Why The Law? Galatians 3:19-29

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Good morning. Dad re Christ is risen he is.

He is risen indeed Let Us Praise God together in prayer.

father God Hallowed be your name

above all the Earth

Turn off everything.

King Jesus who is Victorious over death and the grave in sickness and sorrow and shame and accusation. The Giver of Life the author of Life The Giver of your own life for our life or we praise you you are worthy you deserve to be praised father take us this morning and grab our hearts and our minds attention and let us with Newfound joy and Newfound passion, give glory and praise to your name Christ is risen and it is in your name we pray amen. Hey, man, I'm here. We are live stream again. We miss you guys and we love you were going to dive straight in this morning and give your Bibles. We are in Galatians chapter 3, but before we look at our texts, I want to ask a question. What's the purpose of the law? Anyway, I mean, what's the what's the point? We've been teaching through Galatians 4 weeks now and Paul has stressed to the Galatians that their salvation comes by grace and face instead of coming by their strict adherence and obedience to the law. That's what he's been hammering on over and over again. We have to ask ourselves then why does the law even exist? What's the point? It seems like we're eating our Bibles and we do that God desires people to obey the law even in the New Testament. Let me read Paul making this really strong argument against the law. So we have this dilemma. Sometimes it looks like we should follow the law that that's what God would want and then other times it looks like that following the wall will get you into trouble according to Paul early in Galatians a strict adherence to the law in a certain way will even damn you it is it's it can be very troubling how we interpret the laws. We know what the law is but why do we why do we have it nicer Paul goes today in Galatians us where we have to go are so what's the point? I would obey it or not? Why is the law even here? So sad that our texts this morning is from Galatians 3:19 to the end of the chapter. Let's just celebrate God and worship him as we read the work together. So if you are at home, and you want to stay in as I read the word of God, I believe it's going to be on your screen, but out of just reference looks list and let's think about These words God speaking directly to us Galatians 3:19. waddle off it was added because of transgressions until The Offspring should come to whom the promise have been made and it was put in place through Angels by an intermediary now in the intermediary implies more than one but God is one is the law contrary to the promises of God certainly not for if a law had been given that could give life than righteousness would indeed be by the law but the scripture imprisoned everything under sin so that the Promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe now before Faith came we were held captive under the law in prison until the coming face would be revealed. So then the law was our Guardian until Christ came in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come we are no longer under a guardian for in Christ Jesus. You are all sons of God through faith for as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek. There is neither slave nor free. There is no male or female for you are all one in Christ Jesus and if you are Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring heirs according to the promise is amazing Texas the word of God and die and you may be seated as we continue our study. Let's let's recap from the past few weeks. This is Rich good stuff. It's going to be great foundations for us has this Theologian building us up in the life of the spirit. Paul has been explaining that this good news of the Gospel God's plan for salvation has never changed. Okay. Galatians 3 is making this Longview. Volume at thirty thousand foot viewed backing up all the way to Abraham and to Moses and explaining these Bible characters from the Old Testament and saying that God's covenant of Salvation by giving a gift of Grace has never changed from the very beginning. Took a broken and according to Romans 4:19. He took a dead man and old dead man child was man Abraham and God made a covenant with him in a company is called a promise and you can hear this word promise to remember that word that is loaded with meaning and God would promise to bless Abraham and that through him all the nations. Would one day be blessed. and that the people of Abraham's line would be God's people and that she would be I think we had technical difficulties. So if you saw me for he's like this I'm back again or any of this out of the shot. I was recapping. I have no clue where you lost me. But if you will hang on with me, this is so rich this morning, we owe it to ourselves to sit still and meditate on Galatians 3. So here we go. Again at the Covenant promise was given to Abraham this this old man with no children according to Romans 4:19. He was in his dad. It was as good as dead, but God gave him a promise. I'm going to bless you and that your descendants will be children of God. I will be their God and they will be my people and kind of recovery of the Garden of Eden. That's what the promises are. Remember that were the promises this not only this life but this Abundant Life is this good life and we also said last week that it was enacted by God alone. So God to make the series Covenant he had Abraham bring the sacrifices and they cut the sacrifices into and leave them on two sides. And that when you would ratify a covenant, right if both parties would say this is what I'll do in this is what I will do and we will walk through this symbolizing that I break my promise. This will become like me and what happened in the story was Abraham and you can look in Genesis 15 Genesis 17 is that God walked through the sacrifices alone. Not even symbolizing that I'm going to do this in a pulled my end of the bargain and even if you don't I'll pull during the bargain. It's not a bilateral covenants unilateral it. I'm initiating its I will do it. That's the way that God speaks. So here's here's that's what that means. But the Galatians were Moses people not Abraham when people they were instead instead of trusting God when he says I will do this and I will do this and I will do this they put their trust in the Covenant with Moses where it says you will do this. You will do this. You will do you see the difference?

