11 - Obedient Husbands Sanctify Their Wives

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Husbands, it is your responsiblity to set your wife apart as a co-heir of grace.

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Do a little bit of housekeeping stuff this morning and want to make sure you remember today is building fun. And so when you're doing your general Tides also, take care. And remember that today is building fun with all of our building projects and different things that we have going on. And so remember that today is worth fighting for home builders Retreat for several years. I've carry different ones to this Retreat is a wonderful Retreat wonderful opportunity the Gulf Shores Alabama this year because the coronavirus and so so what you do is you go to home builders Ministry. Org home builders Ministry. Org and you'll look under the Retreats and then there'll be a virtual Retreat AB you register for that? Adam be able to go and watch all of their sessions and everything and they have sessions dealing with the family Blended families Financial in the families of the subject matters are probably about different workshops that you can go and sit down and listen to these together and see since we've been talkin on Sunday morning about our submission and our family and how that cord works. It will be a good supplement for you to have with that. And so this is available online now and if course it is free of charge and so I beg you to take advantage of that if you have the opportunity this morning, if you have your Bibles turn to 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 7 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 7 verses 1 through 6 last week. And of course 1st Peter deals with OBD The deals with a fact of submission and of course we submit to God and haven't been born into his family hasn't been put into his Kingdom citizens of this world for Jesus Christ here upon this Earth order that we might be a witness not only to those that are around us in our own home and our own families first, but we've been looking at a study in 1st Peter. And today we are going to last week we dealed with obedient wives submit to their husbands this week. We're going to look at obedient husband Sanctified there were set apart. You have to remember that in the Bible.

Play I should be pleased to each other is our job as a husband to be able to look at that this morning as we study 1st Peter chapter 3 if you have your Bibles will begin reading and for 7 this morning. He says likewise you husband well with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and is being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered. I don't know why it took 6 verses for the wife there in the first chapter chapter 3 and only one verse for the husband. But yet that's the way that Peter did this and Peter arranged to the husband and so is this morning I want us to look at three different things come out of This passage of scripture notice. First of all, he says likewise you husbands dwell with them according to knowledge husband's the first thing we need to do for our wives. It's intentional. We have to be intentional notice and likewise you husband. Well with them according to knowledge, what does it mean to be intentional first of all with our submission to God, you'll notice the very first word in this passage of scripture. He says why husband to the wife submit to her husband in order for salvation in the context 2 verses 1 through 6, we know that we take submit to our government in Chapter 2 because of the Salvation of souls. That's our job. That's our purpose is not Politics as it is for the gospel message of Jesus Christ, and so in that same context where he's finished Jeff Give an example of Jesus Christ who became submissive in submitted even to The Obedience of the cross in the death of the Cross. Then you and I are too also submit to God Is So this word likewise, so it is just one word separated by, it kills us a whole lot because it places in this context the purpose in the ID and the first thing we have to do is submit to God. It's also in this same Rihanna saved husbands that may have an unsaved wife. He doesn't specifically say that likewise put set in the same context. I believe the reason that Peter is not addressing that here as much as he did with the wife is because in that day and time is it is mostly in our day and time. It is very rare to see us a husband that is saved without the wife being saved because that's the husband sets the stage in the household. So the rest of the I also goes insult. Usually if you have a strong Christian husband, the rest of the household is also going to be Christian. And so this is an anomaly that doesn't necessarily all, even though this is because of the likewise give us the context if you happen to have a lost life. This is how you were supposed to win the Heart of Jesus Christ, but it also gives us the idea what how do we treat our wives if we have a saved wife? What are we to think about her? What are we to do for her is a husband. So he with the word likewise and it also focuses and centers around submission with God at all focus is on a farty in where that Authority like God is the head of all he is the creator he is number one. There is no other God before and then we have Jesus Christ. Who is the The church who gave his life for his Precious Blood so that we can come together as a body here in this world to prevent Jesus Christ to allow send Diane world and then you have pastors that are set up as overseers of that church. And then under the pastor you have the husband who is the head of the family of the wife and of the children and then you have the wife and then you have