Holy violence

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Hello and welcome to the Daily Grind podcast the ministry of Faith Baptist Church the daily podcast Monday through Friday on our daily walk with Christ. It's hosted by Stephen and Andy bit still myself. Today. We're going to be using our Bibles as well as he 365 days of Spurgeon devotional. If you don't have a Bible readily available, you can download the Logos Bible Software at logos.com. You can also purchase of the 365 days of Spurgeon devotional. Title of today's sermon holy violence on the 15th of May. Holy violence is Holy words, holy violence and the message we're going to all the first Redeemer going to have is for Aubrey. This one Genesis chapter 32 verses 22 through 32, and I'll go ahead and read and heroes up that night and took two wives and his to windsurf and women servants and his 11 sons and passed over the Ford Jabbok. There's 23 and he took them and sent them over the brook and it sent over that he had and Jacob was left alone and there and there Wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he had prevailed not against him. He touched the hollow of his thigh in the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint as he wrestled with him, and he said let me go for the Daybreak in tonight, and he said I will not eat the go. Except. Oh, I will not let thee go not eat. I will not let thee go except thou bless me and he said unto him. What is thy name? And he said Jacob? And he said that name shall be called No More Jacob, but Israel for as a prince has now power with God and with man with men and has prevailed and Jacob asked him and said tell me I pray thee thy name and he said we're for is is it that thou Dost ask after my name and he blessed him there and Jacob called him the name of the place Purnell for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved. First number 31 and he and as he passed over for Renewal the sun rose up upon him and he halted upon his thigh there for the children of Israel. Not of the sinew which which shrank which is upon the hollow of the thigh until this day because he touches the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shrank shrink. Title the message is Holy biolence sermon that was delivered on the Sabbath morning on May 15th, the year 1859 by the Reverend Charles Spurgeon at the Music Hall in Royal series Garden.

And we see here from this excerpt of the sermon frequently frequently complaints are made in Surprise Express by individuals who have never found a blessing rest upon anything they have attempted to do in the service of God. I've been a Sunday school teacher for years says one night and I have never seen any of my girls or boys converted in the reason most likely is that you have never been violent about it. You've never been compelled by the Divine Spirit to make up your mind that converted they should be and no stone will be left unturned until they were you have never been brought by the spirit to such a passion that you have said I cannot live unless God bless me. I cannot exist unless I see some of these children safe then falling on your knees and Agony of prayer and put in for staff towards your trust with the same intensity towards heaven. You would never have been disappointed for the violent take it by force and you too my brother and the guy You have marveled and wondered why your skulls have not have not seen why you have not seen Souls regenerated. I'm sorry. Did you ever expect it? Why you preach like why you preach like one who does not believe what he is saying those who believe in Christ may say of you with kind partiality. Our minister is a deer good man, but the careless young men that attend your ministry say does that mean expect me to believe that which he only others is a dry story and you convinced me when I see him go through the service with all the dullness and not have a dead routine. Oh my brother and that what we want today in the church is is violence not violence against each other but violence against death and Hell against the hardness of other men's hearts and Ghent the sleepiness of Our Own. Very very interesting phrasing just for a context of what's Happening Here in Matthew chapter 11 verse number 12. The Bible says in from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent task is in the violent take it by force. And also with the word of God is saying to keep it in the proper context is that Is there is a battle that is going on? Okay, and there's a battle and we discussed about this battle before but there comes to a point where man has to battle and strive day in day out and be able to tap some sacrifice and to have some projects and productivity and some Headway by doing the work for God. Sulphur Springs Tampa, let's break it down for just the Sunday school teacher. Okay as soon as school teachers year and teaches year after year after year after year and I never see a soul saved. Well, you know, you may have to look in perspective of first of all evaluate yourself. Are you doing the best work? You possibly can for the Lord through your service through your service in your preparation. He wear in preparation for your Sunday school class. For example, if you're a Sunday school teacher and you're not pulling out your curriculum until Saturday night around 9 or 10 at night before Sunday and you're staying okay. This is the time I'm going to study this is the time. I'm going to get prepared for my Sunday school class. You are failing not just you but your your Saviour as well and also the children that you're teaching, okay? So we have to self evaluate ourselves first. Are we giving her ultimate of self together or are we just going through the motions are we just doing the minimal amount of work that we need to do to be able sassy satisfy and available feed that little bit of hunger that we have that we want to serve Christ and we just give it a little bit just to quench it a little bit and we just continue on to the next week. So that has to be that we have to evaluate ourselves first. That's physically. Now spiritually are we feeding ourselves and I'm still and I am still using the Sunday school teacher haven't got on to another topic for another example still in the Sunday school teacher. Are you preparing yourself? Spiritually. Are you reading the Bible not as a physical act or are you reading the Bible as a spiritual nourishment to hear from your heavenly father? Are you taking that action to say? Yes God you are important to me. I want to hear what you have to say to me. I'm going to wake up in the morning. I'm going to stay up in the evening. Whatever time you make for yourself to read the Bible or you're going to make the point where you're going to address some quiet time with God to better yourself spiritually some answer to things I've meant to physically I meant to spiritually let's talk about mentally.

