Terrible convictions and gentle drawings

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365 days of Spurgeon  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  27:55
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When should I accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour? The Daily Grind, a ministry of Faith Baptist Church in El Paso, Texas

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Hello and welcome to the Daily Grind podcast the ministry of Faith Baptist Church the daily podcast Monday through Friday on her daily walk with Christ by Stephen and and let's go myself. Today. We're going to be using the Logos Bible Software as well as he 365 days of Spurgeon alternatively to the Logos Bible Software. You can use your Bible. However, if you don't have one readily accessible can download the Logos Bible Software at logos.com. It's completely free. However, the 365 days of Spurgeon devotional is not free. Therefore. It is completely optional. We have the slides on screen and if you're listening without the slides it's in the podcast notes.

Okay. Today is the 6th of May. We're going to be discussing spurgeon's a excerpt of the sermon turbo convictions and gentle drawings.

And the first reading we're going to have for today take this to the book of Acts of the apostle. Chapter 16 verses 11 through 34 34. If you don't have a viable you can get it the free Logos Bible Software. Also if you want you can go Faith Baptist El Paso. Org go to our daily podcast website and you can click and you'll see this show up on the screen for you are podcast. I'll give you the slides that we view as well. If you're not on a main platform like iTunes podbean Spotify those notes are in the descriptions versus 11 through 14. We see there for loosing from Taurus. We came with a straight course to samothracia and the next states in the Apollos and from thence to Phillipi, which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia and the colony. And we were in that City by eating certain days. And on the Sabbath we went out of the city by Riverside where prayer was want to be made and we sat down and spake unto the women which Resort is bitter and a certain woman named Lydia seller for Apple of the city of thyatira, which worshipped God heard us whose heart the Lord opened that she attended on to the things which are spoken to Paul when she was baptized in our household should be sought of saying if you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord coming to my house and I by there and she can strained us and it came to pass as we went to prayer a certain Danville possessed with the spirit of divination divination metaswitch brought which brought her master's much game buy food sang the same follow Paul and us cry and cried saying these men are Servants of the most high God which show unto us the way is salvation in this did she many days for Paulding grieve turned and said to the spirit I command you in the name of Jesus Christ come out of her. And he came out of this and he came out the same hour and when are Masters saw that the hope of their games was gone? They caught Paul and Silas and Drew them into the marketplace under the rulers and they brought them to the magistrates saying these men being Jews do exceedingly trouble in our city and teach Customs which are not lawful for us to receive neither to observe being Roman in the multitude rose up together against them in the magistrate magistrate old man went now I can rent off their clothes in 20 to 22 magistrate rent off their clothes and commanded to beat them and when they let had laid many stripes upon them they cast him into prison charging the Jailer to keep them safely who having received such a charge plus them into the end of prison and they defeat fat. Open stocks and at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang Praises unto God in the prisoners heard them and suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaking and maybe we all the doors were open and everyone's bands were loosed and The Keeper of the prison Awakening out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open. He drew out a sword and would have killed himself supposing that the prisoners have sled.

