Hebrews 5:11-14 How Do You Grow in Christ?

Hebrews  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God's will is that we grow in Christ by learning to live according to His Word.



Good Morning! My name is Pastor Cole and I’m one of the pastors here at Metro Church.
And if you are watching online this morning, Metro Church exists to equip people to live lives changed by Jesus Christ.
And I am grateful for the opportunity even though we can’t be gathered together because of present circumstances to preach to all of you, both here and at home to preach to you God’s Word from Hebrews 5:11-14.
To remind you where we are at, Hebrews was written to a church that was really struggling in their faith.
They were Jewish believers who, because of persecution, were considering leaving Christianity and going back to Judaism.
And in our passage, the Author is trying to encourage them to not abandon their faith but to grow in it. Here’s what he said...


What is God’s will for my life?
That is a question that every single one of us asks. And it is a good question.
At fundamental level, when we ask “What is God’s will for my life?” what we are really asking is “How do I live a life that glorifies God?”
How do I live a life that is in step with his plans and purposes for me?
Now typically when we ask that question, it is about the big decisions of life. Who will I marry? Should I take that job? or Buy that house?
And we need to know God’s will in those big decisions.
But the problem is we as Christians can be tempted to care about God’s will in the big things, while being absolutely indifferent towards God’s will in the little things.
In our everyday life, we can be prone to a life of spiritual laziness where unless something is important to us, God’s will gets pushed to the back burner.
But as we read the Bible, the emphasis of God’s will is less about the big decisions of your life, and is instead focuses on the everyday decisions you make to live for him.
In the Bible God’s will is more concerned with Christian maturity and growing in Christ than it is about knowing God’s plans for our future.
So if we are really wanting to live in God’s will, then we need to prioritize what God himself makes a priority in the Christian life, and that is...

God’s will is that you would grow mature in Christ.

God’s will, God’s plan, God’s aim for your life is that you would glorify him by growing in spiritual maturity.
And yet, many Christians go their entire life without ever being shown how to grow in their faith.
There is a discipleship crisis in the church that has left many Christians with an immature faith that 1. fails to glorify God and 2. starves them from experiencing the joy of salvation and fullness of life that Christ promised his people.
And so this morning as we study Hebrews 5:11-14 I want to focus spiritual maturity and answer two crucial questions.
First, What is spiritual maturity? And second...
How do you grow in it?
If this really is God’s will for our lives, then we need to know how we can go about living that out.
So lets start with Hebrews 5:11-13 where the Author tells us that...

I. To Grow in Christ You Must War Against Spiritual Laziness

Hebrews 5:11-13 About this we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. 12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, 13 for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child.
Now its been a while so I need to catch you up on what the Author means when he says about this we have much to say.
What he’s talking about is that Christ is our Great High Priest.
Right before this in Hebrews 4:14-5:10, the author told the Hebrews that it would be foolish to go back to Judaism because the priests of the Old Covenant have been surpassed by Jesus, the Great High Priest of the New Covenant.
Because Jesus died for our sins and reconciled us to God once and for all, there was no more need to have human priests offer animal sacrifices. All of our sins were paid for in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
And the Author wants to talk more about this! To show them more of the glory of Christ as our Great and Perfect High Priest, but he can’t.
He says it is hard to explain since you have become dull of hearing.
This is the first time in the entire Letter that the Author has come right out and said what is wrong with the Hebrews.
Up until now, he’s only given them instructions for how to deal with what is spiritually sick within them.
In chapter 2:1 he said that they must pay much closer attention to the gospel so that we won’t we drift away from it like a ship that’s lost its anchor.
In 3:12 he warned them to Take care, lest they had an evil, unbelieving hard that led them away from God.
In 4:11 he instructed them to make every effort to enter the rest of God’s salvation so that they wouldn’t be shut out of his rest.
And in 4:14 he simply said, Hold fast to your confession.
The Hebrews are spiritually sick and in great danger of Apostasy. Of abandoning salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone and going back to trying to earn salvation through dead works.
And finally, here in verse 11 of chapter 5, we learn the root cause of all this distress. The root cause of their potential apostasy.
The Hebrews have become dull of hearing.
What has made their apostasy possible, what has made it reasonable for them to consider abandoning Christ and going back to Judaism is dullness of hearing.
So, if we want to stay faithful to Christ and not commit apostasy, then we need to know what that is. How to we make sure we aren’t dull of hearing so that we can continue following Jesus?