Are you going to that classroom with the right mentality in your head or you going to that class from complaining about my kids are late for church today? I didn't iron my clothes. I forgot to clean up the kitchen before I left. I hate my life. I hate my husband's bad at me right now. My car needs gas in my car is a wreck. And your are you going in the proper mentality for that class right then and there are you giving them everything they deserve are you giving everything to your savior that he deserves? Are you cutting yourself short and just doing a little bit just to get through to the next week.

Can I bring this to the point? As a soldier Airman Marine Navy Costa gardy, whatever you want to call him.

B train physically mentally and spiritually to go to battle. Every single one of them so much and they do it. So often that it becomes a muscle memory that becomes action. In fact, when they're in the time of the heat of the battle of war or in a conflict or struggle for body moves on its own. repetitive training

places Christians We don't train. us up in all three tears are pillars. The Triads have you wondering if you're an army guy know exactly what I'm talking about right now.

We don't try. For the for the violence before the battle. What we do is we complain We complain about everything. We don't go to the battle. So I just wanted to start that off and set up where we're looking at or talking about these certain things Matthew chapter 11 verse number, read it again and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. Oh, there is a battle. There's a battle between God and Evil number to title A Satan on my title as the devil. There is a battle that's going on and it's been going on and there's a battle between reaching the lost. Which are controlled by the devil?

We're not doing anything at all. So I gave you the example to Sunday school. teacher don't talk about the everyday Tristan. You may not have a Ministry. You may not have a family you may not be working.

But still you're under the Great Commission which in time which tells you to reach the Lost. And you know, you can argue and say well it's just for the apostles while I guess what those apostles were disciples were all disciples. Well learning to be better and more like Christ. Three you can make that theological argument later. I'm not here right now to deal logically debate Yuval just bring it to the point that you have a job to do. That's really that's your one and only job.

So let's bring this into context where we're saying earlier. Are you physically preparing yourself? Are you going to places? Are you going to websites? Are you going to a place of culture where you can be a witness? Let's talk about this mentally. Are you preparing yourself mentally by memorizing the word of God. Let's talk about this spiritually. Are you preparing yourself daily to listen to your coach to your boss cheerleader to your heavenly father Jesus Christ in the morning or in the evening.

