God Chose You To Be Blessed

God Chose You To Be Blessed By His Love  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God, who is Love, created you in His exact image so you could live in His BLESSING! You can experience the fullness of God and live in THE BLESSING when you put your faith in His love, and choose to obey His commands. You were created by Love to live an abundant life on earth.


I. When you love God, you will obey His commands; and therefore, you will experience THE BLESSING.
• Christians desire to experience Jesus in some way.
o They want Jesus to physically touch them, or for God to send an angel to appear to them.
o All you have to do to have an experience with Jesus is to live a life of keeping His commandments, because you love Him (John 14:21).
• Jesus is working with you to help you obey His commandments and keep you in THE BLESSING.
o Jesus wants to walk together with you in the ways of God. o As Jesus lives, so are we to live in this world (1 John 4:17). o Jesus makes His will known through these commandments.
o There’s a reason for these commandments—it’s because God wants you to be BLESSED!
o God started Creation with THE BLESSING. His eternal desire is to manifest Himself in THE BLESSING.
II. We will live in THE BLESSING of God when we put our faith in His love.
• God is love, and if you love with His love, you are in Him (1 John 4:16).
• All of God’s commandments teach us to live in His love (Romans 13:9).
o Love works no ill, or evil, to his neighbor.
• When you talk about God, you’re talking about the increase that Love brings, not decrease or destruction.
III. God, THE BLESSED One, spoke Creation into existence with BLESSING power.
• God spoke, “Light be,” and it was (Genesis 1:3).
o “Let there be” is the King James Version of the Hebrew words, Light, be!
God was not asking permission, He was commanding things to be created. o “Be” is a stronger word in the Bible than, “Let it be.”
§ A Bible translated from Hebrew to English gives the reader greater understanding of the Scripture.
§ For example: the Hebrew rendition of Genesis 1:1 is, “In the beginning, THE BLESSED One created the heaven and earth.”
• The blessing power of THE BLESSED One created all things. o The only power from THE BLESSED One is THE BLESSING.
• God formed man’s body with His hands out of dust (Genesis 2:7).
IV. God, who is Love, created man in His exact image to live in THE BLESSING.
• Man came alive when God breathed into him the breath of life (Genesis 2:7).
o The same Hebrew word for breath is spirit.
o God is a spirit, and He is Love.
• God spoke: Man, Be in our image, after our likeness. Have dominion….
o God re-created Himself into man.
o The very first sounds that ever entered into the human ear—the first concept humanity ever had—was THE BLESSING.
o Adam wasn’t fruitful until God said he was. God was creating Adam’s character with His words. God said, “Be fruitful, multiply, increase, replenish the earth.”
o Man became a living and speaking spirit created in the image of God (Genesis 2:7).
o Adam had to be a speaking spirit, because words created the earth and words were needed to take care of it.
• THE BLESSING now works in those who are born-again sons and daughters of God.
• When Adam and Eve sinned, the light of the glory of God went out, and they saw they were naked without God.
• The whole creation groans waiting for the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:19-22). o The supply for the replenishing of the creation is in THE BLESSING. o You exercise dominion by blessing the creation.
Additional scripture: Genesis 1:1-2:7


Pray this prayer:
Almighty God, thank You for creating me and making me in Your image. Your desire to
share all of Your love and glory with me is overwhelming! I open my heart for You to guide me to obey Your WORD and stay in Your BLESSING!




God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to become a curse for you, so THE BLESSING of Abraham could come upon you. God’s motive is always love and never evil. If you really believe this, you will obey His commands and live a blessed life!


