Closer Even when Apart
During this time of Isolation I have learned the secret to Real Community.
During this time of Isolation I have learned the secret to Real Community.
Even though we have not been able to gather as we normally would have I have learned that real community has less to do with meeting in one place (all though it is important) and more to do with living out the values we all share.
I have been amazed at the effort not only of the Pastoral Staff but also our volunteers have put in to make sure that our values are not simply words on a web site but realities to be lived out.
Betty Long has continued to take care of those in the Prime Time group, Jerry Shellenbarger has continued to make sure the lawn is mowed, Mick and Patty Leibold, Dustin and Stefanie Harris, John and Johana Winner, have continued to lead their small groups, Lauren and Kyle Edwards delivered flowers to their neighbors and to me thank you, Jimmie Ray has continue to lead the women’s Bible study, Prayer meeting has continued, People have had gifts left on their doorsteps, board members are still meeting and reaching out to people via phone etc.
I am sure some of you could share stories as well....PLEASE DO....during this time we have seen how many have taken our core values of Presence, Relationship, Compassion, Involvement, Generosity, and Invitation and made them into realty. All without actually coming together in a physical sense.
This is how Christian Community is supposed to be…Even though I long for the day when we will all be able to worship in the same room safely my heart is full as I see how you have rallied to be the community God wants us to be.
This is exactly what the new Believers in the 2 Chapter of Acts were modeling without knowing they were modeling it for us. They had just been converted and they were figuring our what this new community was supposed to look like. Let’s read.
Acts 2: 42-47
Acts 2: 42-47
What we see here is a community being built in every home…Every home a worship gathering. Connection was leading to Community transformation.
The Secret to this new community was their continual Devotion to practices that allow the Holy Spirit to breath life into the people.
The Secret to this new community was their continual Devotion to practices that allow the Holy Spirit to breath life into the people.
The greek for devoted in this passage is actually a word that is better translated as Continually devoted: That means our devotion is not simply a box to check but a commitment to the long haul.......This was done by routinely being active learners and participants in Christian Community.
The Apostles Teaching
The Apostles Teaching
Peter had laid out enough for his hearers to believe in Christ. After making that decision, they were given much more teaching by the apostles about who Jesus was, what He offered, and what He asked of them.
Jesus had instructed His disciples to teach new believers “everything [He had] commanded”
20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
God gave the new believers each other. True fellowship is so much more than having coffee and cookies together; it is life together, even at personal sacrifice. The first believers gave their time, their possessions, their money—themselves, their fellowship—to each other.
Eating Together
Eating Together
This could refer to the sharing of the Lord’s Supper, the symbolic meal commanded by the Lord the night before His death, or sharing food at daily meals, or both. One interesting interpretation of the breaking of bread suggests that at every meal the early Christians remembered Jesus’ death.
Prayer (Acts 2:42)—Acts 3:1 describes Peter and John as being on the way “to the temple at the time of prayer.” Together with each other and, at least for a while, with their non-Christian Jewish friends, the first Christians continued in prayer.
These communal practices resulted in Ongoing miracles, Vibrant public and private Praise of God and a good reputation among non believers.
These communal practices resulted in Ongoing miracles, Vibrant public and private Praise of God and a good reputation among non believers.
People were not degrading the way non believers were living their lives but instead the lived in such a way that people were drawn to embrace Jesus as Lord themselves.
This lead to continued multiplication of new believers on a daily basis.
This lead to continued multiplication of new believers on a daily basis.
The secret of real community is continually devoting yourself to the practice of community.
The secret of real community is continually devoting yourself to the practice of community.
Once people stop intentionally continually giving themselves to community is the very moment they feel like the community stops being useful.
ILLUSTRATION: We have a couple of women that live across the street from us and during this time of social distancing they have developed a routine. Every day around 4 pm they workout. When I say they work out I mean they get out weights, mats for floor work, a box for box jumping weighted balls, kettlebells (I’m Jealous) and on top of that they do a little running for cardio…I am sure it is a cross fit thing. They set up and tear down their little gym everyday at the same time.
They are totally committed to this health thing…during the pandemic…They have done their homework on workouts and to me honest one of the ladies could destroy me as I look at the kind of workout they are doing.
They have shown over the last several weeks that this is not just something they are devoted to just right now but something they are choosing everyday to be devoted to. I have worked out more during this time but to be honest I have not been continually devoted during this time…If I had I am sure their would be some very noticeable difference in my weight now...
If I were continually devoted I would not let anything get in the way to exercise and eating right…
The New believers did not just show a passing interest in their new found belief but thew went all in. The were CONTINUALLY DEVOTING THEMSELVES everyday to the practices they needed to get healthy.
As we look at this type of devotion there may be some that struggle with this level of commitment…it seems like a lot…but that is what devotion looks like…it looks like allowing the Holy Spirit to strengthen you and make you spiritually healthy so that you have the ability to thrive spiritually even in times like now.
It is Possible to Replicate this type Community Now?
It is Possible to Replicate this type Community Now?
Yes even in isolation meaningful Christian Community is possible. While it may not be desirable it is possible to be involved in all of the practices that the early church embraced without physical touch…at least for a little while.
However it takes a continual devotion to developing these relationships....ILLUSTRATION: When we moved from Indiana to Texas my relationship with extended family dissolved to almost nothing…not because we didn’t love each other but because we did not continually reach out to one another…we did for a little while but after a while we stopped.
It is possible for every Christian no matter how busy they may seem to devote themselves to the Apostles Teaching, Fellowship, Eating together (The Lords Supper) and Prayer.
Engaging in these practices are the very things that will not only give meaning and help to us during Isolation…but they are the things that will move us into a life without fear when this is all over.
How do we do this?
How do we do this?
Take advantage of every opprotunity to learn in community
online worship, online small group, evening pause, prayer meetings,
Call people on your phone, skype, zoom, cards, letters etc...
Eating together
communion online, do a facetime meal together
again online, call and pray together What if every person here did a drive by prayer or two a week.
As we intentionally engage in communal practices the best we can our minds and hearts will be strengthened and our Church will be a MULTIPLYING COMMUNITY where because of our continual devotion to allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us people will see us as different.
We won’t be seen as those crazy alt right evangelicals but as an authentic group of people that have been transformed my God in such a ways that it truly shows.
Through this we will see people added to our number daily....I believe God wants us to be that type of people…I believe in you...
When we embrace this way of life and make it a routine we get to see the Holy Spirit work though us instead of us working hard to see the Spirit working through us.
LET’S engage in one of the practices together now by preparing to remember the death and resurrection and coming again of Jesus through eating the Last supper together.