We remember that the law brings a curse Andrew priest on this I think about that being a relation person instead of trusting God's I will I will I will begin to trust me. I hate you will you will you will begin to puff up their pride and they felt like they had control over their own salvation and their own life and remember these verses from Galatians 310 and 313 for all rely on the works of the law or under a curse word is written cursed is everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law and do them verse 13. It says Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who is hanged up on a tree. So let's get right down to it today again. What's the point of the law? Why is it even there? Why is there a covenant with Abraham and there's this Covenant with Moses? I mean wouldn't have just been better. If it was just one thing. Have this one plan and it wasn't there. Confusing so what's what's the deal? How is it that one time we read the Bible and it looks like we're supposed to follow the law and other times were for kind of chastised on people are chaste. I'd like the Galatians for following too closely to the law or maybe following it in a inappropriate way. So what's what's the deal? That's our question this morning. What's a bright in our texts together today Galatians 3:19? Widen the law. Well, it was added because of transgressions until The Offspring should come to whom the promise had been made and it was put in place through Angels by an intermediary now an intermediary implies more than one but God is one. So so why the wall he gives two reasons immediately just to really clear answers. The first is because of transgression to save kind of a bigger word for into it is until it's limited time until The Offspring or the seed would come the promise to Abraham should come to whom the promise was made. Who sings this verse from Romans 3:20? Goodbye, works of the law. No human being will be justified in his sight since through the law comes the knowledge of sin. The first thing that answers is that the reason for the law is the transgression of sin for the law. Does it exposes us? And it brings about a knowledge of what is right or wrong? So here's a good way to remember that. There is no longer because God Reveals His holy law. There is no ambiguity as to what sin is there's no longer any confusion. It is exposed. It is clear a holy line has been drawn in the Sand by God's Own fingertips the holy and perfect God defines and declares. What is sin? And in the reality is we're not as bad as we could be. We even aware to appropriate question some of us feel like we do pretty good. We're not as bad as we could be but here's the point of the law. We are as bad off as we possibly can be you say that again, but not as bad as we could be but we are as bad off as we possibly could be the law exposes us. Here's a verse from Romans would like you to see Romans 7:7 through 12th. What shall we say? Then that the law is send by no means it had not been for the law. I would not have known sin or I would not have known what it is to cover it. If the law had not said You shall not covet butts in seizing an opportunity through the command that produced in me all kinds of covetousness for a part in The Lofts in my eyes that I was once alive apart from the law. But when the commandant came Cyn came alive and I died the very commencement listen to this that promised life. Proved to be death to me for send seizing an opportunity through the commandant deceive me and threw it killed me. So the law is Holy in the Commandment is holy and righteous and good. Here's another part of the law. What is the law? Do not only does it Define and and draw a clear line of what is right and beautiful and true. It is a picture of the Holiness of God right before our face, but it also provokes us. Pics that has drawers and digs out of our heart and stirs us up and proves that we are transgressors of the law. It is not a power against sin, but it is used by our sin to condense. The law is not a power to be used to condemn sin is not the purpose of the law is a question. What's the point? It's not used to fight since it's meant to expose sin in our sin uses it lightning draws it out in a what do you think about if I say Do not think of an elephant. What are you naturally thinking of you? Can't help it, right you are thinking of an elephant when it's brought to your attention in that way when it just kind of laid out there. You can't help but you know thinking about it and in the same way in a little bit differently when the law is Define and exposed. It's like we can't help it involuntary we see and we acknowledge. I've already done tell me not to be jealous of now. I see clearly that I'm jealous of the time but you don't want to steal or lie or blaspheme. God will now I see that I do that all the time. I'm I'm bent. I'm broken. I hurt other people and I hurt. I'm a rebel if there is an authoritative line drawn in the sand. It just shows me that I do not want authority over myself. I want to be my highest Authority and that's it one commentator said it this way Satan would have us to prove. Ourselves Holy by that which God gave to prove us sinners Satan would love us to use the law to prove ourselves Holy by the tool the law with God gave us to prove our self Sooners. That's the point of the law is to expose and it's to provoke into what was meant to be a picture of God Holiness had become a monument to personal Pride. That's what was going on with the Galatians right there in here is to the law which is meant to expose their sin became a monument to their own private. Here's a perfect picture when the law was given an exodus and Moses came down from the mountain. What did he find people doing? They were worshipping a bronze gar. Golden calf it set up a monument for them self and idle. It's a it's a weird and ironic picture. But now what the Galatians had done and what we do to is instead of a golden calf setup is their Idol they have now taken the law and go great. That's just the new golden calf. The law is now their Idol. That's what they worship delighting and how close they adhere to the lighting and how long they've gone until they have broken a command. That's not the point of law. That's not the purpose of it at all Martin Luther explain the purpose really well when he says this.

