Lord, Make Me Over
Good morning and how is everyone doing this morning. Let us pray there is a word from the
Lord and it can be find in Jeremiah 18:1-6 I would to use for a Topic: Lord make me over. Life is
fill with ups and downs heart aces and pains. Valleys and pits and because life sometimes
throws us curls balls that hits us square in the face. Then we become angry and bitter at God
we become bitter toward others and we began to take our bitterness out on them, but what is
really gone on is hurting people hurts other people. There are many reason as to why people
are hurting some are hurting because during their childhood life they was abused by there
dad, their mom and for others there next door neighbor. Some was raped some was beaten
and others was neglected and because of what has happened to them in their childhood and
now that this once child are now grown up into adulthood they are acting out the very thing
or things that happen to them when they was a child. Now they can’t trust anyone they don’t
have faith in God and they kick against that which is good. All because of their childhood life,
so you turn to drinking, drugs and sex and you hid in the shadows of your hurt. You cover it up
with make up. You cover it up with a friendly hello. You cover it up with a purity smile a nice suite
or dress, trying to hide the hurt and the pain that is inside of you. You have profited the art of
acting. Church God wants us to stop playing and fooling others. If the truth be told we are not
fooling anybody we just think we are. We need to come clean with ourselves so that God and
only God can help us, make things right. It comes a time that we must arise and go down
to the potter’s house and there we will wait for the word of God. We need to ask God put us
back on the wheel that turns the clay and we are the clay that is on the wheel and tell God that
we need a make over.So I can love everybody , I need to be so I can forgive others, I
need a make over so I can treat people right. I need a make over so I can smile again, I need a
make over so I can let go all of the bitterness I have inside of me. Lord make me over, make me
over. Do anybody need a make over other than myself? I can hear God asking can I not o
house of Israel deal with you as the potter’s does? Declares the Lord. Beheld like the clay in
the potter’s hand so are you in my hand. It’s time for you to tell God that you are tired of doing
it my way tell Him that you have done it your way for years and doing it your way have not got
you very far. So Lord its not my mother its not my father but its me standing in the need of a
make over its not my sister its not my brother but its me I am standing in the need of a make
over. Its time to let go of the hurt its time to let go of the bitterness am i talking to any body in
this house? Its time to let go of the pain let it go let it go. Its prosin to you its cancel to you it
will kill you and send you straight to hell its time to let go and let God in other words its time
for you to let the Lord make you over. Its time for the Lord to make you hold. Its time for your
healing. Its time for your joy. Its time for you to have peace in your life. Its time for you to tell
the Lord to create in me a clean heart o Lord and renew in me the right spirit. The spirit of love ,
The spirit of joy, The spirit of peace, The spirit of patience, The spirit of kindness, The spirit of
goodness, The spirit of faithfulness, The spirit of gentleness and self control. You are no longer
a slave to your hurt , you are no longer a slave to your bitterness, you are no longer a slave to
your pain. Because you have been made over again. Let me tell you a story Humpty Dumpty
sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall all the kings horsemen and all the kings men
could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again. I was like Humpty Dumpty I sat on the wall
I was like Humpty Dumpty I had a great fall all the Kings horsemen and all the kings men could
not put me back together again. But a potter by the name of Jesus riched down and took my
poor soul and put it on the wheel and put it my broken soul back together again I tried people
and people could not put me back together. Others have tried drugs and drugs could not put them
back together. Some have tried money and money could not put them back together. Some
have tried looking for love in all the wrong places and that could not put them back together.
But I double dog dare you to try and man name Jesus He is the potter and you are the clay He
will take you soul and mend you broken heart. He will take your hate and turn it into love. He
will take your sadness and turn it into joy. How many Humpty Dumpty are in the house today
how many of you are broken and need to be put back together again, How many of you are
standing in the need of a make over? I need for you to make this sermon personnel and ask
the Lord to make you over. He says for I stand at the door and knock and if any man open up
the door of his heart He will come in and abide with him and he with me. I ask you today to
open up your heart door to Jesus that He may come in and make you over. I promise you this
one thing you will never be the same ever again. You want walk the way you use to walk , you
want talk the way you use to talk and places you use to go you want go any more. Tell the Lord
make me over Make me over Lord make me over. Jesus while in the garden of gethsemane He
ask God His father to let this cup pass from Him and then His ask for a make over by saying
never the less not my well but your well be done. And they took Jesus and marched Him from
court room to court room they lied on Him they spit in His face have you ever had anyone to
spit in your face now that just set you off when someone spit in your face it’s a way of disrespect
and a insult but Jesus never said a word. He was find guilty and they beat Him then they laid
Him on a cross and nail Him to it and they put Him between two thieves and He died and they
placed Him in a borrow tome but early on that third day morning He got up……………ect………