I. If you really believe God loves you, you will obey His commands.
• Many Christians fail to really believe in their hearts that God loves them. They only mentally agree. o They’re also hesitant to agree on God’s command to love one another.
o When pressure comes, what you really believe is revealed.
• If you really believe God’s love, you will obey His WORD. o Peter stepped onto the water with one word from Jesus, “Come,” yet his faith wavered when he was almost to Jesus (Matthew 14:28-31).
o Peter was saved when Jesus’ love reached out and pulled him up.
II. God’s motive is always love, and never evil.
• Man has dominion, and he speaks good or evil into his own life.
o The children of Israel said again and again that they would die in the desert (Exodus 14:11).
§ They said it so much that a spiritual law was established.
§ God couldn’t change their words, because He had given them authority.
§ They said, “We’re going to die in the desert,” and they did.
o The same principle works even now—what you say, happens.
§ God should not be blamed for trouble and evil. They come as a result of what you say.
• God is Love. Everything He does, His every motive, is love.
III. Delighting yourself in God’s commandments is the key to living in THE BLESSING.
• If we believe that God is Love, we have to believe THE BLESSING of God.
• God’s commandments exist to bless you.
The purpose of the commandment, Do not steal, is to prevent what stealing does to you and those around you. Stealing gives the devil a place in your life to kill you (John 10:10).
o You don’t need to steal. God will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19).
• When you delight yourself in God’s commandments, THE BLESSING comes to you (Psalm 112:1-3).
o Meditate on how much God loves you. It’s delightful to have a relationship with someone who is 100 percent on your side all the time. You want to please Him. o You can be like the man in Psalm 112 who blessed a whole generation.
§ You can delight in pleasing God. Your righteousness can remain intact, and your house can be full of wealth and riches.
• All we have to do is practice the love of God and repent when we fall short.
IV. Jesus redeemed us from the curse, so THE BLESSING of Abraham could come upon us.
• Jesus gave Himself totally and completely to us. He gave us His Name, His Spirit, His Father and His life.
o He gave you an equal share of His inheritance as if you had never sinned. (Romans 8:17).
• God forgives our sins and cleanses us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
o Our forgiveness is not based on our feelings.
o Jesus said we are to forgive, and God will forgive us.
§ We should forgive as many times as necessary, even 490 times a day (Matthew 18:21-22).
• THE BLESSING will come if you obey God’s commands (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).
o Jesus redeemed us from the curse by becoming a curse for us (Galatians 3:8-14). o Everything God promised to Abraham belongs to us.
• Joseph’s brothers couldn’t kill him, because THE BLESSING of God was on Joseph and was working in that situation (Genesis 37:1-28).
Additional scriptures: 1 John 4:16; Isaiah 45:11; Mark 4:35-40; John 14:21, 13:34;
Romans 5:5; John 17:26


Read the description of a blessed man in Psalm 112. Write the attributes listed there that you want in your life.


As you delight in and obey God’s commandments, you are putting your faith and trust in God’s love for you. God made promises to Abraham about THE BLESSING that still apply to you today. Learn to rest in God’s love, and let THE BLESSING turn your life into a Garden of Eden!