The word, “dull,” is literally translated as slow, sluggish, or lazy. The author uses it only one other time in this letter and reading that passage will help us to see what he means by saying the Hebrews have become dull of hearing.
Hebrews 6:11-12 And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 so that you may not be sluggish, (there’s the word for “dull” in our passage) but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
So in this passage, what the author is saying is that he wants the Hebrews to have an earnestness, that is an eager effort, a diligence an urgency to keep following Jesus.
He he wants them to have that earnestness so that, so that, they might not be sluggish, or dull.
What that tells us is that the opposite of dullness is earnestness. Its zeal, care, haste urgency, an eager effort to accomplish something, in this case following Christ.
So when he says you have become dull of hearing, what he means is you have lost your urgency, you have lost your zeal, your earnestness to live all your life according to the gospel that you heard.
So dullness of hearing isn’t an ear issue, its a heart issue.
Its a kind of hearing where we might physically hear what God has said in his Word, but not in a way that it actually takes root in our heart.
Those that are dull of hearing are people who are indifferent to the Word of God. They can take it our leave it. They don’t have any urgency to take what they hear and put it into practice because their hearts are sluggish.
The Hebrews’ faith wasn’t enough of a priority to actually practice what they heard, and now, they were on the verge of giving up their faith altogether.
And its important that the Author says they have become dull of hearing. That means they weren’t always this way, but it was something they had allowed to happen.
And because they had allowed themselves to become dull of hearing because of their lack of urgency to live out their faith, something terrible happened in their spiritual growth.
They didn’t just stay where they were. They went backwards.
Because the Hebrews had stopped making any effort to grow in Christ and live for him, they actually regressed in spiritual maturity. They became spiritual children.
He says, For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, 13 for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child.
By now, the Hebrews ought to have matured to the point where they were teaching others the Faith and showing them how to walk in it. But instead, they were children who were unskilled in the word of righteousness.
This actually gives us a clear definition of what it means to be spiritually immature. Immature believers are unskilled in the word of righteousness meaning they don’t have the knowledge or capacity to live a life of faith.
They aren’t skilled in following Jesus and living according to his Word. They are still trying to figure out how to take God’s Word and apply it to their life. How to live in a manner worthy of the gospel.
This makes sense when you think of the Christian life as being born again.
When you are first saved, you are like a newborn infant. You know Jesus saved you from sin and you know that you are called to follow him and to follow him you need to obey him, but you don’t yet know all the particulars of what that looks like. You are unskilled in the Word.
And we expect that of new and young Christians. They need to learn how to crawl in the faith before they can run.
However, we don’t expect that of believers who have been following Jesus for a long time. People who, by now, out to be mature believers able to teach others, the new and young Christians, the skills necessary to live according to God’s Word.
And that is what the author of Hebrews is saying. The spiritual laziness of the Hebrew church, their lack of urgency to grow in Christ and live for him has allowed this church to become full of spiritual babies who don’t know how to live for Christ, and so, of course they are close to giving up on Jesus and going back to Judaism.
And all of this tells us something very important about our need to mature in Christ.
Prolonged spiritual infancy is the highway to apostasy. If you don’t want to be a Christian in a few years, its really simple. All you have to do is do nothing.
Don’t take your faith seriously. Don’t try to know the Word and put it into practice. Don’t have any urgency to repent of sin and live for Christ in every area of your life.
Make no effort to grow in your faith because Hebrews promises us that eventually you will abandon the faith altogether.
That’s because as you’ll see in chapter 6, the Author is concerned that if the Hebrews persist in their spiritual immaturity, that it might not be evidence of spiritual infancy, but false conversion.
That the reason they might not be growing is not just because they are immature, but because they are deceived about their salvation.
Now when I say that I don’t want to cause new or young Christians to doubt their salvation. You might be immature right now, but if you are new in the faith, growing in Christ and making every effort to live for him that is evidence that God truly has saved you.
I’m speaking here to believers who are complacent in their faith and have been for years. Who kind of float along, giving little attention and even less effort to following Jesus in any sort of meaningful way.
God’s call to you is to give up childish ways and to move on to maturity. To war against your sluggish heart and to make living for Christ every moment of every day the number one priority of your life.
In fact that is the application for every Christian, whether you’re a new believer, a believer who has grown complacent in their faith, or someone who has been following the Lord for years in maturity.

