Talk About Jesus
Read: Psalm 105:2
Read: Psalm 105:2
The first part of this Psalm (Psalm 105:1-15) is found in 1 Chronicles 16:1-22 where the Chronicler is retelling the story of the worship service following the return of the Ark of the Covenant.
The Psalm seems to be a retelling of the history of Israel.
1. Psalm 105:1-6 Works as an invitation or call to worship
2. Psalm 105:7-11 The Lord remembers his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
3. Psalm 105:16-22 Joseph in the land of Egypt.
4. Psalm 105:23-38 Israel in Egypt.
5. Psalm 105:39-45 Israel in the Wilderness.
I want to focus tonight on a phrase found in Psalm 105:2 Talk ye of all his wondrous works.
The word, ‘talk’ is a fascinating study. Nearly every translation I consulted uses a verb for speak or tell. The Hebrew word is actually far more complex than that;
The basic meaning of this verb seems to be "rehearse," "repent," or "go over a matter in one's mind." This meditation or contemplation may be done either inwardly or outwardly. Since English differentiates these two notions, the word is usually rendered "meditate," or "talk."
In the first instance it is used of silent reflection on God's works (Psalm 77:8 [H 7]; Psalm 9:12 [H 11]), and God's word (Psalm 119:15, 23, 27, 48, 78, 148).
In the second instance it is used of rehearsing aloud God's works (1 Chron. 16:9; Psalm 105:2; Psalm 145:15).
If the subject, however, is painful, it is translated "to complain" (Psalm 55:17 [H 18], Job 7:11). One can "talk disparagingly" (Psalm 69:12 [H 13]).
R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Bruce K. Waltke, ed., “2255: שִׂיחַ,” in Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, (Chicago: Moody Press, 1980), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, 875.
So I want to ask you tonight how does a person “talk” or “rehearse aloud” about all of God’s wondrous works?
How do you “talk” about God’s wondrous works?
I want to give you
1. Talk with your Lips
1. Talk with your Lips
The Holy Bible with a Commentary and Critical Notes, Vols. I–VI Psalm 105
Christianity is a tissue of miracles; and every part of the work of grace on the soul is a miracle. Genuine Christian converts may talk of miracles from morning to night; and they should talk of them, and recommend to others their miracle-working God and Saviour.
Adam Clarke
Talk about God
Be ready to share about the God you serve. It wouldn’t hurt to suffer the same problem as one Primary Class Sunday School Teacher.
little boy who returned home after his first Sunday school class? His mother asked, "Who was your teacher?' and the little boy answered, "I don't remember her name, but she must have been Jesus' grandmother because she didn't talk about anyone else." Does our conversation reflect our love of Jesus?
Would our words give away our relationship with him?
James Hewett, ed., Illustrations Unlimited, (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1988), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under: "Witnessing".
Talk about His Wondrous Works
His grace and mercy to you
The Blessings He Bestows
Answers to prayer
How He is revealing Himself to you
Luigi Tarisio was found dead one morning with scarce a comfort in his home, but with 246 exquisite violins, which he had been collecting all his life, crammed into an attic, the best in the bottom drawer of an old rickety bureau. In his very devotion to the violin, he had robbed the world of all that music all the time he treasured them; others before him had done the same, so that when the greatest of his collection, a Stradivarius, was first played it had had 147 speechless years. Yet, how many of Christ's people are like old Tarisio? In our very love of the church we fail to give the glad tidings to the world; in our zeal for the truth we forget to publish it. When shall we all learn that the Good News needs not just to be cherished, but needs to be told? All people need to hear it.
James Hewett, ed., Illustrations Unlimited, (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1988), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under: "Witnessing".
3. Talk to the Church - Testify - share what God has done in your life, what He is doing, what you have faith He is going to do.
4. Talk to the World - Share your testimony, always look for opportunities to share a good word about Jesus.
Not only should we talk with our lips to a lost and dying world around us as well as those we gather to worship with but we need to...
Not only should we talk with our lips to a lost and dying world around us as well as those we gather to worship with but we need to...
Talk with your Lives
Talk with your Lives
Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: The Book of Psalms & The Book of Proverbs Commentary
Psalm 105:45 tells us explicitly why all this happened and implicitly why all this was recorded: so that God’s people might live in keeping with his instructions for life. His promise, his protection, his provisions, his deliverance, his fulfillment—all his miracles—were to motivate the present generation to love him and keep his commands.
One day as a woman was crossing a street at London station, an old man stopped her. He said to her, "Excuse me, ma'am, but I want to thank you." She looked up and exclaimed, "Thank me?" He replied, "Yes'm, I used to be a ticket collector, and whenever you went by you always gave me a cheerful smile and a good morning. I knew that smile must come from inside somewhere. Then one morning I saw a little Bible in your hand. So I bought one, too, and I found Jesus.
James Hewett, ed., Illustrations Unlimited, (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1988), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under: "Witnessing".
Let your light shine Let other’s see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Talk ye of all God’s wondrous works.
I challenge you to look for opportunities this week, and pray that God would guide your words and actions to express the wonders of God.