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amen, and amen Well, we are going to continue this morning in our study through the first book of the scriptures the book of Beginnings the Book of Genesis and just continue in our series that I have. I know it's Mother's Day and I'm not going to give a Mother's Day sermon per se but let me at least try to bridge the gap a little bit this morning. What were we talking about again is the Tower of Babel incident in Genesis chapter 11, and I want us to think this morning about the reality of what does text is teaching Us in terms of worldview in terms of understanding the nature of reality in relationship to God when I when I think about Mother's one of the sisters there's two things that make me think about mothers in relationship to the step mothers give us boundary we don't always like boundaries but a good mother gives us good boundaries not because they want to deny has of something but because they want to give us safety and protection a good mother will say no in the best interest of the child even when the child really really really wants something I got so many stories of this but I've got a 16 year old and I can't tell those stories right now I can't wait for a few years he'll be out of the house I'm unloading those stories but we're going to have to wait a few years Mothers give us boundaries as mothers give us boundaries. What they do is they help us that they shape for us a worldview that they give us an understanding of how the world is supposed to work. And really that's what the Book of Genesis is written for Genesis gives us a god-centered world view. It helps us answer the questions that are Central to life. Who are we? Where do we come from? What does it mean to be human? Where are we? What is this world all about? What's wrong with this world? And where is the world going? Genesis gives us a foundation upon which we can structure and organize and build our lives. I'm convinced that many of us today have missed the foundational worldview messages that we find in Genesis. We tweet we treated as a collection of stories. We we we we don't we miss the connections between them and we don't cheer. with the original author with the original audience her and so we miss The point I think that's absolutely true in Genesis chapter 11 in the story of Babel. So again read the text. We looked at it last week. Let's look at it. Again Genesis chapter 11 verses 1 to 9. It says this now the whole earth had one language and the same words as people migrated from the East they found a plane in the land of shinar and they settled there. They said the one another come let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly. They had brick or stone and bitumen for Mortar. Then they said come let us build ourselves a city and a tower which is top in the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves lest. We be dispersed over the face of the whole Earth last week. I've walked you through this verse especially in and we noticed that what they're doing here. Their stated intent is a state of intense of rebellion against God's command to multiply spread fill the Earth and subdue it instead of doing what God wanted them to do. They said no, let's gather together in this one place. Let's make for ourselves a big city. Let's give ourselves protection. Let's make our own kingdom. Let's do things our own way, but they're not atheists not going to walk away from God. They say no let's build for ourselves at our this is an ancient ziggurat. It's an angel Ancient Temple complex. And the design of it is to get the gods to come down to them. It is an attempt to manipulate and control.

Let us make a name for ourselves. Let's do things our own way. Lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth end in a classic story of be careful what you wish for they built the cigarette and it did indeed get God's attention and the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of man had bill and the Lord said behold. They are one people and they have one language and this is only the beginning of what they will do. Nothing that they propose to do now will be impossible for them. So come let us go down and their confuse their language so that they may not understand one another's speech. I point out last week that that that phrase come let us again God It's communicating And discussing his intense and his plans not with his Earthly images. But with his Divine Images, this is God speaking to his Divine Council creatures made by God for God In His Image, but they're not of the Earthly realm there of the Heavenly realm. He said to them come let us go down and confuse their language. God is not going to bring about a judgment like he did with the flood. He said he said after the flood I'm not going to do but at the same time God is not going to allow evil to proliferate and intensify the way that it had before the flood. So God says let us come down and confuse their language for the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the Earth and they left off building. The city therefore its name was called Babel because the Lord confuse the language of all the Earth and from there the Lord disperse them over the face of all. the Earth that last verse in that last phrase is a very significant statement. I think most of us probably read that and we just move on to the next story. But this is the striving for us God's plan of dealing with broken humanity and sin and a part of God's plan a part of Redemptive movement through history is that t organized and separated and divided people's by confusing their language and a lot in for them places in the earth and separating them. God brought boundary. And he did it on purpose the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the Earth insect in Genesis chapter 10, right before this. We're giving a glimpse of an understanding of both those people's in those places and those tribes were given a list of 70. Sometimes. It's 72 names depending on whether we want to take a name as one or two 70 people's that descend from Noah's three children and we see their dispersal across the known world at the time they moved from one family as we saw last week to many nations and they are dispersed. divided by the Lord, but I want to try to show you this morning from the scriptures that there's much more going on than just a simple Geographic Regis distribution. That in fact when we looked at how the Old Testament and the New Testament look at this table event. There's much more than just simple division that at this moment in history. Steps in and divides the nation and Keith disinherits them. from himself John has had enough of their willful rebellion and rejection of his rightful Sovereign kingship advise them. He disinherits them for a purpose. This is a vocabulary. This is God's Act of tough. Love. Like many mothers and fathers have to take a stand with his children that they're not going to like or appreciate but he is doing it with an intense for their good in the long run. What we have here at this moment is God's disinheriting the the people.