But Paul cried with a loud voice saying do they self no harm for we are all here. Then he called for a while and spraying in and came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said sirs what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and I house and they spake unto him the word of the Lord and to all that were in his house and he took them the same hours a night and wash their stripes and was baptized he and all his straight away and when he had brought them into his house that he sent me before them and rejoyceful even and odd with all his house. Okay. So the title of our message is terrible convictions and gentle drawing. It's an excerpt of a sermon that was delivered on the morning of May 6th 1860 by the Reverend Charles Spurgeon at the extra hand extra Hall and strand now if we go back to Acts chapter 11 through 34, it's a beautiful story It's a Wonderful story. It's a very famous story. Of where Paul and Silas take take an unclean Spirit out of a woman named Lydia. The spirit was in a certain damsel not letting itself has a certain damsel and then they get arrested and they get put in jail. And while they're in jail. There are they the the bonds get loosened the door swings open and then there's a scarred now during that time and I'm trying to get some contacts to this is that that that prison keeper that that gels Guardsman if anything what happened to his prisoners, let's say if they escaped okay, then the Romans would take his life. So what he was doing was just taking life because he knew he was going to die. OK and the reason why I'm bringing it up is because you know, there may be some question. Why is this guy pulling out the knife board all ready to go kill himself and that's the contacts in and Paul and Silas did during this time with this day. They had they used it as an opportunity to witness to the jailer. And they told him not to do in Juneau not to swim self at the store. To kill himself with the sword and they presented the gospel to him. Now I want to take you into that that jailers Optics here. He thinks his life's coming to an end. He he sees his printer prisoners running around free. So there's a lot of stress a lot of turmoil and a lot of unknown that's going to happen to him. Only thing. He knows is if his these prisoners run around he's going to die. So they take that opportunity during the time of stress to present the gospel to the dealer that Joey gets saved and the house gets saved in that that's a Rejoice for for Christ because someday we're going to see that Jailer and the number to pull side to that Jailer and I'm going to ask him. Could you please tell me the story of story again? I just want to hear it from you, you know, did they Rush up to your did they grab you that there's a lot of things that aren't explained in the Bible per se, you know, minute-by-minute second-by-second descriptions, but you know, I would love to hear that night at I am going to hear that story. So I just want to bring that into context and Andy. I just had something real quick about how Paul and Silas got to this point which I think is interesting so Go to verse number 17 in this this this is this being the woman with the spirit the same Paul Paul and as cried and cried saying these men are Servants of the most high. God was showing us the way of Salvation And This Gucci many days, but Paul Ben greve turned and said this. I commanded it in the name of Jesus Christ come out of her and he came out that the same hour and when her Master Spas at the hope of their games has gone, they caught Paul and Silas and do them into the marketplace end of the rulers and brought them under brought them to the magistrate saying these men being Jews to exceedingly trouble our city and teach customs with your not lawful to receive. Neither to observe being wronged me something interesting about this is the dimension of them being Roman. in all likelihood the market man or the businessman per se went out Romans this this was Macedonia and you know right after You know Jesus died in the Years following that the market the business end in all likelihood were Romans. Probably the only person there beside Paul that was a Roman would have been the magistrate so them being them claiming that their the Romans right? There is the plane to the magistrate because Jews were looked down upon by the wrong and then if we move onto verse number 37 when the magistrate let them go for some reason or another which is an on the the slide we see but Paul said unto them. They beat us openly uncondemned being Romans in a pass is going to prison and now they thrust yourself privileged Navy barely let them come themselves and Patchett Paul sang. I'm a Roman you just beat me do something about it. Come grovel at my feet because Roman Romans head A certain amount of privileges throughout the entire Roman Empire, which I think is interesting that Paul didn't bring this up when they were in court and I think the reason he didn't bring this up when they were in court in front of a magistrate is because he had a feeling that there was a God had something for him to do. Let's go on to the message for today. And I'm going to go ahead and start reading from Spurgeon the book of 365 days of Spurgeon. It says I am met with at least a squirrel pee of persons who found cries and then met more into their sins more afterwards then they did before their convictions have them more terrible after they have known their interest in fries. Then they were at first they have seen evil after they have escaped from it. They have they had been plucked out of the Miry clay and their feet set up set on a rock and then afterwards they have seen more fully the death of that horrible pit out of which they have been snatched. It is not true that all who are saved suffered these convictions and tears and there are a considerable number of who number who are drawn by the chords of love in the bands of a of a man. There are some who like Lydia have their hearts open not by the Crowbar of conviction, but by the picklock of divine grace, sweetly drawn almost silently and chanted by the lovely and loving loveliness of Jesus. They spank drawn me and I will run after the and now you ask me the question why has God brought me to himself in this gentle manner again? I say there are some questions better on answer then answered. God knows best. The reason why he does not give you these tears leave that question with him, but I may wait till I tell you an antidote there. There are a man. There was a man once who had never felt these tears and he brought it. He thought within himself. I never can believe I am a Christian unless I do So we pray to God that he might feel them and and he did feel them and and wait and what do you think is his testimony? He says never never do that for result was fearful and mixed in the extreme. If he had not known what he was asking for he would he would not have asked for anything. So foolish. So we look in Psalms chapter 30 Psalms 32 verses 3 through 4 when I kept silent, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long for Day and Night by hand was Heavy upon me. My moisture is turned into the drought of Summer.

