Radical :The Sound 2

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Happy Mother's Day in DC and hey their loved ones this morning. I'm looking forward to sharing with you the final part of our story that we are building up to you on the series radical. And so this one's called This Town part 2. So let's Dive Right In but before we do we're going to have a little bit of a refresher what we talked about the previous weeks to starting off we talked about having to reset now. The reset oil life reset was where you had to remember truth exterminate lies, speak it out encourage yourself, which is prophesied over yourself and then try it again because a lot of time we get the storage that I want to leave the scripture where it says don't grow weary in doing good cuz it's due time. You will reap a harvest. That's his word. The next thing we looked at was getting our cry back after we have a reset. We got to remember and have our cry again that Ross is Akumal. What gives us the driving force behind what we're standing on now and what we're doing and we begin to break down. The different judges in the Book of Judges. We were going to look at their names and what they mean. We found out that their names all down the line means something very prophetic and we dive in at devorah and a rack and so last week I talked a lot about the characters in the story that King James version. He was an intelligent Trader that you raising a place of double-minded if it was divided his army General sister area of the swallow and the place that they were from. Yes that name right there for Rushville Reagan with a bad, but it means Trooper Edibles or flight a little kiss. We also looked at with Deborah's name men. That was a med B and it means population. Her husband left off me the light at Lance. They dwelt in a place called Rhema in between Bethel and then we realize that Raymond me the number for and it means a sword and Bethel means the house of God. So it's saying that this team the prophets and the left this this this cross over here had a game The Sword in the house of God to become a double fruitfulness for double portion and such a time like this. We also looked at with bayraq means and they recommend you remember the barbecue symbol if they literally means power lightning lightning which means power of God that you had this Prophet where we left off that they racked she says, hey baby, I want you to come up here because. Give me a words because he wants to set his people free in the land and we're going to pick right up there and that story is if you had your Bibles turn the judges. The fourth chapter and we're going to start at the 6th through the 9th verse we're coming from the message. Okay, you guys ready? I mean The Message Bible she sent for Barracks so they have on it from Cadets and we realize Kadesh means a holy refuge. And that's the line. Damn. It has become clear that God the god of Israel commands you go to mount to work and prepare for battle take 10 companies of soldiers from natural light is Zebulon. It really means ten thousand from Natalie and ten thousand from Zebulon to let's keep going. I'll take care of history of the leader of David's Army to the Kishore river which all his chariots and troops and I'll make sure you When the battle bittrex said if you go with me, if you go with me, I'll go but if you don't go with me, I won't go. And it says that she said, of course I'll go with you but I understand. That was an attitude like that. There's no glory in it for you. God will use a woman's had to take care of sister Maria Devore got ready and went with a rack to qadash. Let me share something here real quick. So come on and it didn't act like it did the previous delivers the previous deliver the name devorah. Is she speaking to talk to this guy named a rack about doing what God is calling him to do anything else to say. I am not doing this. Listen as you don't go with me. I'm not going anywhere. Now. I know that may sound horrible that may sound very like a problem with you God speaking directly to bayraq through Devore and instead of listening to the word of God. He's looking for all these people around him to get on page with him so he can obey I don't know it where you're at in your life. But I remember that growing up you ever give your friends want to do something. And so you really don't want you to think they used to stink up your pressure and pressure you had to do anything you don't want to do and if I don't get tired of you just like just forget it. I'll do it. This is a lack of strong character and the individual. Bayraq instead of God's word and standing on it. He's like I'm not going to be gone unless you got with me. I mean you have a reputation people know you in the a.m. And the area they know that the voice of God's with you and I I hear what you said, but I'm not going to make it because you chose not to take God at his word. He lost out. On Jaden the greatest victory in this story, which is trusting in the Lord with all your heart and not leaning to your own understanding and acknowledging all your ways and watching him direct your path. But I'm going to go with you dude. I'm going to go out to battle with you. I'm going to tell you this because you're not listening to God it said because you're looking for your own Comfort you're looking for. I'm Excuse really? You're not going to gain Glory from it. You're not going to have any glorious Victory matter fact. I was going to use a woman to get Glory of his battle ever going to sing about her Victory and not yours. Let's pick up in her story.

The Syria and this is going the first number 13 to stereo immediately called up all the Cheerios to the Keyshawn River $900

troops who were with them at arrest curriculum. Divorce said to Bay Roc charge this very day. God has given you victory over to Syria. Is it God marching before you pay rent charge down the slopes of Mount toward his 10 companies followed him? Got routed to Syria all those chariots all those troops before bear rack two-tier jumped out of his Chariot and ran Eric chase the Chariots and Truth all the way Chris Harrigan and Syria entire fighting force was killed not one man left. miwa caesarea running for his life headed to the tent of jail. You know what I read those like that doesn't sound too right so he ran for jail.

