A caution to the presumptuous

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Are we Presumptous? A daily devotion, a ministry of Faith Baptist Church in El Paso, Texas

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Hello and welcome to the Daily Grind podcast Ministry of Faith Baptist Church. It's a daily podcast Monday through Friday on our daily walk with Christ toasted by Stephen and Andy bitsko myself. Today we're going to be using our Bibles as well as he 365 days of Spurgeon devotional. If you don't have a Bible readily available, you can download the Logos Bible Software at logos.com or the 365 days of Spurgeon devotional. The devotional is not free. It's totally optional. The slides are on the screen. If your watch if you're listening on Spotify or podcast, it's in the podcast notes below. May 12th auction to the presumptuous preached by Charles Spurgeon on it May 13th. 1855. First text we're going to be reading today is Hebrews chapter 10 verses 19 through 25. Take a moment to find that in your Bibles. Feel free to pause the podcast while you do so Hebrews chapter 10 verses 19 through 25. We see having therefore Brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus by New Way by New and Living Way, which he has consecrated for us through the evil that is to say his flesh will fail that is to say his flesh and having an high priest over the house of God. Let us draw near with a True Heart in full Assurance of Faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promise and let us consider one another predict to provoke unto love and good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as soon as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching and the only take you back to This one worst verse right here. Number 23. It's on your screen says let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promise and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. So first of all, you have that profession of Faith. Okay, that's not wavering. It's never going to change. So after you have accepted Jesus and you have that you have your hundred percent faith into him. That's when your works of love for him. Take place the lot of times people look at work says that's what's going to get them to heaven. And it doesn't get you anywhere except maybe give you a buck or two but works for Christ. For Christ and only tries good works for others. Don't get you a heaven, but I'll tell you what if you are saved and you accepted him as their savior those Works, do do have reward. They do have reward when you see him up there in heaven and back to get a crown. There's a there's several crowns you could you could achieve but that's a whole nother lesson. We going to verse number 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another as so much the more as ye see the day approaching, you know, what we really don't have that much today in assembling of ourselves together. We don't have church right now. A lot of us are not at a church building. We're not assembling we are assembling in spirit. We are worshiping and praying and together as a church because the church is the body of people. But there's not much assembly or grouping as in the physical being as being in to church, but how much exhort exhorting are we doing today? Especially when we're away from each other and were separated by 6ft. How much exhorting are you giving the Bible Heroes is it is encouraging us to exhort one another really no matter what the circumstances may be. How many feet are between you and the next person you need to exhort one another even though if you can't hear them or they can't talk because they're wearing the face mask Resort one another regardless of limitations because it says as you see the day approaching approaching is Christ returning this crisis Second Coming that day is approaching may happen. Now, it may happen in 5 minutes and may happen in the year may happen in 10 days. No one really knows but that day is approaching that's a promise that we have ended. Did you have something? The very good reason why it's important not to expect the assembly and I like history. I like talking about history. I like studying history. Pre-World War II Nazi Germany, not so much during the war cuz it just didn't matter anymore. But pre-World War II Nazi Germany the propaganda machine of the Nazis wanted the Christian pastors to Proclaim mine comp, which was Hitler's

I forget the word but his text that he wrote. I forget the word that up the specific word. I can't remember essentially a small pamphlet that he wrote when he was in prison in the early the late 1920s and early 1930s. He was in prison 5e government and he wrote mine comp which was a bunch of things regarding, you know, German history from router. When does he took over in the Nazi propaganda machine get started Rollin They wanted the preachers to preach mine comp which essentially said Jews are often. They killed Christ. They should be exterminated anyone who's not airing should be exterminated pastors didn't want to preach that. So what the German government is, they would put Pastors in this is late 1930s Pastors in concentration camps in solitary cells are what they were taken care of, but they were put in solitary cells and they were given very selective words of the Bible that has put a negative light in the Jews and then they would mess with their brains and they would pump them full of propaganda in pamphlet