Untitled Sermon
Ps 37 Social Media Devo
Ps 37 Social Media Devo
PS 37
What I love about this passage is that it is a wisdom psalm. It speaks to man not to God. it speaks about God but is for us.
It is also beautiful poetry. In the orginial Hebrew This Psalm is an acrostic, with a fresh letter of the Hebrew alphabet to introduce each double verse (1–2, 3–4, etc.; but our numbering falls out of step)
Verse 1 It tells us not to Fret. Do not fear. This season has been full of fear and fret. With so much unknown and a real worry out there is it easy to be afraid. And we have all asked the question, “What is God doing with all of this? What is his plan?”
This command to not fret is not a command without a reason. If you look at verse 7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,
over the man who carries out evil devices!
Wait for the Lord. Look ahead. God has a plan. There is no need to fear. We are almsot 2 months into this thing. Have you seen how God has a plan for you in all of this? How have you seen God working in you? Has that growth been worth it?
Another reason not to fret is we can look up to God. Verse 3 says:
3 Trust in the Lord, and do good;
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
4 Delight yourself in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
We can still trust God. It will be hard to just turn off worry about the evil dooers. But for us the thing that might cause us not to trust right not is not eveil doers but maybe it this virus that seems like God is not in control of. NOT NOT FRET. Trust in the Lord.
And instead of worrying or freating. While you trust you can also not just go to waste. Do good!!
Have you been taking this oppprotunity to do good? Today I want you to choose one person in your family to do good too. All day find ways to do good. And tomorrow pick another person and do good to them. While you trust do good.
Be present in the land and befreind faithfulness. Dont like the fear keep you from your faithfulness to God or others. trust and continue. This is an emotional thing and the psalmist knew this. It tells us to take delight!! A huge emotion we need right now. how have you felt delight in the Lord this week? Have you felt that delight?
Also, while you are not freting commit your ways to the Lord. Be constructive. Use this time to grow in your commitment to God. He has acted. trust him. Becuase if we are not committed to the Lord the Psalmest knows what will sneak into our lives in verse 8. ANGER!!
Have you been angry lately? Angry at your sibliings? Your parents? your teachers? GOD? everything in life?
Dont let this time casue you to be angry. That does not show your trust in God, you commitment to him. your commitment to do good and being present in the land. It shows that you are freting. That. your emotion is angery and not delight.
This week I encourage you to trust and commit to god and to goodness. Read the rest of this beautiful pslam and act on it. Watch fear fade to trust and angry turn to delight. Comment on this post ways you have shown goodness to others.