The law cannot do anything except that with its light. It illumines the conscience force in death judgment and the hate and wrath of God before the law comes I am smug and do not worry about Sin when the law comes it shows me sin death and he'll surely this is not being justified. It is being sentenced being made an enemy of God being condemned to death and Hell there for the principal purpose of the law. And theology is to make men not better, but worse that is it shows them their sin so that by the recognition of sin they may be humbled and frightened and worn down and soap made for grace in for the Blessed offspring. That's the purpose of the lawn. No one talks like that anymore Lee absolutely should the point of the wise to make men sentenced and humbled and even frightened it look we don't talk about that a lot and in churches and that's so poor of us that the law is designed by God to flatten us. Who are we? Oh man, who are we before the holy God we are condemned. We are filthy rags Paul sales Ellsworth. What a dramatic change his own testimony was right. He was a Pharisee of Pharisees and he delighted in the law. And then when God broke in with Grace and he began to see the law for actually when it was really meant to be a noodle. That's not the point of this sermon, right? We know the law to know why it exists that he didn't know the proper use of the law and when he saw the proper use of the law Paul was flattened. The wall is not meant to say is meant to slay.

Cut our pride. cut men's

boastful idolatrous love of self and Rule and self Authority and simply flatten us. What is a gracious gracious God because that law was given until right? This will be said the second part was a time limit until the seed would come is just temporary. It's not a permanent stumbling block that lays in the Bible is not permitted stumbling block that lays in the world. We have this fantastic. Who created heaven and earth create a perfect relationship with Adam in the garden. It's broken by sin. Self acts Redemption. He comes to Abraham and just take this man has look I'm coming back. I'm going to bless the world through you. I was going to do it on my phone Grace. And then look I'm just going to you don't see that there's a problem. I'm going to expose the problem going to drop my holy law right in front of you and you can see how great your need is. Amanda sent you that's by the grace of God. But most of us see just a ladder to climb. Achievements to be gained. So Paul continues on to the next question in verse 21 is the wall then contrary to the promises of God. That is to say. Started with Abraham and he gave this promise then why the law I mean it was good too. Changes mind. Does he have a different plan now this different from the first promise. What's the deal? Certainly? Not the answers for if the law had been given or a lot been given that could give life then righteousness would indeed be by the law but the scripture imprisoned everything under sin so that the Promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe

Is the law of working against the promises of God the grace of God? No, it's not. There is no law that leads to right standing with God. No law. Friends, there is no biblical law that leads to right standing with God. It's not just one little thing. You can perform there is not a a church Duty ritual that you can do is not amount of money that you can pay. You don't pay with Shane and I have to walk on your knees and off the say a certain amount of prayers. You have to wear certain clothes you have to do certain things. Look at there was a law that led to right standing with God. Then the promises are a really of no use, right and Grace is of no use if you can earn it by your work, but that's not the case. And that's not the point of the law has answered our question right there while the law may be our Guardian. It can never be our savior. And like I said before the job of the law is not to save it is to slay. It is to kill Pride it is to expose hearts.

Publicans to pick up this illustration for the rest of the tax of a prison in a prison guard because the law is our garden in the law in prisons us and it becomes the focus of the text. Finish this thing kind of picture because when it says is that the law what it does is it begins to feel logically can find you? You can't save yourself. That's the whole point of all this sermon.

Is it left and right and up and down you can you can turn in an every point the losses prison guard? You're you're trapped. You're completely stuck. You can't get save that way. You can't get Redemption that way to the promises. Don't come that way Abundant Life does not come that way in The Lodges holes. There's a prison guard Edition Barnes the door and he crosses his arms is not is not going anywhere, but the law does and what it does is that it forces like like a sheep dog biting at your heels forcing you to go left and right kind of back-and-forth until you wind into that narrow path. And that singular gate of Christ. the Promises by faith according to verse 22 come through Jesus Christ The Offspring. Who would one day finally, it is coming through One Singular name. Does a gift of singular Grace by God Alone? Nothing that you have learned nothing that you can achieve.

Look, here's the whole point of every sermon. life as opposed to death and life abundantly. You were made for in the image of God to have a life redeemed and forever with God. That only comes by. Eternal promise for God's beginning of the Bible to the end of History & Beyond in eternity come singular and solitary through the name the seed the promise Christ and the law is just designed by God's grace to force Us in to that narrow way list you the promises for the sermons about such as technical theologies got a purpose and purposes that we live all this. Jargon all these thoughts. All these rigid arguments are because life is at stake eternal life Abundant Life children, if you're listening adult, and we're in the middle of a pandemic. in the world is Is played with death and sorrow?

in Christ gives life If we don't have Christ, then we might be a pandemic. It might be cancer might just be our age, but we will die and we will perish and that will be the end. But definitively the first fruits from the grave. death Cuz of the promises because of the singular grace of God, no longer has any sting. Death is not the last and final say there is life and life abundant.

