Welcome Holy Spirit
Welcome Holy Spirit
Welcome Holy Spirit
Today we find relief in the teachings surrounded that Pentecost when the promised Holy Spirit came and made his residence in the lives of those who had made a decision to follow Jesus Christ. While following in the ways of Jesus Christ glorifies the Father. The proclamation, participation and push into the farther parts of the world would require the help of the Holy Spirit.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever. We can relate to the term advocate or parakletos in the Greek as a helper or someone who stands in on behalf of someone else.
Illustrate: In the state of Texas you can name someone as your power of attorney and they can make decisions in your absence
John 16:14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.
Jesus described the servant ministry of the Holy Spirit that is promised to come after his departure. What he is trying to let them know is that they can make it no matter what they go through in life with the Holy Spirit. Life at times can come with its test and trials but you can make it with the HOLY SPIRIT. The Christian needs to understand how important a role the Holy Spirit plays in the Christian life
Text: Acts 2:1-5
The Holy came on the Pentecost. The OT and the NT share a number of parallels that make it clear that a greater ministry of the Holy Spirit was to come. Some Jewish rabbis indicate that Pentecost was a day they commemorate the giving of the law of Moses in the wilderness of Sinai. The people of Israel's leader Moses in Exodus 19 we watch him climb a mountain with smoke and fire to meet with God while the people were given serious warnings not to come near until the heard the rams horn blow. Jesus has claimed victory over death through resurrection power and over the course of 40 days he has been sporadically appearing to his disciples until one day he ascends into the heavens like Moses and ten days later day 50 from the resurrection the church is given life by the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. We see God building on what he has established before. On that day the church became a part of the mission of God that began with Adam and Eve. The role of the church is the same to be fruitful and multiply. How can we participate with the Holy Spirit and be fruitful and multiply. I heard Bishop Paul Morton say the church has something we can do that no one else can do.
The disciples were given specific instructions on where to be. Because they were obedient they didn’t miss the coming of the Holy Spirit. The term gathering together has more implications that a physical get together. The 120 disciples were focused on what God was going to do next and then there was the sound of a mighty rushing wind. The sound came inside there location and from cloven tongues of fire resting on each one of their heads and they began to speak with new tongues. The Holy Spirit included everyone. Every believer has a gift that they are to use for the glory of God.
Illustration: I was listening to a lady have a conversation about her son. She stated, “when he was born he had curly hair. Her and her husband where trying to figure out where he got that texture of hair. The funny thing about our gene pool is that we can draw physical characteristics from generations long before us. What are you saying pastor, “Every now and then the church will do the same. We can start to look like the disciples at Pentecost or any other generation the Holy Spirit draws from.
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