to try to convince them that this is what the Bible about the second lot of Pastors in Germany. Did that that Lutheran Pastors in Germany Lutheran Lutheranism was one of the major denominations in Germany at the time of water pastors Lutheran pastors proclaiming that Jews are bad and Martin Luther wasn't much of a he didn't like Jews much himself as if you wrote a lot about it and it's later date and they started proclaiming that because they isolated them and they pump them full of a certain type of information cut them off from everything else cut them off from all types of assembling not Injustice emblem with other people, but it's time playing with their Bibles. They didn't give him the whole Bible. They came parts of the Bible legum little pamphlets against Snippets from something Martin Luther said and then they just pee parcel that together and they mess with their brain. And then because they couldn't go to someone else or talk to someone else in the if they didn't know the Bible Well themselves, they weren't assembling with each other and then they gave them when they change their mind and they started preaching from the pulpit Hitler's propaganda and that actually helped Propel Germany farther into the hole that became World War II. That's why it's important not forsake the assembling together cuz if you isolate yourself, if you practice that subconsciously or consciously practice isolationism. You're going to find a sort certain source of information that you will allow into your life and that certain source of information is wrong. Then you allowed to take over your life and if that's certain source of information is in the Bible is in Good Counsel and it changes the way you think it changes the way you act to changes the way you talk and you're no longer living for That's why it's important to assemble together. That's why it's important to stay in your Bible. That's why it's important to constantly question your sources of information. And that's what I think this person is talking about you brought it up everything for what I said to what the purpose is other's texts that were not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together that don't forsake it. Again, if people stay at home and they don't go to church. Okay, there's no X or there's no exhorting one another there's no edifying not person the first so basically if you're home and you have your own dwelling of thoughts or ideas and you have no one to bounces off of okay, we're to iron sharpens iron. You can you can really feel it becomes not just an idea becomes a belief then so can we bring all this point to that? Church is so important me. There's a lot of people with some I have some crazy laws right now their laws, I would say their ordinances where they can't assemble at church, but I'll tell you what as a Christian right now sitting at home. You should be biting at the bit one day. I hope one day or someday soon, or maybe now I can go to church and I'm going to get there because I I don't want to be forsaken by the assembly. I want to be there with my brothers and my sisters talking to the exhorting one another and be able to be there to worship together because that day is approaching that second coming is approaching and so we look at our sermon today because we were just Warm it up the presumptuous. So basically this is a sermon that was delivered on the Sabbath morning of May 13th of 1855. If you're looking at the slides area is Charles Spurgeon over there on the right. He delivered this message at the extra Holland strand.

It is probably from reading the whole sermon Spurgeon sermons are fantastic. But this one was probably he was beating he was beating the pulpit probably pretty hard on this one point here. And we're going to this is an extra 5 it And I'll go ahead and read. Be strong men sometimes will not use a means of Grace and therefore they fall there are some persons here who rarely attend a place of worship. They do not profess to be religious. But I am sure they would be astonished if I were to tell them that I know some profession professed Lee religious people who are accepted in some Churches as being true children of God who yet make it a habit of stopping by from the house of God. Because they conceived they are so Advanced that they do not want it. You smile as such a thing as that, they both such a deep X experience within they have a volume of sweet sermons at home and they will stop and read them. They will not go to the house of God for they are fat and flourishing. They can they can see themselves that they have reached food enough seven years ago to last them next 10 years the imagine that all food will feed their souls. Now there are there are your presumptuous men. I mean skews me. These are your first Dunkin Donuts men. They are not to be found at the Lord's table eat in the body and drinking the blood of Christ. In the Holy emblems of bread and wine you do not see them in their closets. You did not find them searching the scriptures with holy curiosity. They think they stand they shall not be moved. They fancy that means are intending for weaker Christians and leaving those means they fall they will not have the shoe to put on put upon the foot and therefore the Flint Cuts them now. Is a bunch there. I got one more section here. One more second. He's not done. They will not put on the armor. And therefore the enemy wounds them sometimes well nigh unto death in the