Dressed Appropriately
Dressed Appropriately – Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 22:1-14
· Reb’s wedding
o suit is being hired for me
§ my own wedding suit no longer fits properly...
o being a civil ceremony, no religious content is allowed
§ will I be thrown out?!
§ not because I haven’t got a wedding suit on!
· Quite a shocking thing for Jesus to advocate, isn’t it?! (vv12-13)
o especially as it’s clearly a picture of God’s kingdom (v2)
§ the ‘religious leaders’ (those who are first invited) miss out / mae’r arweinyddion crefyddol yn colli allan
§ all who are seen as unworthy are called to join the party
o if it stopped there it would be alright
§ God’s love is for everyone ü
· no matter who we are or what we’ve done ü
· forgiveness is freely available because of God’s grace ü
· we all get the invitation because Jesus is the invitation ü
o but a man who isn’t dressed appropriately gets thrown out... û
§ how is that a message of Good News / sut mae hwnna neges newyddion da?
· after all, how was he expected to have the right clothes?
· surely God isn’t like that?
o He loves us as we are, and welcomes all sinners
§ only a part-truth
· The problem is what the clothes represent
· The Gospel message we want to hear is that ‘we’re okay’
o as we are – God doesn’t want us to change
o He loves us warts and all
o He forgives us, but places no expectations on us
· That is not the Gospel
o we even hear it in the Church sometimes
o but it ignores enormously significant parts of Jesus’ ministry
§ Jesus, in love and forgiveness, met people where they were
§ Ond ni wnaeth gadael nhw yna / but he didn’t leave them there
o the woman caught in adultery
§ “Go now and leave you life of sin” (John 8:11)
o the sick, demon-possessed, dead
§ healed, changed
· Jesus meets us where we are
o and takes us to where we should be; how we were made to be
o and that’s what the clothes represent
§ a changed, restored, renewed, resurrected life
§ a life of holiness (love of God, love of neighbour?)
· the kind of life we are called to live (Phil 4:8-9)
· The clothes we need are available for us
o the fruit and gifts of the Spirit
o clothed in righteousness from Jesus
§ Romans 13:14; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 3:12; 1 Peter 5:5
· We can’t expect to spend eternity with God dressed in rags
o so let’s put on the righteousness that Jesus has bought for us, and follow Him to the feast