2020 5/4 #25 - Giving Sight to The Blind
2020 • Sermon • Submitted
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Salvation from our sins is an individual thing. Though there are common realities which accompany every conversion our subjective experience of that conversion can differ widely. Such is one of the key lessons we learn in today’s reading of Christ healing the blind man Mark 8:22-26.
I’m Reid Ferguson and you’re listening to Through the Word in 2020.
Along with Mark 8, we have 2 other readings today; 1 Samuel 14:1-16:13 and 1 Corinthians 16:19-24.
Before we begin today, I wanted to let you know that if there is a particular portion you have a question on as we read together, drop me a line and I’d do my best to address it in a future episode. You can always email me at reid.ferguson@ Gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you.
Now back to Mark 8 and Jesus’ healing of the blind man.
The Gospels contain at least 4 examples of Jesus healing the blind. The interesting thing is, He does not seems to have a singular method in doing it. Each one is unique.
It is true that each one recovered their sight, but at the same time, each had a different subjective experience of it.
Maybe you’ve had someone question your salvation, or questioned it yourself because your experience of coming to Christ didn’t exactly match up with some others - or theirs with yours. And this is the first lesson we learn here: Salvation does not follow such a specific pattern, that we can require the same uniform experience by all.
God deals individually.
Some are brought to full sight all at once. Others come in stages like the fellow in this chapter.
We need to allow for how the Holy Spirit works according to His infinite wisdom and freedom of choice.
Never measure another's experience in Christ by your own, nor your own by theirs. The question is, has He opened our eyes to see Him?
Secondly we note Jesus’ wonderful diagnostic question: “Do you SEE anything?” What do you see? Has light come in at all? And if so, how much thus far?
This a great question to ask ourselves from time to time: What do we see?
What do we see of Christ? Have our eyes been opened to who He is and what He has done?
What do we see of our sin? Is it truly vile and deserving the eternal death God has pronounced upon it?
What do we see of the Cross? Did God punish sin there for all who trust in Christ as our substitute?
What do we see of the Word? Is it God speaking to us.
Do we see anything of the great truths of the Gospel and see Jesus above all as our sin-bearer and Lord?
What do YOU see today beloved?
Lastly: Note that we come to Christ for salvation, but then do not go off to some other source to complete the work.
When the man here didn’t see all perfectly yet, he wasn’t sent off to some other place or other person to complete the work - Christ Himself finished it.
Sanctification or growth in Christ is not to be had from the Law, or from Psychology, nor in systems, programs, seminars, books, special meetings, experiences or anything else separate from Jesus.
He alone is made to us wisdom, salvation, sanctification and redemption.
We go to Him for all. He is our complete Savior.
Let that sink into your soul today Believer.
God bless. And God willing, we’ll be back tomorrow.