All of us must war against spiritual laziness in our lives.

How we do that has been told to us earlier in this Letter.
Pay close attention, Consider Jesus, Don’t harden your hearts, Take Care, Hold fast.
To war against spiritual laziness, dullness of hearing, we must make every effort to honor Christ and live according to His Word.
To constantly ask ourselves, “In this moment, right here right now, am I living for Christ or something else?”
Basically what I’m urging you for is a life that is offered to God in spiritual worship, not given to the passions of your flesh.
It can be so much easier after the kids go to bed to mindlessly watch the news for 30 minutes than read the Bible for 15.
It can be so much easier to blow up on your kid after the 14th time they’ve done something you told them not to than it is to be patient with them so that we don’t provoke them to anger.
It can be so much easier to gossip behind another believer’s back than it is to swallow your tongue and pray for them.
It can be so much easier just to give in to our passions and desires, to give in to what we want, than it is to live for Christ in any given situation.
But friends, we aren’t called to easy. We aren’t called to sluggishness. We are called to follow Christ in every area of our life as a spiritual offering that worships God.
Do not give into what’s easy. War against your hearts propensity to laziness and receive the Word of God with the kind of faith that actually changes how you live.
Live with an earnestness to grow in Christ.
So how do we do that? If we are repenting of our spiritual complacency or if we are wanting to proactively fight against it, how else do we grow in Christ?
The Author gives us the answer in point number 2.

II. To Grow in Christ You Must Feed on God’s Word

Hebrews 4:12 you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food.
If you want your kids to grow big and strong, you need to feed them a good diet.
In the same way, we need a good diet if we are going to grow in Christ. Well what is that?
Our spiritual diet, the spiritual food we need to help us grow in Christ is the truth of God’s Word.
So If you would call yourself a spiritual infant, then Hebrews says you need to start feeding yourself with the milk of God’s Word until you are mature enough to start trying some solid food. Now what in the world does that mean?
Well there’s some clue from the context itself. Milk is a metaphor for the basic principles of the oracles of God.
It is the ABC’s of Christianity. The core doctrines that are foundation of our faith. These are things like we are sinners, God is holy, Jesus died for our sins. Think about it like Theology 101.
Solid food, on the other hand, is a metaphor for the deeper truths of God’s Word.
Now I don’t mean deeper truths as in there are secret truths that are reserved for the spiritual elite.
When I say deeper, I mean those truths that enrich and enlarge our understanding of the basic truths.
So solid food in the life of the Christian is not new theology, per-say, it is richer theology.
Just to give you an example from this passage. Milk would be that Jesus atones for our sins. The solid food the Author is wanting to go onto is how Jesus did that as our Great High priest who atoned for our sins once and for all, but he couldn’t because the Hebrews need to grow up before they were ready for it.
Those deeper truths won’t benefit them if they can’t digest them. If they are dull of hearing lacking any urgency to apply those truths to grow in Christ hearing them wouldn’t do any good.
They needed milk. They needed to relearn that Christ is the only way our sins can be forgiven before they can see the beauty of how Christ actually did that as our High Priest.
So if you want to grow in Christ, you need to feed on the truths of his Word, whether that is starting with the basics of spiritual milk, or chewing on some deeper truths of solid food.
But that all sounds odd doesn’t it? I mean if spiritual maturity is talking about living a godly life, being skilled in living out the Word, why is the author telling us that if we want to grow in Christ we need to to learn some theology? Why is he not instead telling us some practical how to’s for living the Christian life?