I. THE BLESSING overtakes you when you delight in and obey The LORD.
• The righteous man delights greatly in God’s commandments (Psalm 112:1).
• Listen to and obey the voice of the Lord and His commandments (Deuteronomy 28:1-7)
• God didn’t have to individually go and bless each person who obeyed Him, because He had spoken THE BLESSING over the whole nation through Abraham. It comes on you and overtakes you.
• You reveal the fact that you are not believing The WORD of God, by saying it doesn’t work for you.
II. God made promises to Abraham who is your spiritual example.
• Look to the Rock, look to Abraham your father (Isaiah 51:1-3).
• We are descendants of Abraham through faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:13-14).
o Jesus was made a curse for us, so we can have the promises of the Spirit that God promised to Abraham.
o You are Abraham’s descendants and heirs to his promises if you are in Christ (Galatians 3:29).
• Here is the job description of THE BLESSING of Abraham—what God had in mind from the beginning.
o God created the Garden of Eden for man to oversee, using his God-given authority.
§ Had Adam obeyed God, instead of breaking THE BLESSING in his life by obeying satan, that garden would have increased to the point that it covered the earth. Then, THE BLESSING of God would spread to other planets throughout the universe.
§ Your obedience in love can make your life into a garden filled with God’s presence.
God created man, blessed him with authority, and then rested—because He was finished (Genesis 2:1-7).
o God wasn’t finished until He blessed the man.
o Man needed THE BLESSING, so he would have something to work with as he managed the Garden of Eden.
III. Learn to rest in God’s love, and let THE BLESSING turn your life into a Garden of Eden.
• God’s power created the garden, and His power will fix all the things wrong in your life.
• Faith rests on God’s WORD (Hebrews 4:1-4). o Stay focused on God’s WORD. o THE BLESSING will work if you will rest.
o You work, He rests. You rest, He works.
• Spend time reading and studying God’s WORD. Do what He says, keep His commandments, and God will take care of everything.
o It’s a commandment to seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33).
o Another commandment is to humble yourself under God’s hand and give Him your cares (1 Peter 5:6-7).
o Let your troubles go!
• You should be holding onto what you confess that you believe (Hebrews 4:14).
• Depend on The WORD of your High Priest, Jesus, and rest at the throne of God (Hebrews 4:16).
IV. Grace is at the heart of THE BLESSING and gives you rest.
• To have THE BLESSING of God active in your life, you must continue to walk in love.
• God will supply you with whatever you need, so you can do what He commands you to do (Deuteronomy 28:4-7).
o David was a man blessed of God. He was tender toward God, but also a mighty warrior. He was always diligent to honor God and His commandments.
Additional scriptures: Hebrews 4; 1 Corinthians 15:10; Luke 6:29; Acts 13:22


Pray this prayer with us:
Heavenly Father, I choose to rest in Your care. I realize You are the most powerful being in creation, and You love me! I give You all the things in my life that need fixing,
that cause me worry and concern, and I rest in Your love and the truth that You will take care of me. Thank You, Father, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!


God originally blessed Adam, but when he disobeyed God, he disconnected from God and from God’s BLESSING. Now, God gives us a choice in life—we can choose life or death, blessing or cursing. God’s will is that you choose THE BLESSING!


I. God gives us a choice in life—we can choose life or death, blessing or cursing. He wants us to choose life and blessing.
• God commanded the blessings and curses to be written on two mountains that faced each other, so that all could see and choose.
• God told the children of Israel to choose life or death, blessing or cursing, for them and for their descendants (Deuteronomy 30:19-20). o It was written for everyone to see.
o God encouraged them to obey His voice. To obey, you must first hear God’s voice.
• We are in Jesus Christ; therefore these blessings are for us, also.
• God has already chosen us; it’s up to us to choose Him and His life and blessings.
• God has already decided to receive you, to talk to you, and to fulfill the length of your days.
• Listen to and obey the commandment of love—walk in it and stay in it.
• God established a way through the blood of Jesus to remove your sin and for you to stay forgiven and free in Christ.
• Be quick to repent and stay in the love of God.
o If you will not repent, you are in rebellion. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Witchcraft is spiritual adultery (1 Samuel 15:23).
II. God originally blessed Adam, but when Adam disobeyed Him, he disconnected from God and from God’s BLESSING.
• When Adam sinned, he connected himself to the spirit of darkness, which is satan.
o Adam died spiritually, and his faith turned into fear. o Spiritual death is being separated from God. o When God blessed Adam, THE BLESSING came over the whole earth.
o When Adam sinned and connected to satan, the curse came over the whole earth, and satan had control of the earth.
• THE BLESSING and the curse begin with the same wording.
o It will come to pass if you hearken/will not hearken to the voice of The LORD, these blessings/these curses will come upon you and overtake you (Deuteronomy 28:1-2, 15).
• THE BLESSING and the curse are both threefold:
o The curse contains: 1. spiritual death, 2. sickness, and 3. poverty and debt.
o THE BLESSING contains: 1. Jesus is the Savior, 2. Jesus is the Healer, and 3. Jesus is our Melchizedek, our High Priest.
III. God’s will is that you are blessed and not cursed.
• God is not evil and cannot create evil to put on you.
• Heaven is filled with God’s will, and there is no sickness, no poverty and no evil there. o We pray God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
o The leper wanted to be healed. He said, “Jesus, if You are willing You can make me clean.” Jesus answered that question for all men for all time, “I am willing!” (Matthew 8:2-3).
o Jesus is the same forever (Hebrews 13:8). What He has done for one, He will do for any who call upon His Name.
§ He is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).
o Jesus came to do the will of His Father, which means healing all who were sick and oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38).
• God is the righteous Judge, not the destroyer. He passes judgment.
o Judgment is a function of seedtime and harvest (Genesis 6:3).
§ What you continually sow, you will reap.
o When the children of Israel were getting ready to leave Egypt, they were instructed to put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts and over their doors, to keep the destroyer from killing anyone in the household. God didn’t smite anyone; the destroyer did (Exodus 12:3-23).
o We have a promise that the destroyer is not allowed to come into our lives (Malachi 3:10-11).
Additional scriptures: 1 Peter 2:24; Deuteronomy 28:13-61; Luke 4:6; Genesis 1:28;
John 5:36; Matthew 13:58; Genesis 8:22; Galatians 6:7