John 10:10 says the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. Yes, he does but Jesus comes we may have life and have it abundantly 1st Corinthians 2:9, but as it is written what no eye has seen no ear has no court heard nor the heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love him Ephesians 3:20 now to him who is able to do far more abundantly all that. We ask or think according to the power at work within us to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever John 17:3. And this is eternal life that we know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent 1st John 5 10, whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself. Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar because he has not believed in the testimony that God has borne concerning his son and this is the testimony that God gave us eternal life and that this life is in his son. Whoever has the Run has wife. Whoever does not have the son does not have life. I write these things to you that you may believe in the name of the son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and finally Colossians 3:2 through for set your mind on the things that are above not on the things that are on the Earth. Can you have died and your life is hidden with Christ? And when Christ who is your life appears then you also will appear with him and glory and on and on and on we can go but this promise a promise of Abundant Life applies singularly to Jesus name in the world through all of history open your Bible to the very first page has has been played with this question of death. Why what's the point of all of it went along for life is a matter for your sincere religious or not. We long for a life and life abundantly cloth for it to be scratch for it and send to get it and the largest comes in and exposes Us in says you are broken and you are cursed under death and there's a stain upon you in their shame and guilt and before a holy God. You stand condemned you are not submitting to his authority you are bent and yet he gives Grace he gives Grace he gives Grace and he gives his son. Don't continue to look at Paul's argument in the great healer tonight's the words of God through Paul verse 23. Now before Faith came, we were held captive under the law that prison illustration. We were imprisoned until the coming face would be revealed. So then the law was our Guardian until Christ came in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come we are no longer under a guardian Grace God's Gift of Christ the in Christ fulfills the death sentence and remove the prison bars and the prison guard. And that's only applied to us by faith that prison trap that we're stuck right everywhere. We turned it was broken. So the guardian before the door binds the chains and the locks and stands there. But now the Christ is come. That sentence is paid in full. The Jailer the guard is gone. All of the law has been perfectly fulfilled. In a substitute given by Grace Christ and that sacrifice that Abraham split he didn't take part in and God said look, if you don't uphold your end of the bargain, I will become like this sacrifice Christ. Jesus became like that sacrifice salvation comes by. face All of these promises are only attached to us attributed to us not by our clawing to work at the law because salvation does not come by a law. Otherwise Grace would be no point. When did Grace anymore right does nullifies Grace it comes by receiving instead of achieving the whole point. the gospel salvation comes by humbly receiving instead of achieving

Let's finish up here Galatians 3 26 to 29 for in Christ Jesus. You are all sons of God through faith. For as many of you were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek. There is neither slave nor free and there is no male or female for you are all one in Christ Jesus and if you are Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring heirs according to the promise.

If you're Christ's. Christ Alone no one else's you were baptized into Christ if you have put on Christ. Now you have the inheritor the promise to Abraham you are the children of God cuz I come by your bloodline. Does it matter if you were Jewish by birth doesn't matter if you're male or female determine if you're Jewish or Greek slave or free it comes to you by the high cost of Christ through space. That's it. The prison bars are gone and we are in Christ and we are baptized this word for just a second of it closed baptized into Christ baptized into what what is it that we have put on cuz we put on Christ. What is that? We put on all of the Abundant Life from Abraham to us comes by faith in God's glorious gift of Grace. A Grace has a name and it's Jesus by Grace broke the curse of the law by his death as he pay for the sins of the world. I Grace fulfilled the promise of life as he rose from the grave death does not have the final Groupon us anymore in Christ. Everything is going to be okay to fear pandemic no fear of death. No fear of accusations against us or Shane. The accuser right Satan has been defamed roaring around like a lion with his teeth ripped out in Christ. We are sons of God. And it levels in the hierarchy across is cultural divide and Geographic barriers and economic and race and classes. It brings us all into the family of God, but High Cost of Christ. So why the law what's our questions word want? What's the point? the lost sheep dog spotting at your heels make a new wind like sheep. They can only go through one little gate. That's a great picture because Christ as I am. I'm the gate. I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me. That's the point of the law to narrow you down to whittle you into this point me. See it's not by my hands. It's not by my money. It's not by my reputation. It's not by my achieve and I by my good looks come by my church attendance. Eileen holy on Christ Alone Is Bloodshed 2 days ago we celebrated Good Friday and it is indeed good heavy, but good. With a curse of the law the mosaic Covenant was fulfilled not by your name. Praise God now by you and me. The wages of sin is death. Jesus drink the wrath of God to the drags. Today we celebrate. the Covenant of Abraham being fulfilled life and life abundant when Christ rose from the dead 3 days after his death all of the plague of the fear of the worry of Shame of guilt and ultimately this hanging over our head even if you you and I all of us this fear of death is over In Christ, everything is going to be okay. He's the first fruit born among the dead you and I when we pray when we pray, can we sing his songs and another song. We're about to sing We Sing to the Risen Christ. All of our daily worries and all of our daily needs Our Daily Bread our living water comes by Christ. So not only does our creation. Come by Christ. He's our maker of Our Redeemer. Is a look at us and see if it's invaluable and not worth the effort. For his own glory to drop the law in the history and it's a sentence against prideful man how foolish that some people just use it as a tool to boast their Prime Mike's people who believe they cling to it for your you know, your salvation. That's also Pride. That's the point of the law. It exposes that what it truly does for those who see it by the gracious hand of God flatten. You doesn't come to save it comes to slay. And then it lets her head and points you to The Offspring, but Christ will fulfill it for you.