The Need for Theology

The answer is this. Our theology, our understanding of who God is and what he has done to save us in Christ, that only comes through the Word of God, directly affects how you and I live for him.
God didn’t give us the Bible to primarily tell us what to do. God gave us his Word to tell us who he is so we could know him and by knowing him, love him for all that he is.
So we don’t come to the Word for a checklist on being mature. Even if we had one, we wouldn’t be able to fill it anyway because we powerless to obey God in our own. We need God to work the miracle of his grace in our hearts, and he does that through the truth of his Word.
So when we come to the Word it is to know our Father who loved us and saved us in Christ. Then through knowing him, that’s theology, our love for him grows which then gives us the power and the desire to live a Godly life.
Therefore, Good Theology isn’t just something that’s nice to have or reserved for pastors. It’s the necessary diet for mature Christian living. Let me explain what I mean.
The more we know God, the more robust our theology of him is, the more we want to put off our sin and live for Christ. The more we want to actually grow in spiritual maturity.
That’s because feeding on the truths of God’s Word makes our worship and love for God go from black and white to full blown color.
Receiving the Word with faith instead of dull ears gives us a clearer picture of just how amazing, good, gracious, loving, and incredible God is.
And especially as we move on to solid food where we start seeing all the intricacies and nuances of God and his salvation, things like how in his death, Jesus became our sacrifice of propitiation that took all the wrath we deserved for our sin on himself so that we could be forgiven, as we go deeper in truths like that, our understanding, our knowledge of God’s love for us grows bigger and bigger and bigger, and by God’s grace we really start to believe that God loves us in Christ.
And what does the Bible say? We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19).
Now this is key. Don’t miss this. As our theology of God’s great love for us grows, so does our love for Him. And as our love for him grows, the more we actually want to obey him because the love for our sin wanes.
So you see, even spiritual maturity is a work of God’s grace and love. Its not because you know more or try harder that you grow in Christ.
Its because God shows you more of who he is and how much he loves you through his Word, and in doing so pours his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, that’s Romans 5:5, which results in us loving him in return and having an earnest desire to live all of our lives for him.
That’s what it means to be spiritually mature.
So if you want to grow in Christ, the answer isn’t trying to be a better Christian in your own strength and power as if you need to prove you are worthy of spiritual maturity.
If you want to grow in Christ, then you must feed on the grace of God by feeding on his Word so that you will want to grow in Christ in the first place.

Application: Dear Christian, you must feed on God’s Word.

Whether that is reading the Bible, sitting under solid biblical preaching, reading good theological books, or talking about the Word with your family friends and community group, the Word of God must become the food by which you live and grow.
It must become a staple part of your diet.
Just like what you eat physically will affect your physical body’s growth and health, so too what you feed on spiritually will have a direct impact on how you grow in Christ.
So let me ask you? Hows your diet? Are you feeding on the Word of God or are you feasting on the junk food of the world, starving yourself of the food your soul really needs?
Jesus said “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).
The great temptation for all of us is that we try to live our life on bread alone. That we take care of our physical needs while ignoring our souls.
And because of that our spiritual life remains weak and powerless, and then we wonder why our faith doesn’t have the vibrancy, the life, the joy that Christ promised.
We cannot live by bread alone, while settling for crumbs of God’s Word.
If we want to grow in Christ we must live all of our lives by the Word of God.
Now typically, anytime we talk about feeding on God’s Word there’s two obstacles that every single one of us faces.
First, we say we don’t know how and second we say we don’t have the time. Let’s look at each of these.