the children and soaks God set down submit. We kind of made into a bad word today because of feminism because of everybody else's, has a bad taste and I know when I go to do weddings and an old phrase we use obey or submit to your husband. I know women just kind of screws up real quick when I hear that word, but what do we mean by Tamia? It's not a bad word is just simply means to be placed under the authority in proper authority to place under that afar. Chicken so we submit to God in other words. We recognize that there is no other. We love the Lord with all our soul with all our might with all our strength in the second commandment is Like Us lyrics to love our neighbor as ourselves. And so it begins with a submission to God and then notice the next word says likewise we submit to God but then he says we are to cease Argo notice. He says you husband looking at this Authority. He is setting us aside. He has given us a goal to shoot for as many as husbands of a wife of father of children. We have two responsibilities. If you go back into the Book of Genesis and you see in Genesis chapter 2 and verse for 15 yards is the Lord God took them in and put him into a Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it we are to be Guardians. We are to be the protector. Be the ones that that that War chapter and look after it. So that is our goal is a husband as a man. God has designed a dress into keep this world that we have and then this world we also have a family God has given us a wife and she is joined herself with us and we became one flesh. And so we have the responsibility also take care of our wife to Garner watts to protect your wife that goes on there in verse 22 of Genesis chapter 2 and Adam immediately after seeing this woman that God made from his rib and presented her to me on Adam nail said this he said this is now bone of my bone and Flesh of My Flesh. She shall be called because she was taken out of me and therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they two shall be one flesh. I told notice that they there for the man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife that is our responsibility our responsibility now turns up on Marriage to that why we have become Wards and we were to Walmart as we love our own selves as our own body because we are now one floor Sledge We are united together. Then we come to the New Testament Paul riding the church at Ephesus expands upon this idea just a little bit more and he puts this in relationship to our relationship with Jesus Christ in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 23. He says for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body is so notice just like Jesus Christ is the head of the church and as a church as a pastor and as a church member we are to submit to the authority of Jesus. We are under his control church is not a democracy. It's not the majority rules crisis the ruler crisis The Authority he is the last the final Authority in all decisions. And so we have to understand that we have to see the leadership of Jesus Christ and notice what Paul said to the church at Ephesus. He said even as Christ is the head of the church. The husband is the head of the wife not only your way to be Guardian Angel protect her and cheap Arts, but we are also to be able to govern her we are we are so under the headship of Jesus Christ. So I was trying to get my wife signals and she's shaking her head and following along and doing great.

She got the air now. So we ought to cool down here. Just a minute notice what he says in these husband of her. You said you were the final authorities that is there. He goes on in chapter 5 and verse 25 husband love your wife even as Christ also loved the church and then noticed she said it gave himself for you husband. How do we love our lives by first of all submitting to God and then we see these are gold or responsibility. If you study the life of Jesus Christ and you look in his relationship with the church and you look at his relationship that he has bloody Christ do Chrysler put aside all all of his glory everything and took upon himself the form of a man and he humbled himself not to his positions not to his power not to Christie but he came as a servant and he obeyed the will of the father even to the point of death on the cross of Calvary for RCN has a responsibility to love our wives to put her before us ahead of us to take her and to make her the object of our star power or Prestige all of that aside in order that we might show her love notice what he says here as that Governor we have enough are we have the responsibility over our wives you go back to Genesis chapter 3 and you study there and you look at Eve with the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil and that was the one tree that she was not to eat yet. What do we find in scripture? There? She is at that tree. She is talking to Satan and apparently according to the word of God. Adam was right there with her. Protective covering over her because she was given to him. He was too clean to her and be this responsibility. But yet we find Adam being quiet Adam be in solid not guarding not protecting not covering over his wife and we find that she was deceived by The Serpent and she took of the fruit and she ate in the Bible says that she turned her husband Adam who was with her and he did eat and we find it send it has been passed down from generation to generation because of a man. Can we find in that cursed? That's a woman was to be under that a party of man, but she was going to reveal of that Authority. She was not going to want that rule that was there but yet God established and made it. So we're seeing the fruit of that today with the feminist