So that he can begin a new plan A Plan of Redemption. in order to see this we need to look at how other text in the Hebrew scriptures and the New Testament deal with Genesis chapter 11 and the Tower of Babel the most significant text in this regard is is Deuteronomy chapter 32 Deuteronomy chapter 32 at the end of most his life at the end of The Exodus Narrative of the people are getting ready to go on The Conquest and Moses is dying and Moses gathers with them in any Recaps their story and it gives them another final warning. about staying true to the Lord their God about not chasing after other gods and other people's ways, but being who God made them to be Deuteronomy 32 starting verse 1 Moses says this ends and I will speak let the Earth hear the words of my mouth. May my teaching drop as the rain my speech this still has to do like gentle rain upon the tender grass and like showers on the Earth. Or I will proclaim the name of the Lord ascribe greatness to our god The Rock his work is perfect for all his ways are Justice a god of faithfulness and with and without iniquity, just and upright. Is he? But they have dealt corruptly with him. They are no longer children because they are blemished. They are a crooked and twisted generation the Lord and senseless people is not seeing your father who created you made you and established you. Remember the days of old. Consider the years of many generations ask your father and he will show you your elders and they will tell you when the most high gave to the nation bear inheritance when he divided mankind he fixed the borders of the people according to the number. of the Sun Oh God. Fascinating fascinating sermon or speech by mosa. He's calling the people said I need to speak to you reality. I need you to remember. I need to remind you of some really really important. Truth. First. Truth. Is good. God is Ping. God is trustworthy God is Holy and dependable and righteous.

important Point number two man is not Man has rejected him over and over and over again and because of this we have been deeply separated from him. But then Moses begins to talk to Israel. He says but you

excuse people It says I want you to remember this is something that is unique about you is real the other nations have been disinherited. But you have been formed by God of cute people with an intent and purpose to bring all the other people's back home. A Mercedes has remember when the most high gave to the nation's their inheritance when he divided mankind he fix the borders the peoples according to the number of the sons of God, you read that text and you can't help but ask him safe. When did that happen when the god Sovereign Lee come and dispersed and distribute and / mankind upon the face of the Earth in Genesis chapter 11. He is referring back to the Tower of Babel incident. And what he's saying here, is that more than just confusing their language and more than just moving them around. God creates for them a new inheritance he creates for them a new reality. He spreads them out. He divides man time. He fixes the borders of the people.

And then we get this strange little phrase according to the number of the sons of God.