Deep Quagmire of neglect of means many a proud Professor has been smothered. So let's talk about church or shall we? Are they shall we talk about the men and women of this right now? So I'm going to break this down so I can buy section. Okay, if we talked about in the beginning in our intro the importance of the church that you need to be to church. So let's talk about the flip with Spurgeon was addressing that there's people and we've mentioned this many time on this podcast that pride is a killer Pride will destroy your walk with Christ Pride will destroy your testimony. And is someone thinks they have risen to that occasion, especially with knowledge, especially with scripture Spurgeon nailed it on the head. They think they're so good. They're home reading their own German later. They're too good to go to church there there. They they they think they have enough food to last for 7 years, but for 10 years, but what's more importantly that the address is is that that old food is it is supplying him with you need fresh food. I mean, I've been in the military and e98 memories that Pride been on shelves for years boy. I look forward to fresh food. Okay, when I come back from the field. I look forward to it. But for some they don't want fresh food because they're too good. That pride is a killer. And go ahead. I'm going to get you in on this and then we're going to tie it again. Yeah, I think back at let's go back a couple of slides and and read this these these strong men sometimes will not use the means of Grace and Skip down a little bit farther who rarely attend a place of worship. They do not profess to be religious, but I am sure they would be astonished if I were to tell them that I didn't know some Professor do children of God make it a habit of stopping away from the house of God because they can see they're so Advanced that they do not want it this I think front from my perspective being a young man. This is the most dangerous part of church. I think it's important cuz it just it just as just a small example. Could you expand on this is I just I've seen it sometimes were youth groups people in the youth groups and I've been one of these kids too at times the people in the youth groups. They go in their Walk The Talk That Talk the walk and they walk outside the doors and you know, it's like that it's not even the church property anymore think they could be at school. They can be wherever they're talking about things. I shouldn't be talking about, you know doing all kinds of stuff. They shouldn't be talking about I think that's the important part and I think a lot of time why the hell happened is because church is more social than it is a place of learning and don't for me. I don't know why or how to fix that problem because I'm just you know, I'm just sitting here. I'm just observing the other podcast you identify that with the team really wants is the word they want the truth. So are you saying that in the dressing that that that's what you know, when I was a youth pastor that was one of the things that they taught me was don't try to fake it still pick it up right away. Just tell them the truth me on the scripture, you know, don't try to be the cool guy because the cool guy doesn't doesn't live the walk be true. You'll walk the talk is basically what I'm saying. And I think the truth that you bring in that is that you'll churches special with the youth groups that they kill the youth the teenagers, you know, they see that as this is something I can go to on a Wednesday night at 7 and they you know, they can go there me all their friends high five each other. But and they don't take it seriously. That's why I'm from my first text you no don't forsake the assembly they'll don't don't take for granted search like you can see right now in America some places can't have church.

some people just they just just can't have church right now and you know I hope by buy this lot of people realize the importance of turkey. I mean, they should the struggle the struggle is real and there's there is no church building to go to that is a approved by the governor or whoever mayor you have right now in that corner, but you're absolutely right to expand on that. But at the same time, I'm 17. I know by the way, you can send all flowers and candies and good to Andy of me to say, this is a problem. There is a solution because I'm not the one It happens. I'm not to use pastor and the kid morning. I'm still learning about this. So I see the problem of kids who you know, they go in and they act like they're did the best kids in there the most Christian and then they leave you know, it's it's it's the world that nothing's changed so I can not I can identify the problem but to act like I know how to fix the problem wouldn't be right so that that's why I didn't you know expand on that point more think the second point is second thing I wanted to talk about was the fact that when did Spurgeon he was talking about pride in that. They think that they're above it that they have enough nourishment. I think that's the second part you don't see that as much in and younger people. But sometimes you could you could see an older people where they think they know more about the scripture and it's possible that they do that. They know more about the scripture that they don't really need to listen to it. Someone else is saying and I think that like a good example would be if you've ever seen the movie Pollyanna.