1. I Don’t Know How

I don’t know how to read the Bible or feed on God’s Word. I’m not smart enough or spiritual enough. Every time I read it feels like nothing.
Well, I won’t lie to you. There is some technical skill needed to be able to rightly handle the Word of God.
There are techniques and methods of interpretation that are necessary to mine the depths of Scripture.
And if you want to grow in your discipleship and learn how to read the Bible on a deeper level, you need to do the work.
Ask a mature brother or sister to disciple you in reading the Word. Listen to our Everyday Discipleship Podcast on how to read the Bible, read a book on biblical interpretation.
And if you say well that sounds like a lot, then I would simply ask you. Have you become dull of hearing or do you desire to have an earnestness in your faith to grow in Christ?
There is also good news. Even if you don’t know all the technical aspects of studying Scripture, God speaking to you through his Word does not depend on your intellect or ability. It depends on his grace.
When you come to read the Bible, you need to know and believe the doctrine of illumination.
That is the doctrine that says the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit who wrote the Scriptures, shines a light on God’s Word so that you can understand it and follow Christ.
You don’t just grow because you understand all the nuances of the Greek and Hebrew. Trust me, there are people with PhDs in Biblical interpretation who don’t believe in Christ or follow him that prove that.
Instead, you grow in Christ as you hear the Word with faith. As you take it to heart, feed on it, and make every effort to live it out by God’s grace.
So even if you read one truth the Spirit shows you from God’s Word and take it to heart, that is better than seeing a thousand truths with no faith to live it out.
Now what about the second obstacle?

2. I Don’t Have Time

I have to tell you, I’m sympathetic to this obstacle.
Some Pastors hammer their people and say, “We all have the same 24 hours. You just don’t make it a priority.” And that can be true, but honestly, life just gets busy.
Even for me. I have to make a conscious effort to find time to study the Word.
And you might say well your a pastor, isn’t this your job, but I’ll tell you its not the same. Prepping for sermons is not the same as abiding in Christ. It’s helpful sure, but sermon prep is not enough for me to grow spiritually healthy.
With work, family, friends, church, sometimes it can feel like we barely have time to even breath let alone find a free 15 minutes of the day.
Some of you parents with young kids might even be thinking, “No kidding! I haven’t had 15 minutes to myself for 5 years! When am I supposed to read the Bible?”
Well let me encourage you. Reading the Bible does not have to look like 30 minutes a day of absolute silence for you to read and pray. That’s nice, and we should take those opportunities when we get them, but what about the 364 other days of the year? What then?
Remember, the aim is feeding on God’s Word. Not just reading it. The difference is slowing down enough to take God’s Word to heart and pray for his grace to live according to it.
So think for a moment. Is there 5 minutes here or 10 minutes there where instead of mindlessly looking at your phone you could read a chapter of Mark?
What if instead of looking at Facebook or Twitter first thing when we wake up or last thing as we fall asleep, we take a minute to pray and feed on the Word?
Listen, we all get those Screen Time notifications and they can be downright embarrassing. If I can spend 20 minutes on YouTube couldn’t I find some time to read the Word or one of the 10 books on my nightstand?
What about in the car? What if just on the way to work you listened to a Sermon or podcast like Everyday Discipleship and then let yourself unwind on the way home by listening to Sports Radio or Bobby Bones?
We do have the time. We just need to find it, and stop putting all this pressure on ourselves for it to look one specific way.
Feed on the Word however and whenever you can! Take opportunities as they come even if it doesn’t look like a 40 minute quite time, and by God’s grace, as we hear the Word with faith we will grow into maturity.
So if God’s will is that we grow in Christ, we must war against spiritual laziness and complacency, we must feed on God’s Word, and point number three we must practice Godly Discernment.

