5-31-20 Being a Light

2 Chronicles 14-16: Being a Light
Get Rid of the Dark (14:2-5, 15)
The fears and potential costs often stop people from giving up sin.
Asa chose to listen to God (15:1-2, 7).
Asa was motivated by courage rather than fear (15:8).
Turning away from the darkness is always right and always worth it.
Rely on the Lord (14:8-15)
Asa was confronted with a problem he couldn’t fix on his own (14:9).
Asa knew where his hope was (14:11)
God did exactly what He promised (14:12-13).
We don’t always have to know how but can trust that God will.
Staying True (16)
Asa faced a threat from Israel but handled it differently (16:1-3).
This showed he failed to rely on the Lord (16:7).
We must not forget what God has done in the past (16:8).
God is always there to give us strength in any situation (16:9).