So I want to I want to bring to the turmoil. That people go through, you know, a lot of people say that they get saved during a low with in their life. Okay, that's why I brought up Lydia and the Jailer the Jailer was at a low of his life feels feels so low that he was going to take his own life. He was like, there's no life for me to live. My family is going to be humiliated as soon as I find out that you know, my prisoners got out. He was at a complete low and he accepted Christ right then and there but then there's others like Lydia that are drawn by the spirit and drawn by the word of God by by the seed being planted and watered and then there's a conviction So both have convictions but at two different to different circumstances. In one person may say that will that Christian is not saved because that person didn't have a conflict in their life when they got saved how crazy that may sound so it may come to that conclusion. Solomon said that person saved because his wife got saved it talking about the Jailer the Jailer got saved because his life got changed. He he got to live another day. His turmoil is struggle Jennings this test. But also on the other end. Is people that get saved? They look back at their life and they say I got saved because of this this problem or this conviction. Others May say I didn't because I didn't have that conviction. What I'm trying to draw you to hear is and I hope I didn't lose anybody in this in the explanation is the important thing is not know how we are brought to Christ. But that we are brought to Christ does the wind sometimes blows fiercely and sometimes it blows gently. And we and I want to pull you to John chapter 3 verse number 8. It says the wind bloweth where it listens. And out here is the founder of but can't I can just not tell when say cometh and whether it go with so is everyone that is born of the spirit. So basically what we're trying to point everyone comes to price for a reason. Okay, no matter what circumstances they come to Christ and it's not and they all accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and they believe in their heart and they can sit with their mouths their saved. That's it. You don't need a certain certain circumstance in your life to go to Jesus. For example And I'm trying to bring this up as quickly as possible. You cannot say or tell yourself if you are unbelievable right now. I am not going to accept Jesus Christ until I need him. Okay, that's complete foolishness because you do need Jesus Christ. Now if you think your life is perfect and everything is wonderful in the and as the Bible says the with the winds blowing gently, you still need to accept Jesus right now because you do not know you have no way of knowing what's going to happen right after this podcast. You have no idea of knowing what's going to happen in the next second. You have no idea. So you're going to put your eternity based upon not knowing what's going to happen next. That's why I think it's foolish for you to say I'm going to wait to accept Jesus Christ when I get married, I'm going to wait till I'm going to step Jesus Christ have a lot of money and we'll wait until I accept Jesus Christ until I have a house. I'm going to wait to accept Jesus Christ until I have a car on my way to to accept Jesus Christ until I have a job. That's foolishness.

Which is you don't know that's going to happen.

You don't. But I will tell you what will happen is if you accept Jesus Christ right now at this present time at the end during this podcast or after this podcast, I can guarantee you have a life of Eternity then. I can guarantee you you'll be filled with the Holy Spirit. I will guarantee you you can now do the will of God.

So, why wait? Why wait for something bad to happen to accept Christ as complete foolish Nest you're not that great of a person. I'm going to tell you that right now through this microphone directly to your heart. You're not that great of a person if you think you can hold off on the biggest and best thing for you and your life. Until you fall, right? Another thing someone may say I'm not going to accept price until I feel it. Call I feel it.

