Its Not Over
to expect with confidence: TRUST synonym see EXPECT—hop•er noun—hope against hope: to hope without any basis for expecting fulfillment
Let No Man Put Asunder [Original 12" Mix] was a popular club song in 80’s/90’s but was possibly birthed in 1977.
The book of Lamentations consists of a series of five poetic laments mourning the national disaster of 586 BC when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, including the temple, and took many of the people into exile. The poems were likely composed soon after that, during the exilic period
The first lament focuses on Zion, personified as a grieving widow
This second lament focuses on the great suffering inflicted on Zion when Yahweh became like an enemy (Lam 2:5)
The fourth lament reports the suffering of the people of Jerusalem during the final days of the Babylonian siege.
This poem describes the plight of Judah, overrun by invaders and oppressed by her conquerors.
The poem can be divided into an individual complaint (vv. 1–18), a transition from despair to hope (vv. 19–24), a contemplation of Yahweh’s sovereignty over suffering (vv. 25–39), a communal lament (vv. 40–47), and a renewed individual lament (vv. 48–66).
Looking kindly upon someone or treating someone with special regard. Scripture stresses the kindness and graciousness of God and Jesus Christ, which is not the result of human merit or achievement.
2 a: a written agreement or promise usually under seal between two or more parties especially for the performance of some action
Suppose there is a fire in the upper section of a house. As the people gather in the street below, a child is seen at the window of a room next to the fire. The fire trucks are at least five minutes away and so will be too late to help. How is the child to escape?
Now suppose that in the neighborhood lives a large man, well known for his strength and athletic ability. He arrives at the scene and shouts to the child, “Drop into my arms. Don’t be afraid. I’ll catch you.”
It is one part of faith for the child to know that the man is there. It is another part of faith to believe that the man is strong and able to catch someone. But the essence of faith lies in his dropping down into the man’s arms.451