movement and with everything else. We see that that got the woman wanted to ride. Above the listen just as the church understands the authority of Jesus Christ and his love and his willingness to Die the same thing the wife of seeing her husband and she also see a husband that is submitted to God for a husband that is seized his gold and his purpose of being a guardian to her of being a protector to her covering her watching out for for Satan in for traps in four different things that go on and notice the next phrase that he says there. He says to live with them according to knowledge the ultimate idea of their spaceship on 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 7 or text this morning and a phone Ephesians chapter 5. It is our responsibility as husbands to show Grace. What is Grace Grace God's unmerited favor Grace's blessings that we don't deserve a lot of times. I love her. If she obeys or is she so she cooks a good meal or she keeps my house. Clean Jesus Christ. There are example of Gus. Even while we were yet sinners Christ died for us has to do with our decision of what we are going to do. You have the choice to love or does it matter what is a person is nice or not, whether they're lovable or not. Go back and read 1st Corinthians chapter 13 where it talks about love love is kind love is patient. Every one of these love comes out of you because it was a choice or decision that you make I choose to love my wife. And so therefore I show her grace is she perfect. No am I perfect and therefore we live with each other under the grace of Jesus Christ because of his prey He has redeemed and brought us into the church and we are all sinners. We're all hypocritical at times. We were all live a life exposed and deceitfulness and wickedness. Listen, we come together and what were missing so much in the body of Christ today because of this quarantine is to be able to look at each other knowing that we are not perfect but knowing that we have the same goal in the same purpose. We're to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are to show the grace of God the same Grace that God has bestowed upon us the same Grace that we are to give to our wives. How do we learn about that Grace? How do we live with them? Joey Grace by knowledge the word of God. You have to know what the Bible tells husbands and how they're to treat their wife. We are to study the life of Jesus Christ in the way that Christ live for us in the way that Christ did for us. There's a way We are family we have a great example, it is your responsibility as a husband to learn everything that you can about your wife her physical needs emotional needs her spiritual needs because listen you are that guardian and you were that governor in her life is so it is your responsibility to know how to minister to her very difficult sometimes to try to figure out what we throw up and give up and say it's impossible. It's our job to dig a little bit deeper. I was reading some statistics this week and I I read one that was rather fascinating to me and it was the statistics that the average husband and wife sit down for only 38 minutes of of of needful important conversation. A week not even a day not even 30 minutes a day for a meaningful conversation but 30 minutes for an entire week me and it is our responsibility to wife to ask questions to learn what they need and how we can be best supportive of them. How did we can guard them and how did we go bring the Oaks the way that God would have us to do when Jesus Christ came to this earth understood as a matter of fact, the Bible says he has now extended and seated on the right hand of the father ever living to make intercession on our behalf because he knows what it's like to be a man knows what it's like to live in a wicked and sinful world and therefore he's there to be on our behalf are advocates for the first thing Peter tells us that we have to do if we're going to be a husband the way that Christ is the head of the church then we have to be intentional. We have to submit to God sees our goal and show her Grace but notice the next thing as a matter of fact, you know, we think a lot of times as me and well the man is how many beers I can drink our car how much I can Leah star how far I can go or maybe how much of a salary that I make it and we measure all of these things of being manhood the Bible tells us in 1st Kings chapter 2 inverse to he says I go the way of all the Earth be thou strong therefore and show thyself a man. Here's how we become a man. Here's how you know that you are a man. He says in verse 3 and keep the charge of the Lord thy God to walk in his ways to keep his statutes and his Commandments and his his testimony as it is written in the law of Moses that thou May prosper in all the time and whithersoever thou Earnest myself. It's not about how many fish do cancer have. What's the biggest deer you killed or any of these things if you want to be a man follow God obey his Commandments and show Grace to your wife the second thing you mentioned giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel the second thing you need to do. First of all be intentional towards your wife. Second of all, you need to idolize your wife. You need to idolize her know. What do I mean? We know the Bible says that you are not to have any other Idols before you that's why I'm not talkin making a Graven image of your wife that you carry around with you everywhere. Are you set up on a nightstand? That's not what we mean by idolized what we mean is to honor to respect to pay tribute to hard to understand that that that God has given you this lady. God is giving you this woman in your life as we discovered in Genesis to be Help me to be a