same day when he appeared to to the other people and when we want me to look at this mess if you look in verse 22 receive the Holy Spirit, the holy spirit is to come verse 23 is so important to be so misconstrued. If you forgive anyone sends their sins are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven years and years of the ology has bad theology has been formed from this verse basically certain people will take this first and say religious leaders will take it say they're the ones that have the ability to forgive the sins of others. Nobody else can forgive others sins, but they have the power to forgive the sins of others. This is completely untrue first office on true because the only person that can forgive sins. Is Jesus Christ himself and as we look at the statement, it's profound because Jesus is literally saying that Believers won't only be carrying out the mission, but as they obey through the holy spirit's power men and women will actually be saved from sin. So as Believers we go out and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We share the scriptures with people we share that Jesus died for their sins that there's nothing they could do that that could ever earn their way into salvation into the kingdom of God except through acknowledging Jesus as the one true Messiah that was the atonement for our sins of his blood shed on the cross for our sins and that he rose again give his speech So this is the gospel message that we have to share with other people around us. And this is the the mission that we have to have to carry it is to go out a month everywhere and we know when Matthew 28 is the Great Commission which were going to go in a few weeks from now we're going to we're going to talk about that. But but this is a great Mission, but it's only through the holy spirit's power that men and women are saved so we can carry a message. But in this is often the same you may be heard it before that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink and so this is the same thing with with the gospel message, right? We have this costume that message of Jesus Christ, which is amazing. Right and you thinking as Believers like how can I buy not accept this the reason why people don't accept it right away is because the enemy has blinded their eyes. He is the prince of power the air right now on this Earth and and he is he is trying his hardest to keep unbelievers from seeing the light. Seeing the truth. And so if we thought about an hour in our in our own flesh were like as Believers, this is like the hardest thing we can't do it. Right? I can't have been trying to work on my neighbor for years and years. I've been trying to work on my my husband or my wife my kids for years and years and they're just not listening explain the message the own backwards forwards went to the Old Testament scriptures the prophecies. All the proof is in all those apologetic books. I basically explain everything to them and I don't understand you know what it's going to take. But Pastor will you go and you explain it to them? They always go to the pastor people always go to the pastor and they expect the pastor to have this like a magical wand where they can just plug tap somebody and they're saved because they opened everything everything opens up. I will tell you first-hand that I yes, I am a pastor but I hold no magic. I am a believer just like you And I would say to you that do not give up on praying for that person that is not saved it because here's the deal the the the magic so to speak is not anything that we could ever do the change of the heart is only the tugging of the Holy Spirit the power of God that changes people's lives. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink you can lead someone to the scripture. You can share everything that you've ever learned in every single Bible study that you've ever taken every single message that you've ever listened to every single pasta. Just you've ever read do not give up on sharing God's word, but I will tell you this that you do not have the power to save and I my guitar I have A verse on there and I definitely have 3:17, I think and it says that that only God is mighty to save that. He sings over us that he quiets our hearts but he is mighty to save everything is so important realize that as Believers as we understand his contacts to this verse ready to go back to his second. But this is all background Fort for us to understand it as we think about sharing the gospel message with other people. Let's never think that we have this power that is that is able to forgive people sins it in ourselves. It's not there's no power there for us to be able to say we don't have the authority to forgive sins. Only Jesus has the authority to forgive sins. We have the Commission in the authority through Jesus Christ to point people the point people to God's word and for them to work that out in their own life this send their own life. But Jesus is commissioning these disciples to go out and to share this message to have the authority to show this message that people will be saved from sin. But it's only through Jesus Christ. He isn't giving Believers power to Pardon other people's sins and our own teaching in our own sharing the gospel. We can't forgive sin in ourselves. But the message that is conveyed about the gospel can bring Sinners to Jesus Christ who can and will forgive who is justified through the grace of God through the Bloodshed of Jesus Christ on the cross. So through believe or sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ many will be saved many will come to face