1 Peter 2:19-25 (2)
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Life is unfair.
It really is the HS who has lead us to this text today. This week Gov. Ivey announced that certain things would be allowed to open back up, yet in person church gathers are not allowed.
This is frustrating. I have seen the complaints
why is Walmart allowed to have 200 people but I can’t gather in my church
Why are the beaches allowed to be open, but I can’t go to bible study
Many of us would say that this is not fair. Many would say that we are having to suffering without cause.
Peter says it is a gracious thing when we endure unjust suffering. When we endure “unfair” treatment.
not stoic self-motivation that gets us through
It is the trusting awareness of GOd’s presence and never-failing care
It is being mindful of God
aware and conscious of what God would have them do and can ACT on the basis of their knowledge of God’s will
“You keep enduring”
not lashing out in anger, hate, or insubordination
Believer’s appropriate response to unjust suffering carries a powerful testimony to unbelievers.
Christ’s Example
to imitate- to draw over or copy like the old alphabet sheets we did in school
Discipleship is the imitation of Christ. We imitate, not just follow.
He was insulted, he did not insult back
He was beaten, he did not threaten
Christ did not try to “get even”
Christ entrusted himself to the just judge
handing the situation over to God
How are you handling this “unfair” treatment. Are you lashing out? Are you turning to insubordination or hatred?
Respect our leaders, whoever they may be, even if/when you disagree with them.
This talks about the Christian witness among unbelievers
Don’t try to get even
You complain about not being able to gather, but what are you doing about it? Are you also sharing on your feed that you are participating in a Worship service online. Are you sharing you are joining a Zoom Bible study?