Brother sister tell me what that feeling is because I'm going to be honest with you. There's there's no fireworks that are going off. There's no Hallelujah as they're being yelled at. There's no angels are pressing you I'm telling you. You're basing that upon a first number one in imagination and number two. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know where you got that fax from meaning that you're giving yourself an excuse. The devil's in the Devils playing its games now is the time.

Fridge and also says but we should not presume upon God's kindness forbearance and patience. They lead us to repentance.

when you accept Jesus the moment before you accept Jesus I want to go over this thing called repentance. That's a changing of mine. That's turning away from what you did that was ungodly to something Godly. In a lot of people may say well I can't do that repentance. Therefore. I'm not going to get saved. Well, I'm going to tell you right off the bat. Frost and come short of the glory of God that means you're a sinner. I'm a sinner everyone hears the sinner of being yours or his listening is podcast. Whoever's not listening to this podcast. You're a sinner 2.

So you're a sinner. You don't know. What's right or wrong.

But if you take that step to realizing that you're a sinner in the and accept Christ and have the Holy Spirit within you I will guarantee God will Dennis by you need to repent you need to change your ways in your change your mind you turn around from whatever that Center was. Whatever that said. Was it maybe your focus in life I played I played football in my life my younger years younger adult years. I lifted weights played football. I was always athletic in the military always did it. When I accepted Christ as my savior having the fittest and best body to perform the best athletic athleticism wasn't my party anymore. Got change that he changed it into more of studying the Bible and getting close to him Ministry. How do you say well that's you know, that's because you know, you're a religious person you can ask anyone around me. Okay? I am probably. If you if you see me or if you talk if you see me or talk to me, I mean, I'm not going to be cussing and swearing at you, but I'm not going to be like in a let's break down the Greek form of the Acts of the Apostles right now and we're going to talk about the present verb right here because this verb right here corresponds with Chris. No, I never have those conversations. You're putting some of someone putting those ideas in your head when I'm saying is having a life for Christ had a working the will of God and being a part of his will I'm talking about reading his Bible. I'm talking about learning from his Bible. I'm talking about praying to him. I'm talking about those two things right now. You're not doing in your life. You're going to see a focus on those things. And you need to turn away from that sin.

So you don't have to be in a struggle. You don't have to be in the pit of life. To come to repentance you can be high on life right now. And that you still need to have that repentance. If I take you to Romans chapter 2 verse number for or deepest or just dial The Riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth to repentance that goodness of God leads to repentance of you accept Jesus Christ and the Holy Holy Spirit within your heart guide and you and you want to live that life for God that will lead to repentance because I did not identify any of the sins you had I didn't tell you any of the things you did wrong because that's not for me to tell you no matter who you are what you are or how you're living your life right now. That's not for me or anyone else to tell you. Hey, you're wrong. I will tell you you're a sinner you have sinned for the wages of that since you're going to go to death witches and Hell unless you accept Jesus Christ, which is the Eternal gifts, which is the gift of eternal life. Once you have that gift of eternal life and you accept him dying on the cross a sin for us and forgiving our sins and die and dying on the cross buried in the Tomb and rose again the third day and we have the Trinity god father God the Holy Father Jesus and the Holy Spirit and we have the Holy Spirit that dwells within us while we're on this Earth. Then you get the realization of what you did wrong in your life. So you don't have to say I really screwed up I need price right now know you can be living that perfect life high on the hog, and you still need price. You can be a billionaire. I don't care if you're Donald Trump right now and you're listening. Mr. President. You need to get saved. It doesn't matter how great you are. Joe Joe Biden you need to get safe. But I'm saying no matter how much money you have. No Mahou gritando how great your life is and you don't think you need Christ. You're making a mistake your foolish. You need you need to accept price right now and that from that Holy Spirit and following God will lead to repentance.

All right. Here at The Daily Grind we want you to share share share this podcast to as many people as you possibly can. Places where I can not go post on Facebook text it to people center link do what you got to do share share share. We need as many followers and as many download those possible.

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