The wife of Heber the kenite and Javen king of his ark and here are the can I wear a good terms with one another it means that they were friends. Let me share this with you this. I had to Syria had 900 chariots and you got these fighting him on foot and instead of crushing them. It did him. No good and said that they destroyed every last man. It's a guy he runs away from the general of the army. It's called the wild locust, you know, the the fight alone cuz you guys remember his name mean to swallow or or a group of animals. So and it was from this looks like a very impossible situation that they were basing it look impossible. You got this guy who ruled over there for 20 years with his Chariot and now an uprising happen. I think I'm thinking to myself. If I was in War. I don't know if I jump out of my vehicle. I think I can move faster in my vehicle has been on foot unless my name was Elijah and this was the flash if you know what I mean, so run Barry run, but he jumped out of his chair. Eddie runs on foot Dad said he's afraid he's right his confidence and he has to run because God went before they track and it's twenty thousand soldiers and he totally freaked out and he was not expecting this house is not around. But his wife is his wife name is jail. I'm literally means wild go. So he remember his name literally means a horse or animal face when he goes to another animal. Let's pick up in the story and see what jail did okay. Do jail time a couple lessons. Oh, man. He said to her please a little water. I'm thirsty. She open a bottle of milk gave him a drink and then covered him up again. He then sits Dan at the tent flap if anyone comes by and ask you is anyone here tell them not a soul then while she was fast asleep from exhaustion jail swipe a fever took a temp tag and a hammer and drove the tent Peg who is Temple. All the way into the ground he convulsed and died. Talk about a splitting headache.

Bayraq arrived for suits in Syria jail without degree in she said, I'll show you the man you're looking for he went with her and there he was serious stress out there with a 10th through his temp. On that day. Subdued Jamin King of Pain Canaan before the people of Israel. The people of Israel, press harder and harder on Jaime King of Cana until there was nothing left of him. Imma, get some coffee then we're going to talk.

still hot Do anyways. This guy's house? His team was in alignment with and instead. He's not to be found. But there are some milk he dresses like height me, you know, I need a Hideout and this woman goes out and gets a tent Peg hammertime a whole new meaning back then they were like serious. So she goes out to you about this bag.

Go through his head.

At least that's what we call.

Orbitrek was asked to follow God and because he didn't is that a variac gaining the complete victory over his Enemy by his hand. It was hand it off to someone else. Adam she ended up getting the victory for Israel, but it didn't stop at the at the general didn't stop at the commander. They went after the king the intelligent leader the intelligent Trader Javen Kincaid. It literally went after them until nothing was left. I'm going to ask you guys something. What is a pressing you in your life what things are holding you back? And what is God asking you to go after? What stance are you willing to take? Remember they were oppressed or 20 years in the story? And after 20 years daughter grows up, but first she raised up with profit was already in tune to what he was saying that if we in our day right now where we're at in 2020 that we should be linking up with people who are prophetic who have the office of a process, but I believe as we begin to profit in people who are prophetic that we're going to pray more strategically about things going on in our world right now. Kids roads were in the box and we're worried about those days in the box and we're worried about our programs and the Chilton side of the Church of the adult side and we are so missing the mark. The main important thing that Jesus told his Apostles to do. Go Make Disciples Look at the commission of God Mission means go Mission at means together on Mission and he says Go Make Disciples. It doesn't mean that God doesn't care about us in this world and life that were in it means that we're here to make disciples read the message of Christ and teach them what the kingdom of God looks like. It says carry the message of the Kingdom and The Gospel.

It doesn't just mean preach. Only in his in the end of the day for wall building. It means live it out. Say it out loud and share with your neighbors and word and also in action as putting Love In Action. What would it look like for love to be put in action while I like to show you a couple people on the screen and I believe that they actually had it figured out a bit. We do the one guy sitting up there with his hands crossed. If you don't that's Martin Luther King was Injustice in the land lover Rose and you had to stand against Injustice. He was a Baptist preacher. And you stood up against an injustice that was going on in the world during his time. Yes, I'm suzaka Mark Stickney that lady and her name literally to the Polish woman in the time of the Holocaust and what she did was she helped over 2,500 children escaped. Her name is Irene swindled and enlisted. It was against the rules to see something better. Love to speak louder than present contentment the momentary complacency. Bad guy who looks like he's holding a briefcase stinky right there. That guy's name is William, Seymour. During the segregation with churches were heavily / church was heavily heavily and it was a kid Americans in praying and I think the power of God showed up in the room and it says there's an history. Called because they literally saw the place on fire burning. It's only drove. There was no fire there but it was a group of people on one of course during a time where it's like this is not allowed. And they chose to come together anyway and pray. Another person update the lady up in the top right there.

That was Harriet Tubman. During the time where it's not okay to run away and delete other people the freedom she chose to let love speak louder not just my words, but my ass. If I don't do we see our former president Abe Lincoln? Down right there he can free.