Begin to write a list of THE BLESSINGS of God that you enjoy. Add to it each day.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ KENNETH COPELAND


You have been chosen and called to be a blessed child of God! Because Jesus defeated death and received all authority in heaven and in earth, you can choose THE BLESSING. God loves you as His very own, and He has a glorious future planned for you in this life and the life to come.


I. You have been chosen and called a child of God.
• God loves us and He has called us sons of God (1 John 3:1-2).
• We are “called” sons. This honor has been conferred upon us.
• Child of God—that’s not only who we are, that’s what we are.
• We are exactly like Jesus, born of the same Spirit, born of the same WORD, born from above, and born of the Father.
II. Jesus defeated death, and He was born again by the Father (Hebrews 1:1-9).
• God raised Jesus from the dead.
• Jesus was in hell, suffering. He was separated from God.
• When God said, “You are God,” Jesus was raised from the dead, born again, and appointed to be God with God!
o Jesus was manifested in the flesh when He was born of Mary.
o Jesus was made alive in the Spirit when God raised Him from the dead.
• Jesus was the first man to be born again—from death to life!
• Jesus took the keys of hell, defeated satan, and received all authority in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18).
• When God called Jesus, “God,” then Jesus was God alongside the Father.
III. Jesus paid the price of the curse, so that you could choose THE BLESSING. You have been born again by the Father’s love.
• You have been raised to life from spiritual death, and God has made you righteous.
• God calls you “Son”!
• Jesus loves you so much He became a curse for you, so you wouldn’t have to be cursed. He became sick, so you don’t have to be sick. He went to hell, so you don’t have to go to hell!
IV. God loves you as His very own child, and you have a glorious future in Him!
• God has something stored up for you. It’s a place in glory the human mind cannot conceive.
• There’s coming a moment in time when God will pull us up into His presence and reveal Himself to us. We will see Him, and we will see ourselves as He sees us. o Love Himself, Jesus, will teach us the truths of God.
o God Almighty will praise us, because we didn’t give in to the devil, sickness and fear.
• Love did it all for you and called you His very own!
Additional scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:21


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Kenneth Copeland:
Say this with me:
I’m a believer. I’m a child of God. I’m not a doubter. I’m strong in The LORD. I’m strong in the power of His might.
I’m a prosperous believer. I’m ready, I’m willing and I’m able. I love my God, and my God loves me. Because of Him I’m supposed to prosper. I’m supposed to be well. I’m supposed to be strong.
I believe it, and I receive it. I have it, and I give God the glory for it, in the Name of Jesus.
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