She's the older lady who runs the two runs the town pretty much tells the preacher every Sunday what he should preach and it gets to the point where she reads his Bible and figures out that you know, you shouldn't be too much of a lady tells him to free and it's a little bit more of an abstract example, but there's sometimes and it can happen in yourself a little ways where you think, you know more than someone else about a certain topic that you just hit. Will they come they can't be right. I have to be right they can't be right but just discounting an argument simply because it couldn't be right now that actually looking at looking at the Bible and read in the Bible and understanding it. And you bring a you bring up a good point because that's where a lot of church columns happen is because someone was disagree with the pastor without knowing full understanding what they think they understand fully everything that he's preaching. Let's say, you know, for example and you know, that person says I'll he's wrong he's wrong because I know he's wrong because you know, I have a PhD in Divinity therefore. I know he's wrong and you know that the storm out but the sad thing is that even though he has a pH in I'm just using that as an example here, even though he has a PHD in Divinity. For example, when he doesn't see is the Optics of other people other people looked up to him as a leader and now just not one guy leaving but one family is leaving or two families are leaving or three families are leaving. So like you're saying that That could make destruction within the church and I think it's very interesting how we bring in the importance of church and how you know, the damn that what damage could happen in the church and you know, I called her again. I want to emphasize. I hope these last fifty days of quarantine plus whatever it may be that you have a re-evaluation of what church is and how churches in Portland and you know, I hope you go back to church and be like, you know what the pastor is Ty's not matching today. That's okay. You know, I'll let it slide. I'm not going I'm not going to treat them bad or I'm not going to treat his wife fat or his kids bad or whatever. It may be, you know, the church is the people that are assembled there. Okay, and that's important to not forsake and the active to exhort one another and you know, not to tear people down like your address and I think you brought a lot of good. I need to know if you're on a roll here. You're going to a Nazi propaganda official. It's not a specified individual chested quote attributed to someone that was in the propaganda machine and the individual said that the way we beat the church is by making them focus on their differences and what they believe together. The way we beat the church is by making them focus on their differences. Then what we believe what they believe together. Oh, yeah, I think about that how important that one is you make you make a make the church focus on the fact that this faction didn't think the color walls should be white in this faction thinks. It should be off off white eggshell, you know, you make them focus on you know, what's what they disagree on and then they said everyone suddenly forgets it, you know, we serve the same savior. We're all save the same way and let me break it down to my on end of lecture. Mine that I have that we call that in my Layman's terminology. Mom and Mom and then popping which is basically you have a kid who wants to get his answer because he went to Dad and Dad says no and so it goes a mom who says yes, and then he goes ahead and do it and guess what happens when he leaves you have the mom and dad yelling at each other because why how could you do that? You know, whatever could be. And that again we're talking about how things get destroyed, you know, so, you know again we can bring that into the church. If you don't like what the pastor asked to say don't go to the assistant pastor I said, hey, what do you think of this? And you know, if you don't like that answer don't go to the next assistant pastor until you get the answer that you like, you know, there's a reason why you have it off people of the church, you'll giving you this advice. Now those those people of the church aren't let's say God itself, you know, or you know, the If you have a I tell this to my kids if you have a chapter and verse and it's telling you to do this and you can point to the chapter in the verse and you can explain it and you believe it then you know, what that's probably your best council is the word of God. So I think we've attacked this pretty good kind of took a different Spin and we'll be done before I'm going to go ahead and give you some thoughts here that Charles Spurgeon full is 10 verse 12. It says wherefore let him that thinketh you stand it take heed lest he fall so really Figured you know know what where you stand on certain things. You're not always the best person, you know, there's always someone better. There's always something you can learn. I know as me as an instructor, you know, where we always have the analogy of the some people look at the glass half-full some people look at the glass half empty, but