complete her to you and your ministry Church Pastor. We don't have any co-pastors. My wife is not a co-pastor, but I want you to understand she is a vital part to My Ministry. She is a vital part to the gospel message into my life of showing grace to the world around us. She has to go without a lot of time so that I can be at the hospital or that I can be visited her that I can be preparing messages and doing other things that she has to give up a lot and do a lot but I want you to understand that God has given her and she completes me everywhere that I am weak. My wife is strong and she is a help me she is a complete her of my and therefore she deserves honor she deserves respect. You need to tell your wife how much they mean to you and how important they are in your life. Autolyzed notice what he says there. He goes on giving honor into the wife as unto the weaker vessel Now ladies, please don't jump ahead of me right now. But listen very carefully when I use the word weaker, it's not a bad thing, but we know that women basically inherently are physically weaker. Their stature is smaller. Their bones are more brittle weaker weaker is not a bad thing. I'm watching some different superhero shows and it's amazing a different superheroes. They all have their own different towers and which one is the greatest who would win in a fight? I don't know but I know each one of them has their own special talent. They have their own special gifts and there is no stronger or weaker. That's so just because she is physically smaller just because she is physically weaker in general doesn't mean that it It's the way that God created us. My wife doesn't need to go out and be able to do the things and she's not able to be able to do some of the things that come with guarding and protecting those of the family in the household. We also see that we're not only are they usually week or physically but they're also weaker emotionally. We know that women. It doesn't take much just the wrong words me and if you know, you said the wrong thing at the wrong time and just one small, small phrase can immediately set them apart and isolate them and every time we we get in another discussion r or an argument or whatever they is they begin to get all historical from 30 years ago. They bring back up because of the emotion two guys can have it out. They can have a fight they can have an argument. They can have a disagreement and I don't know if it's We only use one side of our brain or not, but we can immediately forget about it walk away and we can be best friends the next week, but women aren't made that way and we see that when you go back to the Garden of Eden when you see that he was attacked and then tricked tricked by Satan you will see that he attacked her psyche or text her emotional mind and everything else. We need to understand that they are they are weaker physically, they are weaker emotionally, but notice the next word and I want you to understand In this passage of scripture. He says that they are a vessel they are a vessel and here's what I want you to understand about being this vessel notice that as we speak idolized her that we set forth. Goodness. We honored her we we we idolize her, but then you need to recognize her gifted notice. He says the weaker. What do we mean by vessel vessel is a container is used to store stuff about a vessel. We're talking about a container Paul wrote to the church at Corinth and said that our bodies are a container. It's a shell that is a tent and he makes that reference there and make sure that our bodies are what we are to be so that we can live for God so that we can show God's grace and God's goodness to the world that is around us. So husband's you need to notice your wife's giftedness. You need to know that she is a vessel. She is to be your help me your complete her and you need to know where your wife is strong and how she completes you and how she is a Bissell to be used a Christian wife does not want a perfect husband, but she does want a man who is a loving leader who will treat her with Courtesy with sensitivity and respect she wants a husband who will treat her biblically and recognize her as being important as being a best SB and something that is useful for the kingdom of God the third and final thing we see in the last part of verse 7 is as being airs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered go back and you studying you look in the word of God. You'll find it in 1st Timothy. He said that men ought to pray everywhere lifting up. Holy hands in for everybody. You see this as me and We are the world. We are the one to dress this world to keep this world to its to guard and protect those that God is put into our family and into our lives and notice what he says he says, Serbian Intimacy in our relationship as being are together of the grace of life begins with our prayers. We have to be willing to pray you cannot guard your wife. You cannot govern your wife without the leadership of God. We don't know what to do is send my primor during this coronavirus and I'll probably have in mind by your ministry because of the decision that we are going to have to make each and every day. It's not only do I have to think about myself but I have to think about my family and how the decisions that I make with my family but also have to think about the decisions as a pastor and how I make about church and when we go back to church and how we go to church and what we can do and what we teach you how is the congregation and listen, I'm not smart enough to figure all this stuff out and told me and I have to pray to God man. I have to go to God and pray and notice what he And your wife are heirs together of the grace of life. We