the Bene Elohim

there are some Bible translations built off the masoretic text that will translate this according to the number of the sons of Israel. Now our older text the Dead Sea Scrolls the Septuagint some of these other that they give us a strapless this phrase. The number of the sons of God. This is the preferred translation. The sons of Israel doesn't even make sense in this content Israel didn't exist at the Tower of Babel Israel is not listed in the table of nations in Genesis chapter 10, because Israel had not been formed and created by God yet. So to say God divided the people according to the numbers of the sons of Israel is an anachronistic misunderstanding of what's going on. It is logically incoherent. This pray according to the number of the sons of God makes a very consistent logical taste when we consider what has happened in Genesis from chapter 1 to chapter 11. The interaction between Mankind and the supernatural the spiritual the Heavenly the Divine world is a consistent theme throughout the text. Back door today when we talk about the fall when we talk about Sin entering into the world. Most most evangelicals. Most Protestants will say will that happen in Genesis chapter of Genesis chapter 3 eve eat the fruit Adam each other's welder kicked out of the garden bats when the fall happen. We tweet weave weave narrowly focused in on that one event. But if you were to ask Jesus when he was doing his ministry, if you were to ask a Jewish person in the day of Jesus about the fall about evil and depravity in the entrance of sin of the world. They wouldn't take you to Simply one text. They take you 2 3 they would take you to Genesis chapter 3. Where Adam and Eve are removed from Eden because they willfully choose to disobey God and what do we see in that event? We see not only Humanity falling away from God's but we have the Serpent's in the car. This Divine from Guardian is also cast out and cast down in Genesis Chapter 3 The rebellion, and the Brokenness of sense is both a Heavenly and Earthly fall. Then we go to Genesis chapter 6 that wacky and strange text about the sons of God the Benner Elohim coming down and taking for themselves the daughters of mankind. Having intimate relationship with them and producing these Offspring known as the Nephilim Giants The Mighty Mighty Men increase of radical evil. The fall take place. Not only Genesis chapter 3 button Genesis chapter 6 as well. And what do we see their? We see a fall that involves not only mankind Earthly imager, but also Heavenly imager. Once again, we see in the text that the fall is is encompassing both the Earthly and the Heavenly realm the third place that an ancient Israelite an ancient Jew would point you to for the fall was Genesis chapter 11, the Tower of Babel once again mankind rebelled against God's mandate and eat it and they come together. And once again we see that there is an involvement in the spiritual Realm. God says to his Divine Council come let us go down let's go see let's go take a look and when he comes and he sees and he recognizes what's happening he says here's the plan on going to confuse their language I'm going to divide them and spread them out across the Earth and I'm going to disinherit them according to the number of the sons of God I know this sounds strange and that many of you have never heard anything like this before but this is not a new understanding of the text that's something that I've made up it is an ancient understanding of what's being described here in Genesis Genesis chapter according to Deuteronomy 32 the nations are scattered the disinherited God says I'm you don't belong to me anymore now of course everything's still belongs to him this is a functional dispersion what happens got that you're going to go over here you're going to go over here you're going to go over here and I'm going to put this son of God this has been Alo key over you This text give us give us an understanding for house throughout the Hebrew scriptures. We see other people's with other gods. How and why did that happen? It happened in Genesis chapter 11 not outside of God's plan. Not as a surprise to God's but by God's will. He said listen, you guys don't want me as God's that's fine. You want to go your own way? That's fine. You're out he sets them out. Did give them places and he puts over them the Divine Council the sons of God.

Makes a lot of sense. A Psalm 82 it's if you've been following along in the series when we first started talking about the Bene Elohim the sons of God, we looked at Psalm 82. Psalm 82 starts this way. Elohim has taken his place in the Divine Council in the midst of the Gods Elohim. He holds judgment. The fascinating start to this song Here we have God the Elohim of Elohim. this this word that we translate God from the Hebrew word Elohim is is not it's not a word that means god the way that we think it's us when we think of the word God got we think of one that Immortal we think of one that created all we think of one that knows everything. We we think all of these attributes applied to this one word in the Hebrew language this word Elohim simply means one who dwells in the spiritual Realm.

A God has created a spiritual realm give populated that spiritual realm just like he populated the Earthly realm with his creatures these Divine immeasurably more powerful than we are. But they're not infinitely powerful like he is. unique

absolutely. There is one God creator of all. But this God in his own wisdom and attention has created for himself a Divine Council full of other Elohim. God takes his place in the Divine Council in the midst of the Gods. He hold judgment. This is where we understand God is coming to judge the Divine Council. Listen to what he says. How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the Wicked This is God's accusation to the Divine Council Divine Council has been set up as part of God's administration of the Earthly Kingdom. We got divided the nation's Genesis chapter 11, and he appointed the sons of God over the people's he appointed them to judge and Rule and leave them with Justice. So that altimate Lee they might come back to the God who made them. But that sadly is not what happened. So tell me what you got come to them. He said how long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked get Justice to the week in the Fatherland maintain the right of you flicked it in the destitute rescue the week in the needy deliver them. From the hands of the wicked they have neither knowledge nor understanding the Walkabout in darkness. All the foundations of the Earth are shaken. I said you are God's sons of the most hiked all of you nevertheless like men you shall die and fall like any Prince don't do this to his Divine Council to these Heavenly beings that are made in His image in the Heavenly Realms. They've been given a task to administrate Justice on the earth for the dispersed and distributed peoples of the Earth, but they have not acted with honor and faithfulness have not promoted Justice instead. They've called The People's to worship them to turn away from God's They promoted wickedness. And Yvonne God's judgment upon the council.