and the reality in Christ not just a preacher or Sunday school teacher, but any believer who carries this message has the opportunity through the Holy Spirit to change lives and it is amazing when you said I'm with somebody and they understand The message maybe it's in a time in the last with with life is just great. I'll maybe it's a time in the life where there has been the lowest but man when you share the gospel message with somebody and they and they get it and they understand and they realize the need for the savior in their life. It just fills you with that. Joy that imagine the disciples were sitting with Jesus. I mean the joy that they once they understood that it was Jesus with them. Think about the joy in the completion of their faith that they had. I want you to know today that Jesus is resurrected that he's sitting at the right hand of the father that we serve a living God that we have nothing to fear on this Earth. That our mission is to go and share this gospel message that people might be saved. I mean look at this world around us right now of how things are up in uproar. There's fear regardless of of the virus right now that's going on. It's always going to be something else. I mean, honestly, it's it's the enemy using same tactic different package is going to be like that for the rest of our lives until Jesus comes back and we can't be so distracted as Believers of what that package looks like. We just need to be faithful to the call that God has been placed on her life that us as followers of Jesus need to go and share this great message that we have about him and I sound like a broken record a note is each each and every week. I feel like a 10 Don this to just be the church and go out and share it. But but honestly if it's repetition that we need to understand that and that we had this this mission to go out and do this in the authority from from Jesus to go and share the gospel message. Might be saved then we're going to continue to share that same message every single week because we need a wake-up call in America right now as Believers we get way too comfortable and maybe if that's you pray for the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom to give you a boldness that you've never known to share the gospel message with those around us to get serious about it. And we look at this Jesus if I backup for a second. We look at Jesus on Earth with his disciples and he's promising the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit cannot come until Jesus is gone. And we look at the two instances of his to going away is and it's our passage today that he's going to be going away from the the disciples but he's not going to be gone from the earth until his Ascension and the second one is is Ascension and and we read about it. Is that the Holy Spirit cannot come until Jesus has gone with the father in Heaven and the Holy Spirit empowers us our lives and gives us his ministry of reconciliation reconciling people back to the father is Paul talks about in Corinthians. We have Jesus he went away for the purposes. He departs Buy it by the parts and leave this earth only then can the Holy Spirit empowers and it's and it's amazing thing to understand. It's a big concept to understand. It's amazing to understand that Jesus and the father has given the church the gift of the Holy Spirit and has entrusted us through the Holy Spirit to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to share this message. We wouldn't have the authority and we wouldn't have the power to go and share and have have truth in our lives and in our minds to go share this is this gospel message, but too often as Believers, we neglect the holy spirit's power. We neglect with the holy spirit's purpose is our lives and to be on this Earth and we just live our lives comfortably and day by day. We you know sit around and and you know, we might just enjoy our stimulus a little bit too much and you know from the government write. Thank you Uncle Sam. Can we go out and buy all these things that are then it might try to give us temporary peace and then temporary filmont, you know, we might find that some filming our job. We might find that Fifth Element in in our in our leisure activities. We can go through why so comfortable at times Right, or we can go through life in hard times. But even in the hard times we often look at those things as a crutch. And what was me and we just keep going on and on and on and we live in this respect this cycle and we just don't stop we neglect the Holy Spirit and our lives. If you're a Believer what I say to use do not neglect the holy spirit in your life. We have resources and we have things in our lives that God gives us that's his in order to bring him glory in order to further the kingdom and still think about the things that you have in your life that you're way too comfortable with or maybe that you're not trusting God enough with and you're not giving back to God. That's that's spiritual Orting and that's not a good thing at all. You need to recheck your your your life and where you're at. And so we need to tap into the Holy Spirit and we need to constantly live our lives through the Holy Spirit to understand scripture into understand life itself as Believers and not lean on your own understanding but in all our ways write Proverbs 3 5 through 6 acknowledge God and he will make our paths freaking know he will make our path straight and that is the only way is to acknowledge. God acknowledge his holy spirit in our lives day today. So because Jesus left in bodily form, everyone has the opportunity to experience