have both been saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. We have both received his Mercy versus Perfect by the blood of Jesus Christ, and we are pilgrims in this world and we are on a journey is Peter is saying we're just strangers and sojourners of this world, but we are living under the blessings of Jesus Christ and even during this coronavirus. The one thing that has come out of it is my family is closer today than we were a year ago me and my wife's relationship is closer today than we were a year ago. God has blessed us with so many wonderful has graced us with so many wonderful blessed since he's given us Facebook. He's giving us all of these ways to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ out. And so listen, we're in this thing together. We're not enemies were not fighting against each other. One of the things me and my wife is so we've been doing a lot of projects together and I read her statistic the other day that the coronavirus in this quarantine. The divorce rates are skyrocketed and going up during this time because of men and women together and they can't get along listen husband. You're the leader. You're the one that sets the tone. You are the one that sees your responsibility and show Grace because y'all are in this thing together. Y'all are living This Together notice what he says he gives us a warning. You cannot be in the wheel if you're not in wheel with your wife. If you two are not together. If you are not Heirs of the grace of God together, if you are not extending the same Grace, Forgiveness the same Mercy to her. As God is forgiving person is very important. Jesus told his disciples to pray forgive us as we forgive those responsibilities your relationship with God is based upon your relationship with your wife. And so it is very very important that we understand that as husband know God tell Peter to drive 6 verses to the men. I think it's more important and it's more just deeper in this one verse and the greater responsibility than all the six verses with the wife before. I want to be in a good relationship with God because the first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your might. With all your strength. The second is love your neighbor as yourself. Could you cannot be in love with God if you're not in love with your neighbor, how can you love a God that you have not seen when you can't even love a person that lives with you that you have seen in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us today, bro Man chapter 8 and verse 17 NIV children of God and Joint heirs with Christ. If so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together Roman tells us that we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Does that make me equal with Jesus Christ? Solutely not I am still under his authority. What that means. Is that everything that Jesus Christ has from God everything that under his authority in his control was given to Jesus Christ and everything. Jesus Christ guess what he is given to me Jesus Christ. We are heirs with Jesus Christ, but guess what your wife is an heir with you and therefore and Air in this is not my Ministry. It's our ministry. We are sharing this together. Every blessing bestowed upon me as a servant of his is a blessing for my wife. It's a blessing for my children. It's a blessing for my children spouse. It's a blessing to my grandchildren. See we're together every way that God blesses. May God blesses the church. So I want to leave you with one question this morning then how are you doing is sanctifying your wife. How are you doing is setting your wife apart and giving her the honor that it do her loving her the way that Christ loves her and loves the church. Do you have a happy marriage? Man, it's easy to sit back and try to blame the wife to listen to me very carefully this morning. The Bible is very flames in the Bible is very clear. It is man's responsibility. It's your responsibility to guards. It's your responsibility to govern not the life. And so you need to guard you need to govern in a way that she willingly accept verses 1 through 6 and comes under your Authority knowing that you have God. First. God is in control your leadership as you minister to the world around us. That's our job. That's our goal. That's our calling. If you have any questions or comments or would like to reach out. Please do so on messenger. Please come back late tonight to be able to go with I've also put the messages of our missionaries brother Trey Emory and brother Scott Borland as soon as I get it here in a minute. I put it on our Facebook page. I would love for you to go to the marriage Retreat again. That's all I'm home Ministry. Org. You can look there. I shared it on her Facebook deal several times you go in your register. They'll send you an email that get you to all of the videos all of the lessons a handout materials everything comes with that. So I encourage you to take that time. Hopefully prayerfully. Maybe we'll be back in Philippians on Wednesday nights possibility. We might even do it in our church building will see what the governor has to say on March 4th. Thank you. I love you prayer request leave it in the comments below or reach out to me. I miss each and everyone of you. I love each and everyone of you. But even though we seem to be isolated even though we're quarantined. We still have a great ministry. And even though we may not be affecting a lot of people outside. Our lives are affecting the family members in the loved ones that were surrounded with let your light shine before Jesus Christ that they may see your good works and glorify the Father which is in heaven. Thank you.

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