During his time in the rain in office was the abolished slavery.

And it caused the Civil War.

In our day and time right now.

I believe church we cannot allow ourselves. To just be positive and what's going on in the world? We can't allow ourselves not to have a voice. Let me share this with you very strong and I mean it in my heart. Choosing not to speak up or take a stand is choosing not to do nothing and choosing nothing means you'll get nothing. Even in our Bible the apostles had to make a choice to stand and when preaching the gospel when it gets culture and Society they said this famous line that still Echoes Through the Ages. It is better for us to obey God than man.

I think about Martin Luther.

RockAuto 2000 men he what is this isn't nailed into the Catholic church. It was just grievances about them Idol worshiping and suck. But it led to we call the Reformation. All because someone was willing to stand and be heard and say I am refusing to sit by my idol anymore. In our day and time. We have a lot of confusion out there. We got a lot of things going on.

What is God calling you to rise up to and stand out of coast and I want to share any time to church has took a rattle to stand and they let their voices be heard. They begin to let a sound emerge out of them. It wasn't nothing anymore. I'm just talkin to talk. It was about living and speaking it out loud living message of the gospel and showing people the love of God which made them draw it into action that shock We have multiple stories of people with mass revivals with multiple stories of people get to stand even in different arenas from politics all the way and to the local place at home to work reform happened. What is God calling his church to now.

What are the times? We think well, it's not we're not cold for that. We're not called to speak up. We're not called to go into those areas. I believe God wants to give his children a story and every area whether it is education government entertainment. The financial arena with his business and marketing God is waiting for his sons and daughters to step out of the box and take the kingdom of God to eat all those places and there's more places but he's waiting for us to stand up and write a letter voice we heard where is our Rock to amata.

I think back to the time when abortion. You know Roe versus Wade and that was coming in during that time.

What was the Cry of Injustice before it reached the Millions? Before I reach to this level, where was the cry at church? I believe God is staying after we get out of this we go back. Let's get our cry. Let's look God created sound. Let's hook up with prophets. You are hearing what God is saying strategically. so that we can begin to pray more strategically and walk more fervently during his love the message of the Cross but in action and every Arena he calls us to

Whether it's your home. your place of work What is somewhere in the government? What is in the entertainment industry? all the financial Arena business big Corporation Wherever God is calling you at?

I want you guys to pray about it. I want you to not be ignorant. To the devices of Satan at scriptures that I don't want you to be ignorant to those States. What'd you guys do research? When you guys are begin to look up and see God where you calling me to where's my heart at where you pulling my heart too? And I want you to take a stand there.

I want you to link up with brothers and sisters who will begin to pray with you about it. And I want you guys to get this stand even if no one stands with you. Dancing because the word of God says so and start waiting for everyone to get on page with you.

I think about the story about the intelligent Trader. the intelligent leader and it reminded me of scripture. It's like God gave them over to their own. Intelligence their own mind he gave them over to their own ways and to reprobation cuz that's what they were for suing. What intelligent leaders?

Are leading us into more bondage?

What things are leading to further into darkness that God is willing to expose inside his light on.

Is it with vaccines a lot of talk about that now? So I'll talk about Bill Gates vaccines all over the media? All over the social network, if you want to say I get bombarded with it almost daily to my phone through internet.

I would say Church. pray and ask God to reveal his truth. Because we've been given the spirit of Truth. Who will lead us into all truth? And once he does take a stand and don't look back.

Let's pray. Papa and Jesus name We have sent you it would stir our hearts. We have said you would begin to to Reveal Your Truth to us in our day. Give us what we need to stand that unites your body together with the bond the peace and love bring us together Lord and unity and in harmony God all cultures and all backgrounds from all denominational God bring us together and Let Her Cry come out loud. What are Ross's akamatsu be heard and our Dam Generation that this is a generation that stood on the word of God do it for the kingdom of God and begin to access All That Heaven has available Lord. We thank you God for the examples of people before us. Download Horizon. Is it possible smoke down lord Jesus? What was the speak the word with boldness and courage and stretch your hand out to perform miracles signs and wonders that men that glorified Youth and that the world will see that you are the Christ the Messiah. in Jesus mighty name

Hey, man, I want to tell you guys next week. We're going to be back to our normal location at at Maple View Church and Burton Windsor. We're going to be there in person. I want invite you guys out to the church. We're going to have things set up so we can still. Comfortable but also that we're still not trying to spread whatever is going on. So we're going to have those things set up the red sanitizer and things of that nature. So I'm looking forward to being back with you Church down there looking forward to getting back with you friends. And I want to bless you and the name of the father. I bless you and the name of the son who is the Messiah I bless you and the name of the Holy Spirit. God bless you that his face shine upon you that you begin to exuberant the goodness of God and every area of your life as a you are full to overflowing and Jesus name. I love you loved ones. God bless.

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