(08-09-07) Reconciliation - Ezekiel 33.7-11; Romans 13.8-14; Matthew 18.15-20
Reconciliation – Ezekiel 33:7-11;
Romans 13:8-14; Matthew 18:15-20
· Things that are lost in translation
o maybe some of Jesus’ emphases are lost to us
§ at least at first glance
· Being part of the Anglican Communion
o many feel standing our ground is of great importance
§ using this passage to support this
o I believe Jesus is encouraging us to seek humility
§ especially at times like this
This is what I believe God is saying to us, today through this passage
But disagreement and discussion is always welcome!
· Destructive potential of arguments
o hurt feelings damage relationships
§ especially when left to brood
o Jesus’ prayer that we should be one
§ love one another – to show God’s love and glory
o the history of the Church is hugely inconsistent
§ great things have been done
· communities of love, faith, worship and justice
§ awful things have been done
· lives destroyed
· God’s Name desecrated
o because we find it very difficult to deal with being wrong
§ the reality
§ the potential
· Jesus calls us to reconciliation
o in community, in family
· Firstly, a very practical method of dealing with dispute
o meeting one to one (v15)
§ don’t let it simmer
§ don’t pretend it doesn’t matter if it does
§ don’t send your message through others
· unless communication is impossible
o meeting with mutual friends (v16a)
§ not just those who will back you to the hilt
§ objectivity is essential
· witnesses in Jewish Law (v16b)
o then to the community (v17a)
§ it takes great stubbornness to persist in front of your family
· And if that doesn’t work? (v17b)
o “treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.”
§ lost in translation?
§ what did Matthew think of this verse?
o many, in exasperation, turn to this verse for relief
§ casting out those who have hurt us to save ourselves
§ leaving them to their sin, their mistakes, their mess
o but here, Jesus’ radical Gospel of Love can be seen again
“Love your neighbour as yourself. 10Love does no harm to its neighbour.” (Romans 13:9b-10a)
§ how would we treat them?
§ how would He treat them?
§ how should we treat them?
· eat with them
· be gracious to them
· show them God’s mercy, forgiveness and grace
o all part of one body
· What comes next?
o the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
· Being part of the body is not a passport to an easy life
o disagreements & reconciliation are difficult and painful
§ and we are given enormous responsibility (v18)
o so Jesus’ words of reassurance that He is with us are welcome
§ with us as judge and guide