Praise God. So what's the point of the law sheepdog prison guard But ultimately is over. It's fulfilled. It is finished it is done. What are you doing?

Solid Waste we stand amazed.

Tell me is it your word that it's a piece of it so valuable? We look at the Old Testament. We going to see old laws and rules. We look at the New Testament. We don't just see Petty arguments, but we see a powerful point.

Florida if you did not come in and expose us. What a travesty would be to live our lives. Would our own wisdom the weather on Pride. Play The Curse hanging over our head. There needs to be redemption in this world. You can only come by you help us to see it. How was the see it this morning in your Resurrection helps to see it as you die on a cross willingly for the sins of the world to see it in your words as you have wisdom above all of Earthly wisdom. Help us to see it in your power Lord that you are the maker of the sun and the stars and the moon the Healer of men bodies and mine supposed to see it in your reigning Sovereign control in this pandemic bless us Lord. We love you and your name and then

oh, we love you. Hope you have a fantastic Resurrection Sunday. You are created in the image of God. You are loved by God and by God's active Grace and he put your faith in Christ. You will be Redeemed by God abundant life isn't just for the end of your life. It is for eternity, but it is for today. If you trust in Christ, that's my testimony to use your password as many of your old testimonies if you trust in Christ, Living water is is daylight. Mercy is new and there is there is freedom. But he's a chain breaker. He is The Giver of Life we live. We love you. We can't wait to see you. I can't believe it's only been maybe a month this feels like it's been forever. We're continuing to be steadfast in prayer. God has not changed but the church is not in jeopardy a tall guy build his church. He's been doing it through plagues for centuries and centuries. And so we want to continue to be a steadfast witness to the sovereignty of God to our daily delight in God. We want to continue to be a church which means being connected. We went to pray for one another and we want to know what does parallel quests are so is a couple ways you can do that. I would have heard you today just to take some time. Would you call or text that you're from the church family the Gathering we normally see each other on Sundays. Would you take that intentional time every set an alarm or to do it right now? I just talked to someone to ask them. How are you doing? Checking on them? You can also go on our churches app. You have R app that you can download the the Gathering app and you can let everyone know your prayer request. That's a good way to do that or right here on the Facebook page. We want to continue to stay connected to do that with your neighbors continue to invest in them and maybe from a distance but I still know the field or are white for Harvest people are so just interested in talking about real things kind of a softball pitch to bringing in this good news that we celebrate right, but I was going to celebrate it for ourselves only but but give it as grace to the worlds were made for we are made to glorify God to continue to invest your neighbors in challenge you with one last thing is something I heard. I thought was really neat challenge was and if you're like me, but I've been washing my hands and absolutely wrought ever. Take this time to take these next few days and weeks as we just have to wash our hands so much and let's suppose remember Christ to remember our own need to do two things. One is your penis into to Just Breathe. Consolini don't know washing Grace of Christ, which came at the cross. We repent we would return we see that there's a payment made first then as we washed remember also how we are made clean and we are made refreshed by the grace of God. You can do at home with the kids that continues to store our hearts to our need to know about the Flash in our own sufficiency, but the bill live by the spirit, which is been the main theme of Galatians 3. I'm so thankful that you've joined us for the study and we will keep on charging through we love you, and we will see you soon.

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