
God's Story in Scripture  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  33:35
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In Time of Trouble

Illustrations for Biblical Preaching Trials, God’s Help in

In 1895, Andrew Murray was in England suffering from a terribly painful back, the result of an injury he had incurred years before. One morning while he was eating breakfast in his room, his hostess told him of a woman downstairs who was in great trouble and wanted to know if he had any advice for her. Andrew Murray handed her a paper he had been writing on and said, “Give her this advice I’m writing down for myself. It may be that she’ll find it helpful.” This is what was written:

In time of trouble, say, “First, he brought me here. It is by his will I am in this strait place; in that I will rest.” Next, “He will keep me here in his love, and give me grace in this trial to behave as his child.” Then say, “He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons he intends me to learn, and working in me the grace he means to bestow.” And last, say, “In his good time he can bring me out again. How and when, he knows.” Therefore, say “I am here (1) by God’s appointment, (2) in his keeping, (3) under his training, (4) for his time.”

There are so many ways that we can respond to trials - but how often do we find “rest” in the fact that God is the one who did this. What do we think about God in the midst of trials and difficulties?
Today, as we look at the book of Daniel, we get to see the life of some young men who responded to some extra-ordinary trials with faithfulness and trust. It seems like they acted this way, not because they were some spiritual heroes or giants, but because they understood that God was sovereign. It seems like as we look through the book of Daniel, we get to see God’s sovereignty on display in two significant ways.
First, we learn that...

God is sovereign over current events

In several different parts of the book, we can see God actively working in the midst of current circumstances.
But, let’s take a brief step back. Imagine, for a moment that you were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah - young men - or even teenagers, who were taken from their homes in Jerusalem and forced to live in this foreign land. (Daniel. 1:1-7). Right from the start - the circumstance calls into question God’s character. You see, God had been warning the people for a long time that he would send them off into exile as a punishment for their disobedience. So, here are these four boys, thrust into the unknown.
How would you respond? Would you be faithful to God and the ways that God had ordained for you? Would you throw your hands up and say “well if this is what serving God is like, then I don’t want any part of it”?
These young men responded with faithfulness.
Daniel 1:8 ESV
But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself.
Daniel and his friends seemed to understand that God had planned something and was behind this - and so they remained faithful.
As a result - God allowed them to have favor in the eyes of the king’s officials.
In Chapter 3, there is the famous incident of the fiery furnace. (summarize)
God protected the men in the furnace - they were willing to die - and yet God saved them. In the process, God astounded the King.
In Chapter 4, Nebuchadnezzar gives an account how God humbled the proud King - (summarize)
Reading Daniel helps us to see how God is working - he is not letting Nebuchadnezzar have free reign - God is holding him and the other kings accountable. God is at work, even in exile, even in a foreign land, even in the lives of foreign kings.
I love Daniel’s prayer in chapter 2 after God reveals to him the secrets of the King’s first big dream. Look at what it says about God’s sovereignty.
Daniel 2:20–23 ESV
Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; he reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him. To you, O God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for you have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of you, for you have made known to us the king’s matter.”
it’s sometimes difficult to understand that God might be in control - when leaders are corrupt or circumstances are frustrating.
God is Sovereign in the here and now. God reigns.
God is Sovereign over this pandemic
God is sovereign over your work situation and the relationship with your boss and your co-workers
God is sovereign over your family.
Sure, there is personal responsibility - but God is still sovereign. He knows what is going on and what the outcome will be. He is at work.
Dane Ortland reflects on the sovereignty of God in his book Gentle and Lowly.
The Belgic Confession beautifully articulates God’s governance of all things in its teaching on divine providence, part of which reads:
This doctrine gives us unspeakable comfort since it teaches us that nothing can happen to us by chance but only by the arrangement of our gracious heavenly Father, who watches over us with fatherly care, sustaining all creatures under his lordship, so that not one of the hairs on our heads (for they are all numbered) nor even a little bird can fall to the ground without the will of our Father. (Art. 13).”
What a comfort it is to know that God is sovereign now.
Beyond learning more about God’s sovereignty in the present events, we also learn that...

God is sovereign over future events

The book of Daniel is quite and interesting book because it deals with some very interesting and inspiring stories, but it also contains insights into future events.
Chapter 2 - Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of an image - that represented future kingdoms (according to the ESVSB)
Head of Gold - Babylonian empire
Chest and Arms of silver - Medo-Persian empire
middle and thighs of bronze - Greek
Legs of iron and feet of iron and clay - Roman
Stone - messianic kingdom
These images and forms seemed to accurately predict the nature and strength of the kingdoms that were coming
Chapter 4 - God had given Nebuchadnezzar a dream predicting his humiliation - a year before it happened.
Chapter 7 - Again - this vision of the four beasts seems to depict the coming kingdoms - this time ending on an antichrist.
Chapter 8 - Is a vision of a Ram and Goat - which seems to very accurately predict what the medo-persian empire and the greek empires. There have been some who think that the symbolism of what happened in this vision so accurately depicted what happened that they think it was written after the fact. But that really begs the question...
If God is sovereign over future events, is it possible that he can give some insight to his spokesmen in order to unveil what will happen - even before it happens?
There are more visions that Daniel has that depict the time of the end of the exile, the time of the messiah and even some insight into end-times events.
Let me encourage you to take some time this week or even this afternoon to read the book of Daniel - along with a good study bible, consider God’s sovereign rule over future events. I think it should make us stand in wonder and awe.

We should respond with trust and faithfulness

Daniel and his friends were likely quite young when they left Jerusalem. Rather than throwing up their hands and adopting all of the pagan practices of Babylon - they acted in obedience to what God called them to do. They acted faithfully - even when their lives were on the line - (furnace, lions den) - they trusted that God was in control.
I think we should do the same.
Friend - if you’re not yet a Christian - I hope that you can see the reaches of God’s sovereignty. The things that are happening now are happening because God has ordained and allowed it - in order to accomplish His purposes. We may not fully understand why - but God is working. During this time, He is causing us to trust him more and to follow him in obedience.
Beloved - remain faithful and steadfast in your hope and trust in God. Things right now may not be the way that we would want it, but God has allowed it for some reason. Press on in faithful obedience to Him.
Closing thought:
Eric and Lynn - over seas - Eric had to return
Kids got sick
Lynn got sick - and continued to get worse
Worried about hospital and options for their children.
Flights seemed like a non-starter. Eric returning - seemed impossible given the fact that their country was trying to re-patriate over 100,000 of their own citizens
Lynn’s health continued to decline - eventually leading to hospitalization
Many people praying
People making connections at embassies and consulates
Elizabeth prayed - that God would allow their family to be reunited for her birthday
Flights secured
Permission from governments secured
permission in host country secured
clearer bill of health from hospital - no COVID - which meant travel was possible
Transportation to the airport secured with a businessman who had connections - no questions asked
US Consulate officer assisted
Flight boarded
Flight landed
Family reunited here - yesterday - on Elizabeth’s birthday.
I don’t know why God worked the situation the way he did - but consider - who gets the glory? He does! Who’s faith gets expanded? Everyone. What kind of impact does that make in Elizabeth’s life?
We worship and serve an amazing God who demonstrated his sovereignty in the events of Daniel’s day and in future events.
He is demonstrating his sovereignty today and has already told us of a coming judgment and time when he will dwell with us!
Creation - Corruption - Catastrophe - Confusion - Christ - Cross - Consummation.
Let’s pray.
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