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1 Johannes 5:4 (Afrikaanse Ou Vertaling)
4 Want alles wat uit God gebore is, oorwin die wêreld; en dit is die oorwinning wat die wêreld oorwin het, naamlik ons geloof.
In the classic movie Miracle on 34th Street, Santa Claus utters what much of the world thinks faith is: “Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.” In other words, faith is irrational, contrary to experience, logic, and knowledge, and is so even at the most common sense level.
Of course, the Bible knows of no “common sense” that is not sensible enough to recognize that God exists and can do anything.[1]
1Korintiërs 15:57 (Die Lewende Bybel)
57 Maar laat ons God dank! Jesus Christus het die oorwinning behaal en nou het God vir ons ook saam met Hom aan die wenkant gesit.
Efesiërs 6:16 (Die Lewende Bybel)
16 Die belangrikste van alles is die vertroue op God want dit is die skild waarmee julle al die brandende pyle kan keer wat die Satan op julle skiet.
1. Want Alles Wat Uit God Gebore Is,
Jy het dus nou God se Natuur in jou. “Born” is again perfect in tense, referring to a past completed act of regeneration with the present result that that regenerated individual has been made a partaker of the divine nature and as such is a child of God[2]
‘n Handeling wat in die verlede plaasgevind het waarvan die gevolge nog voort duur. “n bonatuurlike ingryping van God wat gekom het en sy Goddelike natuur in my as mens kom in skep het. Kyk alles het nuut geword.
2. Oorwin Die Wêreld;
“Overcometh” is nikaō (νικαω), “to carry off the victory, come off victorious.” Die teken wat soos ‘n regmerkie op sport klere angebring word.
The verb implies a battle.
Here the forces of the world-system of evil, the flesh (totally depraved nature), the devil, and
the pernicious age-system (zeitgeist German) with which the saint is surrounded,
are all engaged in a battle against the saint, carrying on an incessant warfare,
the purpose of which is to ruin his Christian life and testimony.
The verb is in the present tense, “is constantly overcoming the world.”
It is a habit of life with the saint to gain victory over the world.
To go down in defeat is the exception, not the rule.[3]
3. En Dit Is Die Oorwinning Wat Die Wêreld Oorwin Het,
Die uitkoms is verseker. Ongeag wat diue telbord nou sê.. It is not over till it is over.
We are told that a soldier in the army of Alexander the Great was not acting bravely in battle. When he should have been pressing ahead, he was lingering behind.
The great general approached him and asked, “What is your name, soldier?”
The man replied, “My name, sir, is Alexander.”
The general looked him straight in the eye and said firmly: “Soldier, get in there and fight—or change your name!”
What is our name? “Children of God—the born-again ones of God.” Alexander the Great wanted his name to be a symbol of courage; our name carries with it assurance of victory. To be born of God means to share God’s victory.[4]
4. Naamlik Ons Geloof.
1 Johannes 1:7 (Afrikaanse Ou Vertaling)
7 Maar as ons in die lig wandel soos Hy in die lig is, dan het ons gemeenskap met mekaar; en die bloed van Jesus Christus, sy Seun, reinig ons van alle sonde.
1 Johannes 2:6 (Afrikaanse Ou Vertaling)
6 Hy wat sê dat hy in Hom bly, behoort self ook so te wandel soos Hy gewandel het.
Gebed. Here onse God
Die wapens wat U ons gee is kragtig en sterk genoeg om enige vesting af te breek. Dit verbreek die planne van die bose, en neem elke gedagte gevange sodat ons aan U gehoorsaam kan word. Daarsonder sal ons nooit staande kan bly teen die aanvegtinge in ons lewens nie
U het telkens wanneer ons as U kinders hewig aangeval is en groot teëstand ervaar het, ons opnuut met die Heilige Gees vervul, bekragtig en bemoedig om met ons werk voort te gaan. Ons bid vir meer en groter oorwinnings krag vandag. Maak van u kinders kragtige helde wat u Woord volbring, in getrouheid aan die stem van u Woord.
Versterk ons geloof en getuienis sodat ons onder moeilike omstandighede vas sal staan in die Here, nooit in u genade sal veragter of in u verlossing sal twyfel nie. As hulp in benoudheid is U in ‘n hoë mate beproef. Gee dat ons onsself altyd op die oorwinning van Jesus Christus aan die kruis sal beroep.
Maak van ons waaksame, biddende , oorwinnende Christene, wat met ons lewe en optrede U sal verheerlik
[1] Green, M.P. ed., 1989. Illustrations for Biblical Preaching: Over 1500 sermon illustrations arranged by topic and indexed exhaustively Revised edition of: The expositor’s illustration file., Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
[2] Wuest, K.S., 1997. Wuest’s word studies from the Greek New Testament: for the English reader, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
[3] Wuest, K.S., 1997. Wuest’s word studies from the Greek New Testament: for the English reader, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
[4] Wiersbe, W.W., 1996. The Bible exposition commentary, Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
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