Daniel’s Prayer and Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

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Daniel’s Prayer and Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

Daniel chapter 2 records Daniel interpreting a recurring dream that Nebuchadnezzar had during the second year of his reign.
The interpretation of this dream was an answer to his prayer and that of his three friends.
Daniel 2:1 Now during second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, on more than one occasion Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a revelation in a dream so that his soul was repeatedly disturbed with the result that his sleep departed from him. 2 Therefore, this king issued an order to summon the occult priests as well as the necromancers and in addition those whose habit is practicing witchcraft also the astrologers in order to interpret for the benefit of this king his revelations in a dream. Consequently, they entered so that they stood in the presence of this king. 3 Then, this king said to them, “I have dreamed a revelation in a dream so that my heart is anxious to understand this revelation in a dream.” 4 Next, these astrologers replied to this king in Aramaic, “O King live forever! Tell the dream to your servants in order that we can make known the interpretation.” 5 The king replied to the astrologers and said, “The command from me is irrevocable: if you do not communicate the content of the dream to me as well as its interpretation, all of you will be dismembered and in addition your homes will be turned into a rubbish heap.” 6 On the other hand, if any of you are able to make known the content of the dream as well as its interpretation, you will receive gifts as well as a reward and in addition great honor. Therefore, one of you make known to me this dream as well as its interpretation. 7 They replied a second time and said, “Please, let the king reveal the content of the dream so that we can make known the interpretation.” 8 The king replied and said, “I know for certain that all of you are stalling for time because you realize that the command from me is irrevocable, 9 namely that if you do not communicate the content of the dream to me as well as its interpretation there is only one sentence for you. Indeed you have conspired to speak a false as well as evil message in my presence until this situation is changed. Therefore, for my benefit, tell me the content of the dream in order that I can be assured that you can make known to me its interpretation.” 10 The astrologers replied in the presence of the king and said, “There is not a person on the face of the earth who is able to reveal the king’s secret. Consequently, no great king or ruler (in history) has ever exacted a demand like this so unfairly of any occult priest, necromancer or astrologer.” 11 “Indeed, the demand which the king is exacting is impossible because there is no one who is able to reveal it in the king’s presence except the gods whose dwelling is not among the human race.” 12 Because of this, the king became enraged yes he in fact became extremely furious. Therefore, he issued an order to execute each and every one of the city of Babylon’s wise men. 13 When the order was issued so that the wise men were about to be put to death, they also sought to put to death Daniel as well as his friends. 14 However, Daniel exhibited wisdom as well as tact when speaking to Arioch, the king’s executioners’ commander who had gone out to execute the city of Babylon’s wise men. 15 He questioned Arioch, the king’s captain and said, “For what reason is the order from the king uncompromisingly severe?” Then Arioch informed Daniel concerning the matter. 16 Consequently, Daniel went in and then requested from the king that he would grant him time in order to make known the interpretation for the benefit of the king. 17 Then Daniel returned to his home whereupon he informed his friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, concerning the matter 18 for the purpose of making a request for acts of mercy from the God of the heavens because of this mystery in order that Daniel as well as his friends would not be executed along with the rest of the city of Babylon’s wise men. (My translation)
Daniel 2:18 tells us that Daniel wanted time in order to go to God in prayer and request that He reveal to him the content of the king’s dream as well as its interpretation.
Upon arriving home he immediately informed Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah with regards to the king’s demand of the wise men and the consequences for failing to meet this demand.
Daniel 2:18 says that the purpose of informing them about the matter was so that they might accompany him in prayer to the Father.
Daniel also informed them about the matter because their lives were threatened as well.
Lastly, by telling his friends, Daniel was being a witness to his friends.
He wanted to strengthen their faith in the Lord by allowing them to see God fulfill his request to make known to him both the content of the king’s dream as well as its interpretation, which would result in the glorification of God.
Daniel wanted his friends to be a witness to God answering his prayer.
Acts of mercy” refers to the Father making known to Daniel the content of the king’s dream as well as its interpretation.
It would also refer to the Father delivering them from death by doing so.
Lastly, it would refer to Nebuchadnezzar’s wise men being delivered from death.
