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Genesis is the story of YHWH’s acts in creating a good world that was ruined by a sinful family but redeemed by the promise of a seed who is an offspring of the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Exodus is the account of Yahweh's faithfulness to his promises to Abraham as he delivers Israel from bondage in Egypt through Moses, marks them as his people through the Law and abides with them in the tabernacle despite Israel's rebellion and unbelief.
Leviticus is the word of the LORD through Moses to Israel at Sinai on how they are to live in light of Yahweh’s holiness through sacrifice and priestly intercession.
Numbers is the record of Israel’s population, unbelief, and instruction in true worship as they sojourn through the wilderness under Moses’ humble but not faultless leadership and experience God’s righteous judgments against sin.
Deuteronomy is the record of the final words of Moses as he recalls significant events in Israel’s sojourn and rebukes their sin, exhorts them to obey God's law and prophesies concerning their future, assuring them of God’s faithfulness to bring them to the promise land.
Joshua is the history of how Israel led by Joshua conquered and allotted the promised land to each tribe in obedience to the words of Moses and in fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham.
Judges is record of Israel's failure to obey the law after the death of Joshua as they did whatever seemed right in their own eyes and were often enslaved in the promised land but were always delivered by God's gracious provision of valiant but flawed judges.
Ruth is the account of God's mercy to a Moabite woman incorporating her into his people and her role in ushering the Kingly reign of Judah.
1-2 Samuel is account of Israel’s lustful desire for a pagan-like king and God’s promise and provision of King David for Israel’s flourishing despite intense opposition and David’s moral failures.
God establishes the legitimate Davidic monarchy in Israel (1-2 Samuel)
1-2Kings is the account of Israel's ascent into temple worship but quick decline into idolatry and exile because of its many ungodly kings
Isaiah: God commissioned Isaiah, a faithful servant and prophet to Uzziah and Hezekiah, to pronounce judgments to hardened and rebellious Israel namely that they'll be exiled because of their unbelief but God would redeem and restore them through the suffering servant and a foreign king (Cyrus)
Jeremiah: The book of Jeremiah is the collection of prophecies that God gave to Jeremiah from the reign of Josiah till the Israel was exiled to Babylon; these prophecies opposed the lies of the false prophets, judged Israel's wicked lifestyle, comforted those in obedience to God chose to serve the Babylonians, it also spelt doom for the haughty nations and promised a new covenant and restoration.
Ezekiel: YHWH grants Ezekiel a majestic vision of his presence and commissions him to announce, dramatize and prophesy to the rebellious and whoring people of Israel about the certainty of their exile, the judgment of their false prophets, the destruction of the temple and the coming restoration of the glory of God’s presence and Temple through the Spirit of God and the Prince who will preserve and bless the remnants so that all may know that he is YHWH.
Hosea: Hosea is a dramatized account of the unrelenting hesed of YHWH shining forth in his righteous judgment and his promised restoration despite Israel's (Ephraim's) heinous adultery committed against YHWH.
Joel: The announcement of the day of LORD, which will be a day of terrifying judgment on the wicked in Judah and on the nations who acted unjustly against God's people but will also be a day when the spirit of God will be poured on all classes of people and a remnant will be delivered.
Amos: Amos, the herdsman turned prophet, was commissioned to pronounce judgment on the nations surrounding Israel for their wicked and unjust military campaigns and announce coming exile for Israel because their false worship of YHWH that promoted injustice against the weak; but the exile will not be final because the Lord will restore Israel's fruitful land
Obadiah: Edom will be humbled, their presumptuous pride and warriors will be shattered because of their wicked treatment of Jacob in his time of distress but God will restore and re-make Zion into a holy place for his remnants.
Jonah: The book of Jonah is the account of a reluctant prophet who is uncomfortable with YHWH's gracious and compassionate heart , his slow anger and abounding mercies even towards Nineveh, a wicked nation that had decimated Israel
Micah: The Lord testifies against the idolatry of Samaria and Jerusalem, their false priests who had false confidence in the Lord's presence, and the failure of the leaders and people to walk humbly and justly but promises a remnant and a Shepherd who will save and lead his people in justice and in triumph over their enemies
Nahum; Nineveh will be desolate for her many injustices, YHWH will not clear her of guilt but will humble her pride while he restores the majesty of Jacob and causes good news to be published for Judah.
Habakkuk: Habakkuk wrestles with God's judgment of Israel using the Chaldeans, and his seemingly overdrawn forbearance with the wicked triumphing over the righteous but God is good and he will fill the earth with his glory and knowledge and in this Habakkuk rests and rejoices even in suffering
Zephaniah: The day of the Lord will bring terror and pour out wrath on the nations but will bring singing and rejoicing in Zion.
Haggai: Haggai prophesies to challenge the remnant from the exile to rebuild the temple, the priests to offer true sacrifices and to encourage Zerubbabel with reminders about the Davidic covenant.
Zechariah: The Lord will restore the priesthood cleanse it from guilt, and the Kingdom will triumph over the nations putting an end to all false shepherds and false prophets and bringing salvation and justice for all nations
Malachi: Israel's worship had been corrupted, God sent Malachi to announce the coming of the Day of the Lord which the Messenger will refine the sons of Levi (the priests) and the whole earth ensuring that the name of the Lord will be exalted in all the nations
Psalms: A compendium of songs that express a range of emotions and were used by the covenant-people in worship of YHWH and served to instruct the congregation and the next generation to put their hope and trust in YHWH at all times
Job: God's sovereignty over all things especially suffering confounds the wisdom of man and even man's 'innocence' and his exalted wisdom works for the good of the sufferer and brings restoration.
Proverbs: A collection of wise sayings anchored on twin truths: (a) the fear of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom; b) YHWH has created the world with a discernible moral order that shouldn't be contravened.
Ecclesiastes: Life under the sun is meaningless and a maze filled with lots of injustice but one thing matters and is precious: the fear of the LORD.
Song of Songs: Love between a man and a woman is so beautiful, so powerful, so delightful and so challenging that it is best approached through rich and colorful metaphors and ultimately it points to God's love for his people.
Lamentations: a collection of songs for grieving the fruit of persistent disobedience of God's commands: Divine abandonment.
Esther: The invisible hand of God's providential care is evident in history and the reversal and ironies of life are all working together for the good of his people.
Daniel: The LORD sovereignly protects his people and reveals mysteries even as he reigns over the rise and falls of kingdoms and his Kingdom will be forever.
Ezra-Nehemiah records God's faithfulness in restoring Jerusalem's walls and Temple in the face of great opposition and through the return of a remnant from exile in Babylon under the godly leadership of a Scribe from Aaron's line (Ezra) and Nehemiah, a governor of Judah.
1-2Chronicles recounts the history of Israel from Adam to the remnants of the first Exile with detailed genealogies but particularly focuses on the decline of the house of Judah and God's faithfulness to the Davidic covenant despite the wavering commitment of David's sons to YHWH.
Yay! I was happy to see how heavily L & D relied on our inimitable Dr. Ferris in their chapter on the book of Lamentations!
I appreciated the attempt of L & D to give a creative reading of the two voices present in the book of Ecclesiastes. I need to give it more thought though I am currently ambivalent about their position.
It was most beautiful to read their summary of Esther and all the 'twos' in the book.
My favorite section was their application of Ecclesiastes to Romans 8.
I believe they have hermeneutical presuppositions that prevent them from better appreciating the allegorical readings of the Songs of Songs. Of course, I believe the book is primarily about sexual love but it is also rich with motifs about God's love for his people. They only admit it this in about two positive sentences.
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