Is it because of what they have done? Something's going to happen to them, but they never would have expected this even though you're God's sons of the most high. Nevertheless like men you shall die. You will fall like any other print any other authority. conversate ends the song This Way our own God Josh beer for you chilling Harris all the nations Psalm not only gives us a glimpse of an understanding of what happens in the Heavenly realm and within the Divine Council and we see that the Divine council is called the tasks. They are judged by God for not acting with integrity and Justice on the half of the people's and because of that they are going to be cast down and Destroy just like me at the end of this the psalmist write out a ride till God. Dad when are you going to step up and step out and draw to yourself all the nations of the earth arise oh God judge the Earth for you She'll inherit all. the nation

God's plan in Genesis 11. What's the spread the people's out according to the numbers of the sons of God the Bene Ellicott each each. One of these people is given a different Sun. Seth administrate and watch over them. We see this all throughout the text. That's those those well-known text and Daniel when Daniel received that vision and the angel comes and says man when you first asked I was sent but I didn't get here cuz I was opposed by the Prince of Persia. I was opposed by the prince of Babylon and not until Michael came and helped me out. Was I able to get here to you? If we seen that there are these Divine and a tuned to territory to geography two people? Because that is the way that God said it up. We cheat us all throughout Deuteronomy. We see it all throughout the Hebrew scriptures in the Old Testament, but Deuteronomy chapter 30 to keep going it says but the Lord's portion is his people Jacob his allotted Heritage Israel. Remember verse a when God this is dispersed and spread out all the nations and disinherited them and put them under the authority of the sons of God. Remember that it happened to all the other people but the Lord's portion. Is his people Jacob his allotted Heritage affect that's where we're going to be going in Genesis chapter 12. What's the very first thing that's recorded after the Tower of Babel. It is the calling of Abram. Abram is called out of another land out of the authority of another God another people another place and God chooses Kim to make him to his people Jacob is God's allotted Heritage Israel is God's people on the Earth to the Divine Council, but God is going to now do something through Israel his people. But ultimately we see this right in Genesis chapter 12 because of the blessing on Israel all the nations of the earth will be blessed Lord's portion is his people Jacob his allotted Heritage he found him in a desert land and in the howling waste of the Wilderness the encircled him, this is Genesis language the void the desert the talk about football who stirs up its nest and flutters over its young reading out its wings catching them burying them on its pinions the Lord alone guided him. And no foreign God. Was with him. Most insane remember remember people of Israel remember that you are shaped and formed by God and God Alone. You stand unique among all the peoples of the earth. They have been disinherited and put under the authority of the Divine Council, but you is real you are formed by.

for God's purposes It's no surprise them in. Text like Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 19 to 20. We see this. Moses is getting a warning to the people. He says beware. Beware lest you raise your eyes to the heavens and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars the various hosts of Heaven you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them. Listen to what he says. One he say don't bow down and don't worship other gods. We often to stop there. Listen to what it says things that the Lord your God has allotted to all the other people's under the whole heaven.

They've been put under their Authority disinherited and distributed to them, but you are not to worship. Those got you are to worship. God and God Alone.

God has allotted to all the other people under the Earth. How about it continues for the Lord has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace out of Egypt to be a people of his own inheritance as you are this.

So much more I can say about that, but we got to keep going. How about Deuteronomy chapter 29?

Moses new And he knew the nature of mankind. He knew the nature of Israel. He knew the nature of humanity. He knew that one day. Israel was going to fail. Israel was going to run after other gods Israel was going to violate their Divine inheritance when this happens if this happens because when this happens, he says all the nations will say Why is the Lord guns us to the land and I were just talking about judgment is talking about a judgment upon the people of on them being removed from the land. I'm going to talk more about the land next week because this what caused the heat of this great anger, then people will say it is because they abandoned the Covenant of the Lord the god of their fathers which he made with them when he brought them out of the land of Egypt. They went and serve other gods and worship them got they had not known and whom he had no allotted to them. Not even God saying it in the text is not even Moses and Moses the same when it happens Babylon will say this when it happened Egypt will say this when it happened Assyria will say this. They will look upon the destruction of Israel and they will say why did this happen if happen? Because they violated the Covenant they turned away from the unique calling as God's people and they worshipped other gods gods that were not allotted to them.

