I Am a Friend of God

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I Am a Friend of God

Scriptural Text:

1 John 3:2 KJV 1900
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
1 Jn 3:2
1 Peter 3:8 KJV 1900
Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:
1 Pet 3:8

But thou, qIsrael, art rmy servant,

Jacob rrwhom I have chosen,

The seed of sAbraham my friend.

Isa 41:8
With all the rumors, conspiracy theories, and various bouts of fear going on in the world today, the Church must be the light in the darkness. Many fear the end times, but today I come not to tell you a story of fear, but a story of redemption through Jesus Christ.
1 John 3:2 tells us that we will see Jesus “as he is” when he returns. Some call this the Parousia and then some call it the Rapture.
In today’s world we see signs everywhere of what is to come. We know that God is coming back soon and very soon…but my concern is why have Christians become the most fearful people of them all?
Why are we the ones who are anxious?
Why are we the ones who are in panic?
Why are we the ones who speak fear into the lives of other when what they really need is the gospel?
We as the body must recall:

9 But when ye shall hear of wars and hcommotions, be not iterrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not kby and by.

Lk 21:9
I would like to encourage someone by saying this:
“Do not be dismayed at what we see…trials and tribulation are not foreign to the world.” Indeed, the second coming is approaching swiftly, but that is not a signal to fear, it is a signal to get the Bride ready!
Get yourself ready!
Get your family ready!
Get others ready to meet Jesus!
Never forget who your friend is…It is God. God calls me friend!

23 And xthe scripture was fulfilled which saith, yAbraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called zthe Friend of God.

James 2:23
We read earlier that Abraham was a friend of God in Isa 41:8, but James reveals a vital truth:
Abraham believed what God said - His belief credited him righteousness
After these two things, his credited righteousness allowed him to be called friend of God.
In the church, we’re very similar to Abraham, but get this: when we believe, God’s righteousness is given to us…but let me draw your attention to that word imputed in the KJV.
This word in the Greek is ἐλογίσθη. It can mean to consider, to be credited, to think, to be considered, or to credit. In this passage, we know that’s meaning is to be credited.
Thus, James is telling us that God credited Abraham righteousness from his “trust” or belief in him.
What is credit?
It something is given in advance that one doesn’t have…people would no longer be in debt of slavery; however, they would always be indebted to God.
You see, we do not have the ability to produce godly righteousness. It is God who forwards that to us…we alone could never achieve it; however, our faith opens the door for God to endow us with it.
The word for righteousness is δικαιοσύνη, which means righteousness as a status of legal rectitude that satisfies the moral requirements of God’s character.
Abraham could never of understood that what He recieved was indeed on credit
We know that the credit has been paid in full by the blood of Jesus Christ
It was the blood that paved the way for all humanity past, present, and future to be in heaven with Him for all eternity.
If we step back one two versus in James we will read:

21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, uwhen he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 ||Seest thou vhow faith wrought with his works, and wby works was faith made perfect?

James 2:21-22
Abraham’s belief in God led to an action taking place. We know that Abraham left his old life to begin a new one.
Today, Christ has beckoned the Church to leave their old life of sin and shame and begin a new one in his marvelous light. This can be done because of the death, burial, and Resurrection through Repentance, Baptism in Jesus name, and the Infilling of the Holy Spirit.
After believing and, in context to James 2, acting, we see that Abraham was counted as friend of God.
In this times of loneliness it is easy to be reminded of those great friends we’ve lost.
People I’ve lost:
Father, mother, mentor - people who I called and talked to for hours about fishing stories
These important people in my life have now gone to be with the Lord. It can be difficult remembering the amazing memories, but realizing that those memories cannot be made again with the same people.
I’d like to encourage someone today by reminding you that death is only temporary and that we will go from glory to glory through the power of Jesus Christ!
Now is the time for the Church to be the church…1 Pet 3:8 tells us to have sympathy and compassion for one another.
How can I say I love my brother or sister if I’m not moved by compassion for them. This was what Jesus did for complete strangers!
Call someone up, encourage them…tell them you love them and are praying for them! This will go farther than what you ever thought during these quite and lonely times.

Altar Call

If you haven’t been credited God’s righteousness, I encourage you to seek after it today within you home.
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