You see my friends. We can talk about people bad all day long. We can say how horrible they are. And what a horrible Sunday school teacher there are or how horrible husband or a horrible wife or whatever whatever label the week you want to put on there. Let's flip it on us. Are you doing everything you possibly can? Are you rising to the occasion to be battle-hardened to go into the fight? Are you just playing it by ear? And did you have anything? Adele every everything you said is right and sometimes it helps to hear things broccoli. Then you know, sometimes the eloquence of the preacher or a teacher just someone talking or carrying the conversation. I think more directly to the wording of what Charles Spurgeon was saying when he was talking about the violence and the violent take it by force as it says in Matthew 11:12 that violence doesn't take the same form. Every time God is more creative than that a good example would be my family's in the military. I have moved around a couple of times and down to a bunch of different churches and I've seen many different creatures with many different styles of preaching not to say that one is better over the other. I have a wonderful preacher in north, Texas where we used to live. Animated into it ready to go passionate everyday talking about Christ and his sermon he was crying just about every sermon from the past in from the the sorrow that one person might leave and not be State. She was there he was present everyday. Okay, and that was that's how God used him and and I think of the pastor of this church. He's a little bit more laid back. He does you no deeper dive into the study of the scriptures, but still presently there's the same passion that he doesn't want one person to leave the church service without being saved. So, you know. That passion that violins takes different form, but it's always going to one purpose and match to reach people who aren't saved or to edify people who are safe and build them up and make them stronger. So you don't have to be the street preacher on the corner, you know preaching loudly at people just you know, trying to get their attention trying to trying to reach someone who might at that moment really need price if you know that might not be the way God wants to use you and I'm going to go back to it again. As I said yesterday one of the most, excuse me. The most important things you can do is pray and it I mean there are times when you're praying and you know, you're just going through the motions and you know, you're just kind of reading down in a mentally reciting this in your brain and then there's other times when you really want something from God you really want to take something off your heart and take it to God in the passion is there and the violence is there and you're just you're giving everything to God. Maybe you're praying about a family member who's lost? Maybe you're praying about a job situation that that's not going right or maybe you're praying about family problems. That's what God wants us to do. That's what's Persian is talking about here when he's talking about the Suffering The Agony of falling on her knees before God In Prayer. That's what he's talking. But that's the passion and violence in the Holy Bible and said he's talking about they're not in it. Sometimes that that requires us to get out of our comfort zone in I'm in exuberant in A to Z Astic individual I think over overly so sometimes I enjoy talking to people but you know, what something nothing makes me as nervous as talking to someone someone about Christ. I don't know why but I think it has something to do with the fact that the devil is very good at painting just a little bit of a seed of Doubt just to make you think twice and not do something for Christ. I think get it getting past that and getting over that and praying and reading your Bible and knowing your scripture really helps when you're talking to someone and trying to reach them for Price. Maybe they don't get say that time. That's something I've learned. Maybe they don't get save that time that they talk to you. But they plant does the word of God never comes back void as it says in the Bible and they will they will think about it even if you know, they don't think about it then don't think about it sometime and you know, it it it it produces a seed which could grow and they can be saved and I think that's something very important that we can take from the text her or reading today. You know, we go back to Genesis chapter 32