Can we go to the New Testament?

part of Paul's message

Is revealed in Acts chapter 17 if he's standing before the areopagus, I mean so many of Paul's messages are delivered to Jewish audiences and so he will talk about the Jewish context. But here at this point Paul is standing in Athens before the areopagus. He's he's he's standing before a gentile people a distributed nation and part of his gospel message is directly connected to the reality of Genesis chapter 11, the Deuteronomy 32 worldview that the nations were distributed by God himself. What's North Halsted Paul Stanley in the midst of the Arab? Optica says men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. I'd like us to long and it's early objects of your worship. I found also an altar with this inscription to the unknown God we know from archaeology that happens. There was more than one of these Idols Athens was a city full of temples full of idols and they were taking the you know, that basketball methodology. If you just when you get the ball shoot it some of them are going to go down eventually they wanted to make sure that they covered all of their bases. They they wanted to make sure that every God was honored and recognized and so just in case they missed once they set up these altars to unknown Gods like in case we don't know about you. We don't want you to be mad at us. We want you to take care of us hears the unknown postseason. You know what? Let me let me tell you about the God that you don't know. What there for you worship as unknown this I Proclaim to you. The God Who made the world and everything in it being lord of the heavens and the Earth Being The Sovereign Authority not only of the Earth but of the heavens as well. He's not just saying sky and land we talk to you about heavens and earth. He's talking about the totality of God's creation. There is an Earthly realm there is a Heavenly realm and God Yahweh is God of the heavens and the Earth. The lord of the heavens and the Earth. He does not live in temples made by man. He won't be construed by people. He won't be controlled by people. He won't be manipulated by people. Where else have we seen this idea of a temple made by the hands of man that is going to control and dictate where God should dwell chapter 11. It's the heart of religion. We're going to create rituals. We're going to create methodology. We're going to create temples were going to cut crepe practices that will attempt to control.

God will not dwell in temples made by human hands nor has he served by human hands as though he needed anything since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. He made from one man. Every Nation he made from one man every nation. God is the Creator and originator and father of all people. Yes, they've been divided. Yes. They've been disinherited but that does not mean that they don't belong to God. From one man. He made every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the Earth having determined. What do this word again allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place where and when did God allow lot people to places?

Part of Paul's gospel Proclamation about King. Jesus is the reality that what Jesus did

is the ultimate fulfillment of what God began in Genesis chapter 11. defenseless Why did you do it? That they might seek God. And perhaps feel their way towards him and find him yet. He is not actually far. from each of us

Genesis chapter 11 God divides distributes and disinherit the nation he puts them under the authority of the Bene Elohim the sons of God the Divine Council and they are to rule justly and ultimately as God creates his people Israel. They are to be a kingdom of priests. They are to be the mediator there to be the one through them God's blessing is distributed to all the nation.

And yet sadly the history of Israel is a history of failure just as much as everyone else rather than standing and Shining as a light upon a hill. They wander. And Rebelle they were Jack and worship other gods Gods Not allotted to them and they are judge.

but Jesus comes as the true Israel Jesus comes to do perfectly what Israel had been created and called to do but had never actually lived up to

So often when we think of Jesus coming we simply think of Genesis chapter 3 what he came to forgive us of our sins. That's true. He did. But Jesus also comes not not only as a substitutionary atonement, but Jesus comes as Christus, Victor. the champion who destroys the powers of Darkness Not mention this text several times in our series on Genesis Hebrews chapter 2 says this since there for the children share in Flesh and Blood. He Jesus himself, like what part of the same thing Jesus became Flesh and Blood because we are flesh-and-blood that through death. He might destroy the one who has the power of death. That is the devil and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to life-long slavery. From Genesis 11 on the people's have been separated from God. They've been distributed stay-put been put under the Divine Council they are.

without God

the god. The plan was not to leave them alone. God's plan was always to bring them back home through his faithful servant. But not only did the people Rebelle. the Divine Council rebelles So now not only do the people have to be forgiven and rescued but the enemy powers of the Divine Council have to be judged. This is the Cry of the song Psalm 82. How long arise o God judge the Earth put down the powers of darkness and rescue your people. inherit the nation this is what Jesus came to do. Can we see a text like Matthew chapter 12? Demon oppressed man, who is blind and mute was brought to him and he healed him so that the man spoke and saw Here Comes This Man oppressed by a power of Darkness the Demonic Force. He cannot see he cannot speak and Jesus heals him. And all the people were amazed and so can this be the son of David came to this be the promised Messiah? Is this the one who's going to set things right? But when the Pharisees heard about it, they said locks only by be available Prince of demons. So this man cast out demons they all he's doing it because he himself is a force of evil.