the spirits Ministry in their lives. He gave the promise to the host of the Holy Spirit to the disciples and later on. They had the benefit of having the Holy Spirit has in their lives permanently in in town. But today we have the Holy Spirit permanently living inside of us as Believers and it is amazing that we have him in in us and we look at both Luke and both John's perspectives of of them received the Holy Spirit. Jesus is their sins are forgiven. If you do not forgive them then if you do not forgive them they are not forgiven. If you don't share the message of Jesus, they can't be forgiven because they don't know and so we have a big responsibility to share the gospel message with those around us so that others can be saved through Jesus Christ. So that is the big message today that we have a commission that were commissioned. We have a mission. From the Lord as the disciples did to go out and share with other people and and though that might sound repetitious from each week. If your believe that just kind of sitting on the couch or just enjoying the days and feeling so comfortable. I didn't charge you just to 2 to check your spiritual life and see where you're at. See what you've been hoarding spiritually and how you might give it back to the Lord and how you might make an impact to the kingdom and not for our Earthly Kingdom. So we just getting the scriptures and next week over the next few weeks. We we talk about other encounters a Jesus has with people it's amazing how Jesus you know changes lives, but how these people make a pivotal moment in our lives to to go from their old ways. And if you look at how they reacted from when they knew Jesus but then when Jesus died on the cross and then they were felt defeated they had fear and then Jesus appears to them. It is a different world. For them completely there. I mean, they're different people after this get in the book of Acts read the book of Acts and you will end as you read about Peter and John and all these disciples you'll be like, wow that is like seems like a completely different person than what I read in the in the in the in the gospel message from those people that lock those doors completely different a boldness that is unreal and and as Believers, we had that same ability to have that boldness that those disciples did the show the message. So I was just encourage you today as we closed pray for that Boulder to DIA light as as Jerusalem, his people to disciples were going to be the starting point for evangelism for the world and they were of the the city on a hill as as Jesus called Jerusalem, right? We are as Believers the city on a hill we are blessed Believers the light assault on this Earth. We are to go out and share this message what an amazing mission that we have. So let's let's take our place as the church in in do that. Let's get out there and pray for the Holy Spirit to awaken us in our lives to the truth of the Gospel to the truth of God's word and go and share it with other people the father. We just thank you so much for your provision and our lives and so many ways what we thank you in the biggest way that we have the Holy Spirit reside inside of our our lives or that it's not something that we just talk aside. But it's it's a person of the Trinity that we have to rely on. It is the spirit of God within us that reminds us of the great truth that we have in you and father. We just pray that you would give us a boldness that we've never experienced before as the church and I just think of us around us Lori been away from so many people for so long that we're just excited to get back to the Sea people, but Lord may we not return back to our lives? Our normal lives or whatever normal is but maybe never return maybe not return back to the way things were in our lives. But Lord, would you shake us up? Would you give us a boldness for the gospel? May you help us to be the church that you've called us to be so that we're not living mundane lives and going through the motions, but Lord when we return as a church, we will be much stronger than we ever had before that would be much more efficient than we ever have been before but there will be more excited and rekindled and make the decision to Pivot as a church to follow you. Not only just for the rest of the days of our lives but starting with each day, we would make a decision to follow you into to give our lives to you to give our plans to you. May you have your way within us Lord. May we be the church that you've called us to be that you started in Jerusalem behind locked doors as you started on the day of Pentecost as you breathe the Holy Spirit permanently. We thank you for that promise that we have and Lord may you be honored me you be praised me be glorified. May you receive all the glory To our lives and through us as the church. We pray this in your name. Amen.
It's all just encourage. You getting God's word. Do not neglect. Crane. If you haven't been join us every day at 2:17 from from as we look at the scripture in Timothy Warframe daily as the church to with to receive the the spirits power and love and self-discipline life to be the church that were called to be and to in this day to be active as a church and sharing the gospel message. We're praying for those around us that are that are sick daily. We're praying for our essential workers and those around us were praying for our leaders of our country every single day at 2:17 p.m. I challenge you to to join us in this daily prayer Challenge and thank you for joining us today. May you have a great week enjoy that beautiful weather and go be the church.