Phase 1

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Phase 1

Today, the Governor announced that churches will soon be
allowed to re-open. I can’t wait to see you!
We’ve had eight weeks of online only services. I want to thank
the online team – particularly Pastor Parker, JT Espejo and
Jordan Dollar. They worked incredible hours in order to make
online church engaging, exciting and smooth.
And, I want to thank you. You’ve been faithful to attend, invite
and to give. Our church family has remained strong, outward-
focused and caring. I’m proud of you for fighting off selfishness,
frustration and fear.
We’ve learned a lot through this. I pray we never again take
meeting together for granted. For many of you, this has been an
opportunity to re-calibrate priorities and schedules. “His Kingdom
First” must be our life approach. The lessons of this season will
be lasting.
Now, we move into Phase 1 of the re-opening process. This
phase is going to require a lot of patience, flexibility and a
willingness to sacrifice for others.
On the front page of our website, our church Facebook page,
Instagram and other platforms, there is a link to all the details
necessary for us to re-open safely. There’s no way I can share
them all in one video, but I want to highlight several of them.
Our sanctuary has been re-set to allow for social distancing.
We’ve measured and are observing the federal standards – six
feet between family units. As you might imagine, that means our
capacity has been greatly reduced! We are able to accommodate
approximately 400 people in each service.
During phase one, we will have main services only. There will
be no kids ministry activities, nursery or childcare. Connection
classes, Wednesday night activities and small groups will not
meet. We fully anticipate all these being restored in phase two of
the re-opening.
Practically, that means your kids are sitting with you in service.
Don’t stress. I understand there will be more noise and activity.
We’ll be OK. However, if your child throws a fit or starts
screaming, please consider taking them to the lobby or chapel
until they calm down.
We are starting with six services a week:
 Tuesday afternoons at 4:00.
 Family Service at 11:00 on Saturday morning. You and your
children can attend service together. The format will be
similar to the weekly SLAM service – with characters,
puppets, active songs and all the fun. The focus will be on
the same promise we are studying in the other services.
 5:00 Saturday night.
 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 on Sunday morning.
To help ensure that you have a place to sit, we have instituted an
online sign up for services. Please register for the service you
wish to attend at Enter the number of family
members who will be attending with you. When a service is full,
we will no longer accept registrations for that service. If we need
to add more services, we will.
When you arrive, you will be directed to a parking lot. You will
need to wait in your car until approximately fifteen minutes before
service. When the sanctuary has been cleared and disinfected,
you will be invited to enter.
When you enter the building, you will be directed to a seating area
for your family. We will seat people from the front of the room to
the back of the room. After service, we will dismiss people to
ensure a quick, safe exit. I know – you have a place where you
always sit! This is going to be a good opportunity to practice
flexibility! And - you might enjoy experiencing service from a
different point of view!
We have a number of safety measures that will be in place per
our agreement with the State of Arkansas. Please know – these
are not done as the result of fear! Instead, we are doing
everything we know to do to protect the most vulnerable among
us and prevent transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Our
motivation is not fear, but love for others in our church family. I
want to share with you eight of these steps.
1. To help prevent the spread of infection, we are asking
everyone to wear a face mask. If you forget, one will be provided
for you. Infants and toddlers will not be required to wear a mask.
If you have a health condition that makes it impossible for you to
wear a mask, we understand.
2. Common areas and gathering spaces of the building will be
closed. That includes the coffee bar and any place where people
might congregate.
3. Before every service, the sanctuary, seating and all high-touch
services will be disinfected. We will only allow people in the room
after that procedure is complete.
4. Hand sanitizing stations are set up throughout the building.
We encourage their frequent use.
5. If you need to sneeze or cough, please cover your mouth and
nose or sneeze into your elbow.
6. We will be continually wiping down surfaces in the rest rooms
and other high touch areas.
7. We will not distribute any bulletins or printed materials.
Offering envelopes will be placed on the chairs. Extras will be
removed and destroyed between services.
8. Greeters will be wearing masks and gloves. We will not share
hands, hug or high five. Instead, we will air hug, wave and smile.
Finally and perhaps most importantly – if you are high risk
because of age or underlying health conditions, I encourage you
to stay home and continue watching online during Phase one.
While I would love to see you in person, I love you – and want
you to stay healthy!
There is a lot of tension in our country – some want to open,
others passionately believe everything should stay closed. Here’s
how we are going to approach it. We will respect the thoughts
and preferences of others and not make anyone feel lesser or
non-spiritual because they have a different approach.
Listen to me – attending in person is not a sign that you are more
mature, more godly, or more committed than the person who
chooses to stay at home.
Staying at home does not make you smarter of more caring than
the person who attends in person.
You’ve done a beautiful job of loving and caring for others the last
eight weeks. Let’s keep that same attitude of love and concern as
we transition into another new way of doing church.
We are not going to be the social distancing police. We will post
the guidelines, communicate them often and encourage you to
follow them. However, we are not going to walk around with a
giant ruler to make sure you are six feet away from others. I am
asking you to follow the guidelines out of love for each other.
Like you, I can’t wait for life and church to be back to “normal” –
whatever that new normal will be. Many of these things feel like a
hassle and extra work – because they are! But, this is just one
phase. It is going to get better!
I look forward to worshipping with you soon. In the meantime, I
love you and I miss you.
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