Christ Rewards Faith
Christ Rewards Faith
Christ Rewards Faith
Matthew 15:21–31
I. The pleading faith—vv. 21–22
I. The pleading faith—vv. 21–22
A. Seeking—v. 21. Christ came to the coasts of Sidon and Tyre where people sought Him for help.
A. Seeking—v. 21. Christ came to the coasts of Sidon and Tyre where people sought Him for help.
B. Savior—v. 22. The woman called Jesus, “Lord.” She knew that only Christ could cast out evil spirits. Satan works against man in these ways:
B. Savior—v. 22. The woman called Jesus, “Lord.” She knew that only Christ could cast out evil spirits. Satan works against man in these ways:
1. Oppression—Satan constantly bothers people.
1. Oppression—Satan constantly bothers people.
2. Depression—Satan causes people to worry and become upset.
2. Depression—Satan causes people to worry and become upset.
3. Possession—Satan sometimes lives within people, possessing them and controlling them.
3. Possession—Satan sometimes lives within people, possessing them and controlling them.
II. The persisting faith—vv. 23–27
II. The persisting faith—vv. 23–27
To persist means to “keep on.” We need to keep on trusting God, regardless of the circumstances.
A. Silence—v. 23a. Jesus said nothing. Perhaps He was testing this woman’s faith. Sometimes God does not answer our prayers immediately. He tests our faith. He tells us to wait.
A. Silence—v. 23a. Jesus said nothing. Perhaps He was testing this woman’s faith. Sometimes God does not answer our prayers immediately. He tests our faith. He tells us to wait.
B. Selfishness—v. 23b. The disciples wanted to send the woman away. Perhaps they were fearful of the Gentiles. They were thinking of themselves. Who is first in your life? Christ should be first.
B. Selfishness—v. 23b. The disciples wanted to send the woman away. Perhaps they were fearful of the Gentiles. They were thinking of themselves. Who is first in your life? Christ should be first.
C. Sheep—v. 24. Christ was not only called to Israel; He was called to help the Gentiles as well. He longs to save all people of all ages and all classes (John 3:16; Rom. 10:13; 2 Peter 3:9).
C. Sheep—v. 24. Christ was not only called to Israel; He was called to help the Gentiles as well. He longs to save all people of all ages and all classes (John 3:16; Rom. 10:13; 2 Peter 3:9).
D. Sincere—v. 25. She worshiped the Lord. Notice she said, “Lord help me.” She saw her need and asked God for help. God cannot help us until we see our need.
D. Sincere—v. 25. She worshiped the Lord. Notice she said, “Lord help me.” She saw her need and asked God for help. God cannot help us until we see our need.
E. Scorn—v. 26. The Jews called the Gentiles “dogs.” Again we see Christ testing her faith and sincerity.
E. Scorn—v. 26. The Jews called the Gentiles “dogs.” Again we see Christ testing her faith and sincerity.
III. The prevailing faith—vv. 28–31
III. The prevailing faith—vv. 28–31
A. Persistence—v. 28. Because of the mother’s persistence, the daughter was healed. If you have prayed and are not healed, don’t give up—keeping praying.
A. Persistence—v. 28. Because of the mother’s persistence, the daughter was healed. If you have prayed and are not healed, don’t give up—keeping praying.
B. Prayer—v. 29. We see Jesus before God in prayer. We are told to take time to wait before God (Isa. 40:31).
B. Prayer—v. 29. We see Jesus before God in prayer. We are told to take time to wait before God (Isa. 40:31).
C. Pity—v. 30. All who were crippled were healed. Jesus not only had love; He showed love.
C. Pity—v. 30. All who were crippled were healed. Jesus not only had love; He showed love.
D. Praise—v. 31. The people were filled with praise and wonder. If we allow Christ to work in our lives, others will be filled with praise and wonder.
D. Praise—v. 31. The people were filled with praise and wonder. If we allow Christ to work in our lives, others will be filled with praise and wonder.
Croft M. Pentz, Expository Outlines on the Life of Christ, Dollar Sermon Library Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1977), 20.