It also emphasizes that the answer to Daniel’s request in prayer is based upon God’s mercy, which is an expression of His love.
This expression also implies that Daniel and his friends are well aware that they have no merit with God whatsoever when they offer up this petition for themselves.
Daniel and his friends are well aware that they have no merit with God whatsoever when they offer up this petition for themselves since they were taught this very thing through the Levitical sacrifices in the temple of Solomon before their deportation.
Because of this mystery” indicates that Nebuchadnezzar’s secret was the reason why Daniel and his three friends were requesting merciful acts from the Father in prayer.
Daniel is requesting that God would reveal to him the content of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream as well as its interpretation, which constituted a revelation from God and could only be understood if God would explain the meaning of it to him.
Daniel 2:19 Then in a vision during the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel. Then Daniel blessed the God of the heavens. (My translation)
The mystery” refers to the content of Nebuchadnezzar’s recurring dream, which he would not reveal to his occult priests, necromancers, witches and astrologers, who help to compose his wise men.
It also refers to the interpretation of this dream since the king demanded this as well from his wise men and describes the content of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream as well as its interpretation.
The content of the dream was a mystery because the king would not reveal it to his wise men.
The interpretation was a mystery because the meaning of the dream could only be known if God revealed it.
Daniel 2:20 Daniel responded and said, “God has had His name showered with adoring praise, honor, recognition and worshipful thanksgiving from eternity past and in addition this will continue throughout eternity future because He inherently is wisdom as well as power.” (My translation)
Daniel showered the God of the heavens with adoring praise, honor, recognition and worshipful thanksgiving” denotes that Daniel showered God the Father with adoring praise, honor, recognition and worshipful thanksgiving because He fulfilled his prayer request.
It denotes that Daniel expressed adoring praise, honor, recognition and worshipful thanksgiving for the Father revealing the content of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream as well as its interpretation.
Daniel 2:20 echoes other passages of Old Testament Scripture (Psalm 113:1-2; 115:18; 145:1-2; Job 1:21; 12:13, 16).
Daniel 2:21 Namely, He determines the appointed times as well as the durations of time. He deposes kings as well as elevates kings. He gives wisdom to wise men as well as knowledge to those who possess the capacity to receive understanding. 22 God reveals unfathomable events, yes events which are hidden. He alone knows what is in the darkness. Specifically, the light resides in Him. 23 For the benefit of You, O God of my fathers, I myself give thanks, yes and praise too because You gave to me wisdom, yes and power too. Indeed, now You have made known to me what we requested from You with the result that You made known to us the king’s secret. 24 Because of this, Daniel approached Arioch whom the king assigned to execute the city of Babylon’s wise men. He returned to him and then said, “Please do not execute the city of Babylon’s wise men! Please take me into the king’s presence in order that I may reveal the interpretation to the king!” (My translation)
The first request “Please do not execute the city of Babylon’s wise men” is a request not only to spare the occult priests, necromancers, witches and astrologers in Babylon but also Daniel and his three friends as well as all the city’s diplomats and dignitaries who help to compose the city’s wise men since Daniel was of their number.
However, notice that Daniel could have requested that Arioch only spare his life and the lives of his three friends and not include the occult priests, necromancers, witches and astrologers.
The second request “please take me into the king’s presence in order that I may reveal the interpretation to the king” appears not to meet the king’s demand in which he told his occult priests, necromancers, witches and astrologers to tell him the content of his dream as well as its interpretation.
Now, notice that that Daniel requested time with the king in order to go to reveal the interpretation of his recurring dream whereas the king demanded that his occult priests, necromancers, witches and astrologers make known to him both the content of the dream or the dream itself as well as its interpretation.
This does not imply that Daniel was not required to make known the content of the dream and only its interpretation since the writer, Daniel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit leaves this out for the sake of brevity, which is the same reason why the text does not say that Arioch granted Daniel’s request.
The following verses make clear that Arioch did grant Daniel his request just as the rest of the chapter makes clear that Daniel made known to Nebuchadnezzar both the content of his dream as well as its interpretation.
Furthermore, if Daniel knew the interpretation of the dream he certainly knew the content of the dream.
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