III. To Grow in Christ You Must Practice Godly Discernment

Hebrews 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.
I want to focus for a moment on the word “mature.”
What precisely do we mean when we say someone is “mature” in Christ. We know Hebrews said someone who is immature is unskilled in living with the Word as their highest authority in life, so part of being mature is that we are skilled, or trained, to know God’s Word and live it out.
But what else does it mean to say someone is “mature?”
Well the Greek word that is translated as mature means whole, complete, not lacking anything, and just 5 verses earlier in Hebrews 5:9, the author used this same Word to describe Jesus. He was mature, complete, whole, perfect.
So what that means is that we grow in spiritual maturity as we grow to be more and more like Christ. As we grow to look like him in our character and actions.
In fact, this is exactly what Paul said in Ephesians 4:13-15. There Paul said the goal of the church is that we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, (There’s our word again. And then Paul even defines it) to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,
So Paul says that we are to grow through knowledge of Christ and his salvation, which only comes as we feed on the Word, into mature manhood which is Christ-likeness.
And then Paul tells us the purpose of maturity.
14 so that we may no longer be children, (That’s the same word for child in our passage) tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.
God wants us to grow into maturity so that we wouldn’t be tossed about by temptation, or flesh, or false teaching but live upright and godly lives that glorify his name.
They way Hebrews says its is that the mature have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.
Now discernment is one of those words that we all know, but is hard to explain.
Think of it like a theological grid or worldview that we process our life through. Discernment is looking at any given situation and saying, OK. What does godliness look like here? Here’s how I live out God’s Word in this specific situation.
So that means to grow in maturity, not only do we feed on God’s Word, but we also live our lives by it. We use our discernment to live a life that honors God instead of living for our sin.
That’s why growing in godliness requires constant practice to live out God’s Word.
It doesn’t mean we will do everything perfectly, but it does mean that those who are growing in maturity will refuse to just coast through life. We will refuse to be dull of hearing, and instead make every effort, in every moment, to live for God’s glory.
In fact, the words translated by constant practice could also be translated as habit. Meaning someone who is mature, has a habit of consistently living out God’s Word. Their normal pattern of life is one of godliness.
And how do you develop a habit? By constant practice!
What all this tells us is that spiritual maturity is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight and none of us will ever be perfectly mature.
But if we want to make progress and grow in Christ so that we can live for him, then we must train our powers of discernment so that we can think through life biblically and follow Christ.
And how does that happen? By eating solid food. Feeding on the deep truths of God’s Word so that we can renew our minds to conform our life to the truth by constant practice.
Look at how Paul said it.
Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
What this passage is saying is that God calls us to live all of our lives for him. We aren’t saved to live for sin like the World.
But in order to do that, in order to live for Christ, we must be transformed by the renewal of our minds. We need to have our minds renewed through the deep truths of God’s Word so that we wouldn’t live however we think is best, with our own wisdom as our highest authority.
But that we would live according to God’s Word by discerning what his will is for our lives. What is good and acceptable and perfect and then following that path.
And here’s why this is so important. Here’s the motivation that should drive us to earnestly live out our faith and grow in Christ.
As we grow in maturity, we give our lives to God as a living sacrifice. Our lives become an act of spiritual worship.
When we grow in Christ by feeding on God’s Word and living all of our lives according to it, we say to the world, God is worthy of all our worship and praise. He is worthy of all our devotion and sacrifice because he loved us saved me us Christ.
Growing in spiritual maturity and living a life of godliness isn’t how we try to earn God’s love. Its how we worship God in return for already loving us in Jesus.
And so if you want to live a life of worship to God, you must practice godly discernment so that you can live like Jesus in every area of your life and grow mature in Christ..


God’s will is that you would grow mature in Christ.
All of us are prone to spiritual laziness. All of us struggle with living for here and now instead of Christ and his kingdom.
And the danger is that if we give into that complacency, we wont just stop growing, but we will actually regress to spiritual immaturity.
And so if our lives are going to glorify God and worship him for saving us in Christ, we must make every effort to grow in Christ out of love for him by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Immature believers are unskilled in the Word of righteousness. They don’t quite know how to live according to God’s Word. So if we want to grow in Christ we must:
War against spiritual laziness
Feed on God’s Word so that we can grow through its truth
And practice godly discernment as the Word of God renews our minds to love God more than our sin.
Decide today to stop living out your will with a sluggish faith, and instead follow God’s will for your life. Grow in Christ. Feed on his Word. Live for His Glory.
And take hope. Because while we are called to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, surely it is God who works in us both to will and to work for his good pleasure (Philippians 2:12-13).

Scripture Reading

2 Timothy 3:14-17
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
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