I bring in a little bit of a difference to kind of strip the crowd I give him I bring out a a jar jar and I'll ask him. How do I get this air out of this empty jar and someone will raise their hand in the class and still say I know how to and how it will come on up show me how you can do this and they'll take out at their gallon of water there jug of water in the fill that jar up with water. And I'll be like okay I said there's no more are there very good. And you know, I'll go ahead and sit down and I'll explain to the audience that you know, some of you are here right now and you think you have all these decrees when you think you have all this knowledge and you have done all this experience in your life and you know, you're just like this jar right here your filthy you think there's nothing more you can put into your jar. I said, that's where you fail and I think there's a lot of Truth to that as us as Christians were never our jar is Never full we can always seek and learn something from God. So be humble when it comes to having your Christian walk now, so I want to talk about Thomas here who is absent to his cost and we're going to be understanding that from John chapter 20 verses 24 and 25, but Thomas one of the twelve called didn't did Hummus was not with them when Jesus came. Converse 25, it says the other disciples therefore said unto him. We have seen the Lord that he said unto them except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger in the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side. I will not believe you know, we title this as a doubting Thomas, you know, but really when you look at it Thomas having an appointment to be with the other disciples and he didn't make it and you know when they came back he was like no, I don't believe you. I'm not going to believe you until I can see him and I can do this and I could touch him and if Thomas just showed up on time, you know, it'll be a different perspective. And that brings us to the point. Just like Thomas, how can you always give your apologies for a RAV4 absence to the Lord and to your fellow members with a clear conscience? You know, we can only give so many excuses, you know, especially throughout our time here on Earth, you know, the day is coming, you know, you got to keep looking forward and you got to keep striving to move forward. And you know, we can't we can't give ourselves. Procrastination or excuses to follow the lord. I know of many times and sometimes and he and I talked about this to no special with Bible reading. You know, Andy will be like Dad. Did you read your Bible today? Not maybe as a haha, like, you know, hey, you know, are you really doing this or you know, you're not in sometimes, you know, I'll be like no, I'm not doing it. Yeah, and you know and he's pretty good about not shoving things into your face, you know, politely now if he's being Competitive. He will let you know you can only give so many excuses. Someone hadn't read my Bible today because I woke up later. Hey, I didn't read my Bible today because my coffee was called, you know, there's only so many excuses that can take you so far, you know, it's it comes to where you have to put yourself into check into realization that there's an actual action that needs to take place in the best way. I explain this because everybody's tried to be on a diet before and their life everybody's trying to get in shape before in their life and you know the first week that you wake up you workout, you know, you eat right and everything else but one week number two times you start finding yourself making excuses and the ones that succeed is they treat that change in themselves where they can be consistent and be able to go Consistently now. I'm just saying consistently, I'm not talking. Sometimes you have some off days but being consistent and keep striving to do what needs to be done and we can take that into our perspective of our Christian walk. Have you made a change to do better? I know a lot of times in the beginning of the new year. We have these resolutions. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do that, but we fall flat when it comes around, February or March The Christian walk is not changed every year. It is a continuous thing that goes day in day out year after year after year decade after decade until the Lord calls us. So we need to be in control of you know, what I'm not going to give that excuse today. I want to buckle down. I'm going to get it done and I'm going to let you know you'll be surprised when you said that front end you buckle down you'll feel better. You'll feel refreshed. You'll have Clarity because you just spoken to your lord and savior and listen to himself or encourage you with that to go ahead and continue on stop giving the apologies for your absence and strive for Christ everyday. I'm going to go ahead and close today and go ahead and share this podcast like you can see on the screen. We've been keeping that you informed of how you can reach us. Go ahead and reach us anytime. You want to check-in. We do multiple posts throughout the day. Have a good night. Bye. Bye.

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