All night with the force he could not identify until the morning. Jacob was wrestling all night with the force. He could not identify until the morning and when he could identify it. The first thing he said is that I will not stop until you bless me. He could not identify the force who is fighting with yet. He struggled all night. He dislocated bones struggling all night with something. He couldn't identify in the first thing. He said when he could identify the forces bless me. And I think that's so powerful and something to really think about when you're fighting against things mentally or physically that you can identify when you see it. What is the first thing that you say? What is the first thing that you see? Is it God help me is it God bless me the guy. I don't know what to do anymore. And that's where we can learn and that's where God can build us up and make us great warriors of the faith of the faith right then and there and I think that's was Charles Spurgeon is getting to right there at the point is God can make as great warriors of the faith. It takes different pads, but we can get there. I think that's what we can learn from this. very very good Andy Which brings us to a point that we've been trying to dresses do you mean business with God or do you just go through the motions? It can make all the difference it really can. I think we gave to Great to Great illustrations one from a harsh point of view. I'm very direct point of view and also another a more well-rounded articulated point of view to be able to address the cause for Christ that you know, it does make a difference to do something, you know, either you can you can make that difference or you cannot and you know, I I I want to bring this to the to the Bible verse here 2nd Kings chapter 4 verses 31 through 35 and It says judge gehazi passed on before them and laid the staff upon the face of the child, but there was neither voice nor hearing wherefore he went again to meet him and told him saying the child is not awake. And when Elijah was come into the house behold, the child was dead and laid up on his bed. He went he went in there therefore and shut the door upon them Twain and prayed unto the Lord and he went up and laid upon the child and put his mouth upon his mouth and his eyes upon his eyes and his hands upon his hand any stretch himself unto the child and the Flesh of the child waxed warm. Then he returned and walked in the house to and fro and went up and stretched stretch himself upon him and the child's sneeze 7 times and the Child open his eyes. I think I think about Elijah during this part and you know, it just wasn't a quick Miracle you hear about all the wonderful Miracles the apostles did and you know what Jesus did and so forth. You know, they just laid hands are the keno. They said you'll be healed but there was a process that had to take place and it happened over time. And you know, we just want to remind you that you know, there's there's a family I knew that That started the church and he preached to his family for three years when he first opened that church. The only people that went to that church was his wife and his children and every Sunday morning to go to wake up and get ready to go to church all anticipating and hoping that you know, if visitors would come to that church, but no one knowing it wasn't because I was a bad Church Ozark is a great church. It's just no one came, but he continued on to strive to preach every Sunday morning and Sunday evening. He what he's put the same preparation in they did for a sermon and still continued. And I was for 3 years now. It's one of the greater church is up in there with taxes and you know, he'll tell you he said I had to try to preach to my family for three years. They've heard all my sermons before everyone else but you know, it just didn't happen overnight. There's a there's something about being consistent and there's there's a blessing with being consistent and I we we talked in the military, you know, you have have this place not so much discipline as it is consistency, you know, you can wake up for you to do the same thing day in and day out but if you're not consistently trying to better try to consistently do the action, you know, nothing will happen to Andy shaking and he's not in his head because I've given them the dis one's speech so many years. So, you know just bring that understand Mark chapter 9 verses 28 through 29 it says and when he went it was come into the house. His disciples asked him. Why could not we cast him out? And he said unto them this kind can you can come come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting know when the disciples cannot cast out that the evil spirit they came to Christ like a saying here and they said why can't we do it the first and the disciples they've done many miracles before this and they couldn't cast out many devils and many evil spirits, but they couldn't do this one in and God was saying sometimes you just have to pray and fast and that's a greater power than the actual Miracle itself. So prayers important like and he's staying fasting is another thing that's also important. That's the ultimate power ultimate ultimate thing that you can do is buy that prayer in that fasting. Also something that I actually seeing these versus is you know, if we go back to the first and when he was coming when he was coming to the house disciples ask him privately. Why could we not why could not we cast him out? And he said unto them this kind can come forth by can come forth to find nothing but fasting and pray, excuse me, prayer and fasting I think something that's really important to note. Here is Dave get the Disciples of done, you know so many miracles before this. I think at this point got Jesus was just giving him a little reminder that you can't get too caught up in your own power in your own ability to speak and things happen. There's a greater power involved than just your word and Ino to use Dad's example of that the Sunday school teacher, there's only so much you can do only so much preparation. You can do nothing that you say Will make a child get saved. It's what you say with the power of the holy spirit that moves in the heart of a child and you know personally when I was younger, I didn't go to Sunday school too much most of the time we stayed in the the the church service with the my parents, but it's the same thing. They're the pastor could say something. Okay, and there were some Services were you were you were listening? And before I was saved it was just like well, you know, the lady behind us kids with peppermints every service, you know, miss you and I love you gave us so many peppermints is great, but you don't remember Sunday, I believe it was December 2009 Pastor my pastor preached the sermon on heaven. And I remember thinking if it's greater than everything I can imagine. And all of the great things I've already done and you know, I was seven at the time the world was amazing world of Phil amazing. I thought to myself if it's better than everything I can imagine. I want to go there you know I I I had you know been told my whole life you know you pray the prayer and you believe in your heart and I really didn't understand that I prayed the prayer thousands of times I didn't understand that you have to believe I didn't understand what believe in was you know I've been shown that the color that the color pages books and you know I died Sunday school teachers and pastors and youth pastor at at the whole thing and I heard the sermon so many times the same sermon proves that one time that the Holy Spirit moved me the heart of a child at 7 years old that I realized that place is better than anything I can imagine and I want to go there and I think that's so important to remember there's only so much we can do without the power of the Holy Spirit moving in the hearts of men and children and women and we can't do anything without it and I think that's the most important thing we can learn from this entire lesson is that we need to trust in God that he would move in the hearts of people that were talking to every day All right, go ahead. And do you want to close this out? We would appreciate if you share this podcast and spread the word. I believe there's a share button on the bottom right-hand corner of the image that you're seeing right now. If you're on Spotify, I believe it's on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, although I don't use Spotify very often, so I'm not sure.

Awesome joints at Faith Baptist. I'm just going to leave it and move on to the next thing as well as we have a Bible study. I'm not sure what happened with the text, but I'll decipher it says Tuesday, May 19th at 7:30 p.m. Look on Facebook today. I'm going to have a video on my Facebook page at KJV podcast of a Facebook video that's going to tell you how to register and now will get you enrolled and we're going to go ahead and meet online at 7:30 on May 19th. Also if you want to join us on Facebook, that's the Facebook group is Faith Baptist, El Paso. Join our online Community of Faith safelite.com Faith El Paso. This is The Daily Grind podcast Ministry of Faith Baptist Church. God bless you and have a good day.

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