Strangers Scattered About (Part 2)
I Peter 1:2-5
As we saw in verse 1, we are strangers in this world,
scattered about. We are not of this world, even
though we are in this world. Peter next turns his
attention to some absolutely fantastic terms and
Elect – God’s chosen people, _____ born again
Foreknowledge – God’s ability to see the end from
the beginning, and knowing what will happen
Sanctification – carrying on to perfection the work
begun in regeneration
Obedience – an attentive listening, and following
that which has been heard
The blood of Jesus – that blood shed at Calvary,
which covers sin
Grace – gifts _______________bestowed by God
Peace – quietness and rest, brought about by God
Mercy – compassion for the ____________
Begotten again – being born again
Lively hope – a knowledge that Jesus will return,
and being excited about it
Resurrection - -of Jesus Christ from the dead
Inheritance – that which is derived from the death
of another
Incorruptible – incapable of ________, rot or decay
Undefiled – not capable of being made impure or
Fades not away – not going to ever run down, lose
its vibrance, or go out of style
Reserved – set aside, kept ________
Heaven – the place where God lives, and where all
believers will live, for eternity.
But I want to focus on the one word that I believe is
the most important in this passage. And that word is
_______. All of the majestic words and truths in this
passage apply to us, to ______, specifically. And if
they weren’t available ____ you, and meant ______
you, they would be ineffective.
When we look at the word “you”, it should also
make us realize that the first and most basic part of
our relationship with God is absolutely __________.
Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, but
He also died on the cross for the sins ______
committed. It’s not enough that Jesus died for the
sins of the world; unless you agree it was also for
your sins, and _______ accept what He did, His
death is useless to _______.
So, where do YOU stand today? Are YOU already a
child of God, benefitting from all those truths in
these verses? Or do YOU need to accept Jesus Christ
as your PERSONAL Savior today?
The choice is up to _______.