A Spirit for All Generations

50 Days of the Spirit  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  33:58
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Other Old Testament Passages concerning the Holy Spirit: Exodus 31.3; Exodus 35.31; Judges 14.6, 19; 15.14; 1 Samuel 10.6; Judges 3.10; 6.34; Ezekiel 36.26-27

We forget easily.

This is a recurrent theme of life, and definitely Scripture. When things are good we forget the cause and attribute our success to ourselves. Yet when things are bad we want to know if this is God’s judgement on us. We cannot have it both ways for this makes for bad theology/thinking about God and unhealthy disciples of Jesus.

God is in control, always.

In the good and the bad God is in control. This, for me, does not make God responsible for the bad which happens. But it means God is not surprised, unaware, nor sitting back wondering what is going to happen next.

God’s grace is abundant.

This is where we start to pick up Joel and his prophecy. The nation is coming out of a disaster and wondering what is going to happen.
His blessings are abundant. We has a church are living in His abundance right now. We ought to say, “Look what God is doing!”

God fiercely loves us.

This is how I am taking the concept of God’s jealousy. I believe in our day we have a meaning of someone being jealous which is not the most helpful in understanding God’s jealousy.

Shame is removed.

What a tremendous gift. Shame tells us we are less of a person, not worthy, can’t compare, etc. because of something that has happened to us or we have caused. Many of Christians, and if I am honest myself included many many days, battle the enemy of shame.

God’s blessings cannot be confined.

God is not just concerned with our physical comfort and blessings. When we do this we can venture towards the health and wealth Gospel. Or we will see someone suffering and dealing with illness, especially mental health illness, and claim they must have sinned or aren’t Christian enough. We must stop it!

God pours out His Spirit.

Some of the imagery is tied to a agricultural context in connection with rain. It also talks about how this is not a tiny bit but an extravagant gift and similar to the idea of “overflowing”.

God’s Spirit is for all.

God’s Spirit brings revelation from God to others.

This is the point.

God’s Spirit breaks down divisions.

Male vs female. Old versus young. Free versus slave. These verses are where Paul in part gets his concept of equality in Christ. “There is no Jew or Greek, Male of female, slave or free.”

Everyone who calls on Christ is saved.

This calling is not just a fox hole prayer, or a prayer in a time of crisis. This is a commitment beyond just get me out of here. It is a calling which suggests, you alone are my God, Savior, Messiah.

All generations can experience God’s Spirit.

We need modern day Samuels.

The young boy who heard the voice of God and was submissive to him. The Scripture for my allusion is 1 Samuel 2-3.

We need modern day Elis.

Who had the wisdom to realize that though he no longer had the visions, dreams and words of God, that God was working through the next generation.
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