Knowing their thoughts he said to them. Every Kingdom divided against itself is laid waste. He's in Finland. Just think about what you're saying you're saying that I buy the power of darkness in destroying the power of Darkness that Jesus has even make logical sense. Every Kingdom divided against itself is laid waste no City or house divided against itself will stand if Satan cast out Satan Eve divided against himself. How long is Binghamton? What you're saying is ridiculous Jesus set. I cast out demons by B Isabel. I hope to your son's cast them out. Therefore they will be your judges. but it is by the spirit of God that I cast out demons then the kingdom of God Has Come. upon you Jesus when he comes brings the reality of the Kingdom to Bear Jesus when he comes is the fulfilled promise given to Abraham that God blessing will be upon him and through him all the peoples of the earth will be last.

In order for that blessing to receive be received to be experienced the powers of Darkness the powers of the accuser of the adversary the evil one have got to be destroyed. They have been placed there by God. They become illegitimate by their Rebellion. So Jesus comes in order to to do what he has to do. He says, how can it someone interest wrong man's house and plunder his Goods unless he first binds the strong man then indeed. He may plunder his house. he says I'm not doing this by the power of the evil one. He says I'm doing this because I am stronger than the evil one. I'm doing this because I have restricted the evil does that he continues this is what's going to John chapter 12 at the end of Jesus ministry. He preparing to go to the cross in in in John chapter 12. It's this

now is my soul troubled and what should I say father save me from this hour but for this purpose I have come to this Our Father glorify your name and a voice from Heaven said I have glorified and I will glorify it again the crowd that stood there and heard it said Thunder Angel has spoken to him for your sake not mine now it's the Judgment of this world now will the ruler of this world be cast out

Jesus says what I'm going to do when I go to the Cross what's going to happen right now is that I am going to be lifted up. I am going to be glorified and in that glorification. the ruler of this world will be cast out.

He says this when I was 32 when I am lifted up from the Earth. I will draw listen to what he says. all people myself

all the nations to myself and just die for Israel. Jesus didn't come just to rescue one people. Jesus came to destroy the work of the devil. The one who hold all people in bondage to death. Jesus came to disrupt his kingdom to cast him down all people all people might come out of God's imposed disinheritance and come back to the kingdom of God where Jesus Reigns as king. When I am lifted up from the earth. I will draw to myself all people.

We go to Colossians chapter 2 verse 15. process it so simply he Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities. And put them to Shame by triumphing over them in him.

Call Sam. What happens on the cross? Is a Jeep by being faithful to God? Drift away the powers of the rulers and Authority earlier in the chapter Paul. It said Jesus is the creator of all he's the creator of all authorities and all Towers. He uses that same phrase rulers and authorities. Jesus created them off. They rebelled against him now Jesus comes and in his faithful obedience to God disarmed the rulers and authorities and put some to open Chain by triumphing over them in him in the crotch.

in Jesus babbel is reverse last week. I showed you Acts chapter 2. Pentecost the coming of the spirit of on people and the confusion of language is is taken away as by the spirits are given utterance and they proclaim the good news of God in the tongues of the nation. In Jesus the division and this inheritance of Babel is reverse not only is the confusion of language eliminated through the gift of the Spirit by the power of the authority of the Divine Council the Benadryl him is Stripped Away.

As jesus takes his rightful place as king of King and Lord of lords far above. every Power and principality

when we look at a fusions chapter 3 Paul says this to me though. I am the very least of all the saints. This Grace was given to preach to the Gentiles be unsearchable Riches of Christ.

And bring to light for everyone. What is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all thing? So that through the church. Don't miss that people through the church. The manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the rulers and authorities not on the Earth. but in the Heavenly place God through Jesus creates the church. A collection of people from every tribe tongue and language who no longer submit to any other God but God Kim the church is a demonstration of God's righteous faithfulness to his creation. They will not abandon his creation. But you also not abandon his Justice and Holiness the win the church comes together men and women from all over the world no longer. Worshipping other gods but now worshipping God through Jesus Christ. It is a proclamation not not to the world of course is a proclamation to the world. But he says it is a proclamation to the rulers and authorities in the Heavenly places. But don't they may rebel against God? There is only one God he is the Elohim of all Elohim and every knee will bow in heaven and on Earth. the Jesus the king Who has defeated the powers of Darkness? and created and given us entrance. into the kingdom of God 1 we were just inherited now in Christ Jesus. We have an inheritance that can never fade or spoil but no Thief can break into and steal. We have been adopted and accepted as Sons and Daughters. We were once not a people. We are now. the people of God

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