Opportunities in life (2)
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· 18 viewsScripture views life as divinely ordained to include occasions when certain forms of behaviour are appropriate.
The need to discern opportune moments
The need to discern opportune moments
Tudo tem o seu tempo determinado, e há tempo para todo propósito debaixo do céu:
Every possible opportunity should be taken to do good
Every possible opportunity should be taken to do good
Por isso, enquanto tivermos oportunidade, façamos o bem a todos, mas principalmente aos da família da fé.
Veja também Lc 10.33; Jo 9.4; Ef 5.16; Cl 4.5; 2Tm 4.2
Examples of individuals who seized opportunities to serve God
Examples of individuals who seized opportunities to serve God
Rahab saved the spies and her household:
Rahab saved the spies and her household:
Js 2.8–14; Js 6.23
2Rs 5.1–3 Naaman’s wife’s maid helped Naaman by telling her mistress about Elisha; Ne 2.2–5 Nehemiah gained permission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Esther saved the Jews from Haman’s plot:
Esther saved the Jews from Haman’s plot:
Et 4.14; Et 7.3–6
Dn 2.14–16 Daniel offered to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream; At 18.24–26 Priscilla and Aquila taught Apollos.
Some opportunities should be rejected
Some opportunities should be rejected
1Sm 24.3–4; 1Sm 24.10; 1Sm 26.6–11
Opportunities to do evil may have appalling consequences
Opportunities to do evil may have appalling consequences
Gn 4.8 Cain made an opportunity to murder Abel; Gn 25.29–31 Jacob took the opportunity to “buy” Esau’s birthright.
Joseph’s brothers seized the opportunity to capture and sell him:
Joseph’s brothers seized the opportunity to capture and sell him:
Gn 37.18–20; Gn 37.27
Dn 6.4–5 Daniel’s enemies sought and found an opportunity to lay a charge against him.
Judas sought an opportunity to betray Jesus Christ:
Judas sought an opportunity to betray Jesus Christ:
E, desse momento em diante, buscava ele uma boa ocasião para o entregar.
Giving others an opportunity to do wrong must be avoided
Giving others an opportunity to do wrong must be avoided
Quero, portanto, que as viúvas mais novas se casem, criem filhos, sejam boas donas de casa e não deem ao adversário ocasião favorável de maledicência.